require 'erb' require 'find' require 'pathname' require 'erb_asterisk/render' require 'erb_asterisk/inclusion' require 'erb_asterisk/yields' require 'erb_asterisk/utils' module ErbAsterisk include Render include Inclusion include Yields include Utils def execute(opts) init_instance(opts) load_project_file root = asterisk_root @templates_path = "#{root}templates".freeze render_files(root) export_includes(root) end private ERB_PROJECT_FILE = './erb_asterisk_project.rb'.freeze ERB_ASTERISK_CONF = 'asterisk.conf'.freeze ERB_ASTERISK_DIR = 'asterisk/'.freeze def init_instance(opts) @exports = {} @templates_path = '' @yields = {} user_path = opts[:templates].nil? ? '~/.erb_asterisk' : opts[:templates] @user_templates = File.expand_path("#{user_path}/templates") end def asterisk_root return './' if File.exist?(ERB_ASTERISK_CONF) return ERB_ASTERISK_DIR if Dir.exist?(ERB_ASTERISK_DIR) raise 'Asterisk configuration not found' end def load_project_file require ERB_PROJECT_FILE if File.exist?(ERB_PROJECT_FILE) end def render_files(root) erbs = load_erbs(root) # It does two round of rendering because of apply_line_to and yield_here. # First round accumulates apply_line_to declarations and converts # yield_here to yield_actual. render_erbs(erbs) # Second round replaces yield_actual with accumulated apply_line_to. render_erbs(erbs) save_erbs(erbs) export_includes(root) end def load_erbs(root) erbs = {} Find.find(root) do |f| next if next if f.start_with?(@templates_path) next unless f.end_with?('.erb') erbs[f] = { config: f.chomp('.erb'), content: } end erbs end def render_erbs(erbs) erbs.each do |file, value| # Declare global variable with current erb file name for include_to method: TOPLEVEL_BINDING.local_variable_set(:current_conf_file, value[:config]) erbs[file][:content] = new_erb(value[:content]).result end end def save_erbs(erbs) erbs.each { |_, value| File.write(value[:config], value[:content]) } end def export_includes(root) @exports.each do |include_file, content| content = content.sort_by { |i| -i[:priority] } result = content.reduce('') do |s, i| s << "; priority: #{i[:priority]}\n" if i[:priority] != 0 s << "#include \"#{i[:file].sub(root, '')}\"\n" end File.write("#{root}#{include_file}", result) end end def read_template(template) file_name = "#{template}.erb" project_template = "#{@templates_path}/#{file_name}" return if File.exist?(project_template) user_template = "#{@user_templates}/#{file_name}" return if File.exist?(user_template) raise "Template not found: #{template}" end def new_erb(content), nil, '-', '@erb_output') end def default_args!(args) args[:priority] = 0 if args[:priority].nil? end end