require 'spec_helper' describe Koality::Runner::Cane do let(:options) do{ :abc_file_pattern => '{app,lib}/**/.rb', :abc_threshold => 15, :abc_enabled => true, :style_file_pattern => '{app,lib}/**/.rb', :style_line_length_threshold => 80, :style_enabled => true, :code_coverage_enabled => false, :doc_file_pattern => '{app,lib}/**/.rb', :doc_enabled => false, :custom_thresholds => [[:>=, 'quality/foo', 42]], :total_violations_threshold => 5 }) end let(:runner) { runner = options } describe '.new' do it 'translates Koality options into the format Cane expects' do copts = runner.cane_options copts[:threshold].should == [[:>=, 'quality/foo', 42]] copts[:abc].should == { :files => '{app,lib}/**/.rb', :max => 15 } copts[:style].should == { :files => '{app,lib}/**/.rb', :measure => 80, } copts[:doc].should be_nil end end describe '#checkers' do it 'returns all checkers which have configured options' do runner.checkers.values.should include( Cane::Runner::CHECKERS[:abc], Cane::Runner::CHECKERS[:style], Cane::Runner::CHECKERS[:threshold] ) runner.checkers.values.should_not include(Cane::Runner::CHECKERS[:doc]) end end describe '#run_checker' do let(:checker) { stub('checker', :violations => [:violation_1, :violation_2]) } let(:reporter) { stub('reporter', :report => true) } before do Koality::Reporter::Cane.stubs(:start).yields(reporter) runner.checkers[:abc].stubs(:new).returns(checker) end it 'builds and runs the specified checker' do runner.checkers[:abc].expects(:new).with(runner.cane_options[:abc]).returns(checker) checker.expects(:violations) runner.run_checker(:abc) end it 'saves the violations' do runner.run_checker(:abc) runner.violations[:abc].should == [:violation_1, :violation_2] end it 'reports the violations' do reporter.expects(:report).with(:abc, [:violation_1, :violation_2]) runner.run_checker(:abc) end end describe '#run' do before do runner.stubs(:run_checker) end it 'clears the violations' do runner.violations.expects(:clear) end it 'runs each checker' do runner.stubs(:checkers).returns({ :abc => (abc = stub('abc_checker')), :style => (style = stub('style_checker')) }) runner.expects(:run_checker).with(:abc) runner.expects(:run_checker).with(:style) end it 'returns whether or not the run was successful' do runner.expects(:success?).returns(true) eql(true) runner.expects(:success?).returns(false) eql(false) end end describe '#success?' do before do runner.stubs(:violations).returns({:abc => [], :style => []}) end it 'returns true if the total is not exceeded and each type is not exceeded' do runner.expects(:exceeds_total_violations_threshold? => false) runner.expects(:exceeds_violations_threshold? => false).twice runner.success?.should be_true end it 'returns false if the total violations are exceeded' do runner.expects(:exceeds_total_violations_threshold? => true) runner.success?.should be_false end it 'returns false if the total is not exceeded but a single type does' do runner.stubs(:exceeds_total_violations_threshold? => false) runner.expects(:exceeds_violations_threshold?).with(:abc).returns(false) runner.expects(:exceeds_violations_threshold?).with(:style).returns(true) runner.success?.should be_false end end end