ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :float_data, :force => true do |t| t.float :temperature t.float :temperature_8, :limit => 8 t.float :temperature_24, :limit => 24 t.float :temperature_32, :limit => 32 t.float :temperature_53, :limit => 53 end create_table :table_with_real_columns, :force => true do |t| t.column :real_number, :real end create_table :defaults, :force => true do |t| t.column :positive_integer, :integer, :default => 1 t.column :negative_integer, :integer, :default => -1 t.column :decimal_number, :decimal, :precision => 3, :scale => 2, :default => 2.78 end create_table :string_defaults, :force => true do |t| t.column :string_with_null_default, :string, :default => nil t.column :string_with_pretend_null_one, :string, :default => 'null' t.column :string_with_pretend_null_two, :string, :default => '(null)' t.column :string_with_pretend_null_three, :string, :default => 'NULL' t.column :string_with_pretend_null_four, :string, :default => '(NULL)' t.column :string_with_pretend_paren_three, :string, :default => '(3)' t.column :string_with_multiline_default, :string, :default => "Some long default with a\nnew line." end create_table :sql_server_chronics, :force => true do |t| t.column :date, :date t.column :time, :time t.column :datetime, :datetime t.column :timestamp, :timestamp t.column :ss_timestamp, :ss_timestamp t.column :smalldatetime, :smalldatetime end create_table(:fk_test_has_fks, :force => true) { |t| t.column(:fk_id, :integer, :null => false) } create_table(:fk_test_has_pks, :force => true) { } execute <<-ADDFKSQL ALTER TABLE fk_test_has_fks ADD CONSTRAINT FK__fk_test_has_fk_fk_id FOREIGN KEY (#{quote_column_name('fk_id')}) REFERENCES #{quote_table_name('fk_test_has_pks')} (#{quote_column_name('id')}) ADDFKSQL create_table :sql_server_unicodes, :force => true do |t| t.column :nchar, :nchar t.column :nvarchar, :nvarchar t.column :ntext, :ntext t.column :ntext_10, :ntext, :limit => 10 t.column :nchar_10, :nchar, :limit => 10 t.column :nvarchar_100, :nvarchar, :limit => 100 if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.sqlserver_2005? || ActiveRecord::Base.connection.sqlserver_2008? t.column :nvarchar_max, :nvarchar_max t.column :nvarchar_max_10, :nvarchar_max, :limit => 10 end end create_table :sql_server_strings, :force => true do |t| t.column :char, :char t.column :char_10, :char, :limit => 10 if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.sqlserver_2005? || ActiveRecord::Base.connection.sqlserver_2008? t.column :varchar_max, :varchar_max t.column :varchar_max_10, :varchar_max, :limit => 10 end end create_table :sql_server_binary_types, :force => true do |t| # TODO: Add some different native binary types and test. end create_table :sql_server_edge_schemas, :force => true do |t| t.string :description t.column :bigint, :bigint t.column :tinyint, :tinyint t.column :guid, :uniqueidentifier end execute %|ALTER TABLE [sql_server_edge_schemas] ADD [guid_newid] uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NEWID();| execute %|ALTER TABLE [sql_server_edge_schemas] ADD [guid_newseqid] uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NEWSEQUENTIALID();| unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.sqlserver_2000? create_table 'quoted-table', :force => true do |t| end execute "IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'quoted-view1') DROP VIEW [quoted-view1]" execute "CREATE VIEW [quoted-view1] AS SELECT * FROM [quoted-table]" execute "IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'quoted-view2') DROP VIEW [quoted-view2]" execute "CREATE VIEW [quoted-view2] AS \n /*#{'x'*4000}}*/ \n SELECT * FROM [quoted-table]" execute "IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'customers_view') DROP VIEW customers_view" execute <<-CUSTOMERSVIEW CREATE VIEW customers_view AS SELECT id, name, balance FROM customers CUSTOMERSVIEW execute "IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'string_defaults_view') DROP VIEW string_defaults_view" execute <<-STRINGDEFAULTSVIEW CREATE VIEW string_defaults_view AS SELECT id, string_with_pretend_null_one as pretend_null FROM string_defaults STRINGDEFAULTSVIEW execute "IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'string_defaults_big_view') DROP VIEW string_defaults_big_view" execute <<-STRINGDEFAULTSBIGVIEW CREATE VIEW string_defaults_big_view AS SELECT id, string_with_pretend_null_one as pretend_null /*#{'x'*4000}}*/ FROM string_defaults STRINGDEFAULTSBIGVIEW end