# = A better RDoc HTML template # # Code rewritten by: # Erik Hollensbe # # RubyGems integration properly done by: # James Tucker (aka raggi) # # Original Authors: # Mislav Marohnic # Tony Strauss (http://github.com/DesigningPatterns) # Michael Granger , who had maintained the original RDoc template require 'pathname' require 'erb' require 'rdoc/rdoc' unless defined?(RDoc::Markup::ToHtml) require 'rdoc/generator' class RDoc::Markup::ToHtml LIST_TYPE_TO_HTML[:LABEL] = ['', '
'] LIST_TYPE_TO_HTML[:NOTE] = ['', '
'] alias list_item_start list_item_start def list_item_start(list_item, list_type) case list_type when :BULLET, :LALPHA, :NUMBER, :UALPHA then "
  • " when :LABEL, :NOTE then "#{Array(list_item.label).map{|label| to_html(label)}.join("
    ")}" else raise RDoc::Error, "Invalid list type: #{list_type.inspect}" end end alias list_end_for list_end_for def list_end_for(list_type) case list_type when :BULLET, :LALPHA, :NUMBER, :UALPHA then "
  • " when :LABEL, :NOTE then "" else raise RDoc::Error, "Invalid list type: #{list_type.inspect}" end end end class RDoc::Generator::Hanna STYLE = 'styles.css' LAYOUT = 'layout.erb' INDEX_PAGE = 'index.erb' CLASS_PAGE = 'page.erb' METHOD_LIST_PAGE = 'method_list.erb' FILE_PAGE = CLASS_PAGE SECTIONS_PAGE = 'sections.erb' FILE_INDEX = 'file_index.erb' CLASS_INDEX = 'class_index.erb' METHOD_INDEX = 'method_index.erb' CLASS_DIR = 'classes' FILE_DIR = 'files' INDEX_OUT = 'index.html' FILE_INDEX_OUT = 'fr_file_index.html' CLASS_INDEX_OUT = 'fr_class_index.html' METHOD_INDEX_OUT = 'fr_method_index.html' STYLE_OUT = File.join('css', 'style.css') METHOD_SEARCH_JS = "method_search.js" DESCRIPTION = 'RDoc generator designed with simplicity, beauty and ease of browsing in mind' # EPIC CUT AND PASTE TIEM NAO -- GG RDoc::RDoc.add_generator( self ) def self::for( options ) new( options ) end def initialize( store, options ) @options = options @store = store @templatedir = Pathname.new File.expand_path('../hanna-nouveau/template_files', __FILE__) @files = nil @classes = nil @methods = nil @attributes = nil @basedir = Pathname.pwd.expand_path end def generate @outputdir = Pathname.new( @options.op_dir ).expand_path( @basedir ) @files = @store.all_files.sort @classes = @store.all_classes_and_modules.sort @methods = @classes.map {|m| m.method_list }.flatten.sort @attributes = @classes.map(&:attributes).flatten.sort # Now actually write the output write_static_files generate_indexes generate_class_files generate_file_files rescue StandardError => err p [ err.class.name, err.message, err.backtrace.join("\n ") ] raise end def write_static_files css_dir = outjoin('css') unless File.directory?(css_dir) FileUtils.mkdir css_dir end File.binwrite(File.join(css_dir, 'style.css'), File.read(templjoin(STYLE))) end # FIXME refactor def generate_indexes @main_page_uri = @files.find { |f| f.name == @options.main_page }.path rescue '' File.binwrite(outjoin(INDEX_OUT), erb_template(templjoin(INDEX_PAGE)).to_html(binding)) generate_index(FILE_INDEX_OUT, FILE_INDEX, 'File', { :files => @files}) generate_index(CLASS_INDEX_OUT, CLASS_INDEX, 'Class', { :classes => @classes }) generate_index(METHOD_INDEX_OUT, METHOD_INDEX, 'Method', { :methods => @methods, :attributes => @attributes }) File.binwrite(outjoin(METHOD_SEARCH_JS), File.binread(templjoin(METHOD_SEARCH_JS))) end def generate_index(outfile, templfile, index_name, values) values.merge!