module Slather module CoverageService module SimpleOutput def coverage_file_class if input_format == "profdata" Slather::ProfdataCoverageFile else Slather::CoverageFile end end private :coverage_file_class def post total_project_lines = 0 total_project_lines_tested = 0 coverage_files.each do |coverage_file| # ignore lines that don't count towards coverage (comments, whitespace, etc). These are nil in the array. lines_tested = coverage_file.num_lines_tested total_lines = coverage_file.num_lines_testable percentage = decimal_f([coverage_file.percentage_lines_tested]) total_project_lines_tested += lines_tested total_project_lines += total_lines puts "#{coverage_file.source_file_pathname_relative_to_repo_root}: #{lines_tested} of #{total_lines} lines (#{percentage}%)" end # check if there needs to be custom reporting based on the ci service if ci_service == :teamcity # TeamCity Build Statistic Reporting # # Reporting format ##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='<valueTypeKey>' value='<value>'] # key='CodeCoverageAbsLCovered' is total number of lines covered # key='CodeCoverageAbsLTotal' is total number of lines # # Sources: # - # - puts "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageAbsLCovered' value='%i']" % total_project_lines_tested puts "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageAbsLTotal' value='%i']" % total_project_lines end total_percentage = decimal_f([(total_project_lines_tested / total_project_lines.to_f) * 100.0]) puts "Tested #{total_project_lines_tested}/#{total_project_lines} statements" puts "Test Coverage: #{total_percentage}%" end end end end