require 'rbbt' require 'rbbt/tsv' require 'rbbt/segment' require 'rbbt/ner/NER' require 'rbbt/segment/token' class TokenTrieNER < NER def self.clean(token, stem = false) if token.length > 3 upcase = token !~ /[a-z]/ token = token.downcase.sub(/-/,'') if stem && ! upcase require 'stemmer' if stem == :double token = token.stem.stem else token = token.stem end end token else token end end def self.prepare_token(token, start, extend_to_token = true, no_clean = false, stem = false) if no_clean if extend_to_token Token.setup(token, :offset => start, :original => token) else token end else if extend_to_token Token.setup(clean(token, stem), :offset => start, :original => token) else clean(token, stem) end end end def self.tokenize(text, extend_to_token = true, split_at = nil, no_clean = false, stem = false, start = 0) split_at = /\s|(\(|\)|[-."':,;])/ if split_at.nil? tokens = [] while matchdata = text.match(split_at) tokens << prepare_token(matchdata.pre_match, start, extend_to_token, no_clean, stem) unless matchdata.pre_match.empty? tokens << prepare_token(matchdata.captures.first, start + matchdata.begin(1), extend_to_token, no_clean, stem) if matchdata.captures.any? and not matchdata.captures.first.empty? start += matchdata.end(0) text = matchdata.post_match end tokens << prepare_token(text, start, extend_to_token, no_clean, stem) unless text.empty? tokens end #{{{ Process dictionary module EnumeratedArray attr_accessor :pos def self.extended(array) array.pos = 0 end def last? @pos == length - 1 end def advance @pos += 1 end def back @pos -= 1 end def next e = self[@pos] advance e end def peek self[@pos] end def left? @pos < length end end class Code attr_accessor :code, :type def initialize(code, type = nil) @code = code @type = type end def to_s [type, code] * ":" end end def self.index_for_tokens(tokens, code, type = nil, slack = nil) if not tokens.left? {:END => [, type)]} else head = if (slack.nil? or not res = {head => index_for_tokens(tokens, code, type, slack)} else res = {head => index_for_tokens(tokens, code, type, slack)}.merge(index_for_tokens(tokens, code, type, slack)) end tokens.back res end end def self.merge(index1, index2) index1.write if index1.respond_to? :write and not index1.write? index2.each do |key, new_index2| case when key == :END end1 = index1[:END] || [] end1 += new_index2.reject{|new| end1.collect{|e| e.to_s }.include? new.to_s } end1.uniq! index1[:END] = end1 when index1.include?(key) new = merge(index1[key], new_index2) index1[key] = new else index1[key] = new_index2 end end if index1.respond_to? :read index1 end def self.process(index, hash, type = nil, slack = nil, split_at = nil, no_clean = false, stem = false) chunk_size = hash.size / 100 items_in_chunk = 0 tmp_index = {} hash.send(hash.respond_to?(:through)? :through : :each) do |code, names| names = Array === names ? names : [names] names.flatten! if Array === names.first and not Segment === names.first.first if names.empty? names.unshift code unless TSV === hash and not (hash.fields.nil? or hash.fields.empty?) end names.each do |name| next if name.empty? or (String === name and name.length < 2) tokens = Array === name ? name : tokenize(name, false, split_at, no_clean, stem) tokens.extend EnumeratedArray token_index = index_for_tokens(tokens, code, type, slack) tmp_index = merge(tmp_index, token_index) unless tokens.empty? items_in_chunk += 1 if items_in_chunk > chunk_size index = merge(index, tmp_index) tmp_index = {} items_in_chunk = 0 end end end index = merge(index, tmp_index) index end #{{{ Matching def self.follow(index, head) res = nil if index.include? head return index[head] end return nil unless (not TokyoCabinet::HDB === index ) and index.include? :PROCS index[:PROCS].each do |key,value| return value if end nil end def self.find_fail(index, tokens, head, longest_match, slack, first) if Proc === slack and not first and not head.nil? and tokens.left? and matches = find(index, tokens, longest_match, slack, false) # Recursion if not matches.nil? matches.last.unshift head return matches end end tokens.back return nil end def self.find(index, tokens, longest_match = true, slack = nil, first = true) head = next_index = follow(index, head) return find_fail(index, tokens, head, longest_match, slack, first) if next_index.nil? if not tokens.left? if next_index.include? :END return [next_index[:END], [head]] else return find_fail(index, tokens, head, longest_match, slack, first) end else return [next_index[:END], [head]] if next_index.include?(:END) and not longest_match matches = find(next_index, tokens, longest_match, slack, false) # Recursion if not matches.nil? matches.last.unshift head return matches end return [next_index[:END], [head]] if next_index.include?(:END) return find_fail(index, tokens, head, longest_match, slack, first) end end def self.make_match(match_tokens, type, codes) match = "" match_offset = match_tokens.first.offset match_tokens.each{|t| match << " " * (t.offset - (match_offset + match.length)) if t.offset > (match_offset + match.length) match << ((t.respond_to?(:original) and not t.original.nil?) ? t.original : t) } type = type.first NamedEntity.setup(match, :offset => match_tokens.first.offset, :entity_type => type, :code => codes, :type => type) end attr_accessor :index, :longest_match, :type, :slack, :split_at, :no_clean, :stem def initialize(type = nil, file = nil, options = {}) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :longest_match => true, :no_clean => false, :slack => nil, :split_at => nil, :persist => false @slack = slack @longest_match = options.delete :longest_match @split_at = options.delete :split_at @no_clean = options.delete :no_clean @stem = options.delete :stem file = [] if file.nil? file = [file] unless Array === file persist_options = Misc.pull_keys options, :persist @index = Persist.persist_tsv(file, options, persist_options) do |data| data.serializer = :marshal if data.respond_to? :serializer and data.serializer == :type @index = data file.each do |f| merge(f, type) end @index end end def merge(new, type = nil) case when TokenTrieNER === new Log.debug "TokenTrieNER merging other TokenTrieNER" TokenTrieNER.merge(@index, new.index) when TSV === new Log.debug "TokenTrieNER merging TSV" new.with_unnamed do new.with_monitor({:step => 1000, :desc => "Processing TSV into TokenTrieNER"}) do TokenTrieNER.process(@index, new, type, slack, split_at, no_clean, stem) end end when Hash === new Log.debug "TokenTrieNER merging Hash" TokenTrieNER.merge(@index, new) when String === new Log.debug "TokenTrieNER merging file: #{ new }" new =, :flat) new.with_unnamed do new.with_monitor({:step => 1000, :desc => "Processing TSV into TokenTrieNER"}) do TokenTrieNER.process(@index, new, type, slack, split_at, no_clean, stem) end end end end def match(text) tokens = Array === text ? text : TokenTrieNER.tokenize(text, true, split_at, no_clean, stem) tokens.extend EnumeratedArray tokens.pos = 0 matches = [] while tokens.left? new_matches = TokenTrieNER.find(@index, tokens, longest_match, slack) if new_matches codes, match_tokens = new_matches matches << TokenTrieNER.make_match(match_tokens, codes.collect{|c| c.type}, codes.collect{|c| c.code}) else tokens.advance end end matches end end