# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim # The data store for a Consultation in the Decidim::Consultations component. class Consultation < ApplicationRecord include Decidim::Participable include Decidim::Publicable include Decidim::Resourceable include Decidim::Consultations::PublicableResults include Decidim::Traceable include Decidim::Loggable include Decidim::ParticipatorySpaceResourceable include Decidim::Randomable include Decidim::Searchable include Decidim::HasUploadValidations include Decidim::TranslatableResource include Decidim::FilterableResource translatable_fields :title, :subtitle, :description belongs_to :organization, foreign_key: "decidim_organization_id", class_name: "Decidim::Organization" belongs_to :highlighted_scope, foreign_key: "decidim_highlighted_scope_id", class_name: "Decidim::Scope" has_many :questions, foreign_key: "decidim_consultation_id", class_name: "Decidim::Consultations::Question", inverse_of: :consultation, dependent: :destroy alias component_ids question_ids validates :slug, uniqueness: { scope: :organization } validates :slug, presence: true, format: { with: Decidim::Consultation.slug_format } has_one_attached :banner_image validates_upload :banner_image, uploader: Decidim::BannerImageUploader has_one_attached :introductory_image validates_upload :introductory_image, uploader: Decidim::BannerImageUploader scope :upcoming, -> { published.where("start_voting_date > ?", Time.now.utc) } scope :active, lambda { published .where("start_voting_date <= ?", Time.now.utc) .where("end_voting_date >= ?", Time.now.utc) } scope :finished, -> { published.where("end_voting_date < ?", Time.now.utc) } scope :order_by_most_recent, -> { order(created_at: :desc) } scope_search_multi :with_any_date, [:active, :upcoming, :finished] searchable_fields({ participatory_space: :itself, A: :title, B: :subtitle, D: :description, datetime: :published_at }, index_on_create: ->(_process) { false }, index_on_update: ->(process) { process.visible? }) def to_param slug end def upcoming? start_voting_date > Time.now.utc end def active? start_voting_date <= Time.now.utc && end_voting_date >= Time.now.utc end def finished? end_voting_date < Time.now.utc end def highlighted_questions questions.published.where(decidim_scope_id: decidim_highlighted_scope_id) end def questions_by_scope questions.published.group_by(&:scope) end def total_votes @total_votes ||= questions.published.sum(:votes_count) end def total_participants @total_participants ||= questions.published.joins(:votes).select(:decidim_author_id).distinct.count end # This method exists with the only purpose of getting rid of whats seems to be an issue in # the new scope picker: This engine is a bit special: consultations and questions are a kind of # nested participatory spaces. When a new question is created the consultation is the participatory space. # Since seems that the scope picker is asking to the current participatory space for its scope # this method is necessary to exist an return nil in order to be able to browse the scope hierarchy def scope nil end def closed? !active? end # Create i18n ransackers for :title, :subtitle and :description. # Create the :search_text ransacker alias for searching from all of these. ransacker_i18n_multi :search_text, [:title, :subtitle, :description] def self.ransackable_scopes(_auth_object = nil) [:with_any_date] end end end