({ :stylesheet => STYLE_OUT, :list_title => "#{index_name} Index" }) index = erb_template(templjoin(templfile)) File.binwrite(outjoin(outfile), with_layout(values){index.to_html(binding, values)}) end def generate_file_files file_page = erb_template(templjoin(FILE_PAGE)) method_list_page = erb_template(templjoin(METHOD_LIST_PAGE)) # FIXME non-Ruby files @files.each do |file| path = Pathname.new(file.path) stylesheet = Pathname.new(STYLE_OUT).relative_path_from(path.dirname) values = { :file => file, :entry => file, :stylesheet => stylesheet, :classmod => nil, :title => file.base_name, :list_title => nil, :description => file.description } result = with_layout(values) do file_page.to_html(binding, :values => values) do method_list_page.to_html(binding, values) end end # FIXME XXX sanity check dir = path.dirname unless File.directory? dir FileUtils.mkdir_p dir end File.binwrite(outjoin(file.path), result) end end def generate_class_files class_page = erb_template(templjoin(CLASS_PAGE)) method_list_page = erb_template(templjoin(METHOD_LIST_PAGE)) sections_page = erb_template(templjoin(SECTIONS_PAGE)) # FIXME refactor @classes.each do |klass| outfile = classfile(klass) stylesheet = Pathname.new(STYLE_OUT).relative_path_from(outfile.dirname) sections = {} klass.each_section do |section, constants, attributes| method_types = [] alias_types = [] klass.methods_by_type(section).each do |type, visibilities| visibilities.each do |visibility, methods| aliases, methods = methods.partition{|x| x.is_alias_for} method_types << ["#{visibility.to_s.capitalize} #{type.to_s.capitalize}", methods.sort] unless methods.empty? alias_types << ["#{visibility.to_s.capitalize} #{type.to_s.capitalize}", aliases.sort] unless aliases.empty? end end sections[section] = {:constants=>constants, :attributes=>attributes, :method_types=>method_types, :alias_types=>alias_types} end values = { :file => klass.path, :entry => klass, :stylesheet => stylesheet, :classmod => klass.type, :title => klass.full_name, :list_title => nil, :description => klass.description, :sections => sections } result = with_layout(values) do h = {:values => values} class_page.to_html(binding, h) do method_list_page.to_html(binding, h) + sections_page.to_html(binding, h) end end # FIXME XXX sanity check dir = outfile.dirname unless File.directory? dir FileUtils.mkdir_p dir end File.binwrite(outfile, result) end end def with_layout(values) layout = erb_template(templjoin(LAYOUT)) layout.to_html(binding, :values => values) { yield } end def sanitize_code_blocks(text) text.gsub(/
    (.+?)<\/pre>/m) do
          code = $1.sub(/^\s*\n/, '')
          indent = code.gsub(/\n[ \t]*\n/, "\n").scan(/^ */).map{ |i| i.size }.min
          code.gsub!(/^#{' ' * indent}/, '') if indent > 0
    " end end # probably should bring in nokogiri/libxml2 to do this right.. not sure if # it's worth it. def frame_link(content) content.gsub(%r!' out << link_to(text, classfile(klass)) end subentries = @classes.select { |x| x.full_name[/^#{klass.full_name}::/] } subentries.each { |x| namespaces[x.full_name] = true } out << "\n
      " + render_class_tree(subentries, klass) + "\n
    " if klass.document_self out << '' end end out end end def link_to(text, url = nil, classname = nil) class_attr = classname ? ' class="%s"' % classname : '' if url %[
    #{text}] elsif classname %[#{text}] else text end end # +method_text+ is in the form of "ago (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)". def link_to_method(entry, url = nil, classname = nil) method_name = entry.pretty_name rescue entry.name module_name = entry.parent_name rescue entry.name link_to %Q(#{h method_name} (#{h module_name})), url, classname end def classfile(klass) # FIXME sloooooooow Pathname.new(File.join(CLASS_DIR, klass.full_name.split('::')) + '.html') end def outjoin(name) File.join(@outputdir, name) end def templjoin(name) File.join(@templatedir, name) end class ERB < ::ERB def to_html(binding, values = nil, &block) local_values = {} binding.local_variables.each do |lv| local_values[lv] = binding.local_variable_get(lv) end binding.local_variable_set(:values, values) if values binding.local_variable_set(:block, block) if block html = result(binding) local_values.each do |lv, val| binding.local_variable_set(lv, val) end html end end def erb_template(file) ERB.new(File.read(file)) end end