# Story TODO: link to the internal story ## Related TODO: links to related PRs or issues # Description TODO # Changes TODO: changes introduced by this PR # Checklist reminder - [ ] You added the changes to the `UNRELEASED` section of the `CHANGELOG.md`, including the needed bump (ie, patch, minor, major) - [ ] You follow the architecture outlined below for RSpec in Queue Mode, which is a work in progress (feel free to propose changes): - Pure: `lib/knapsack_pro/pure/queue/rspec_pure.rb` contains pure functions that are unit tested. - Extension: `lib/knapsack_pro/extensions/rspec_extension.rb` encapsulates calls to RSpec internals and is integration and e2e tested. - Runner: `lib/knapsack_pro/runners/queue/rspec_runner.rb` invokes the pure code and the extension to produce side effects, which are integration and e2e tested.