load './bin/hostspec' include Iqeo::Hostspec require 'stringio' describe Runner do it 'expects an array of arguments' do expect { Runner.run }.to raise_error expect { Runner.run nil }.to raise_error expect { Runner.run '' }.to raise_error expect { Runner.run [], out: StringIO.new, err: StringIO.new }.to_not raise_error end it 'accepts single host spec for argument with no switches' do Runner.run( [''], out: StringIO.new, err: StringIO.new ).should eq 0 Runner.run( [''], out: StringIO.new, err: StringIO.new ).should eq 0 Runner.run( ['10,11.20-29.30,31-38,39.40'], out: StringIO.new, err: StringIO.new ).should eq 0 Runner.run( ['localhost.iqeo.net'], out: StringIO.new, err: StringIO.new ).should eq 0 end it 'accepts multiple host specs for arguments with no switches' do Runner.run( ['',''], out: StringIO.new, err: StringIO.new ).should eq 0 Runner.run( ['10,11.20-29.30,31-38,39.40',''], out: StringIO.new, err: StringIO.new ).should eq 0 Runner.run( ['localhost.iqeo.net','',''], out: StringIO.new, err: StringIO.new ).should eq 0 end it 'expects valid single host spec or prints error' do error = StringIO.new Runner.run( ['no-such-host/xyz'], out: StringIO.new, err: error ).should eq 3 error.string.should include 'Error' end it 'expects valid multiple host specs or prints error' do error = StringIO.new Runner.run( ['no-such-host/xyz',''], out: StringIO.new, err: error ).should eq 3 error.string.should include 'Error' end it 'lists single host spec IP addresses to stdout for no command (-c/--cmd) switch' do output = StringIO.new Runner.run( [''], out: output ) output.string.should eq "\n1.1.1.2\n1.1.1.3\n1.1.1.4\n1.1.1.5\n" end it 'lists multiple host spec IP addresses to stdout for no command (-c/--cmd) switch' do output = StringIO.new Runner.run( ['',',6,8'], out: output ) output.string.should eq "\n1.1.1.2\n1.1.1.3\n1.1.1.4\n1.1.1.5\n2.2.2.4\n2.2.2.6\n2.2.2.8\n" end it 'accepts host specs for arguments before command (-c/--cmd) switch' do Runner.run( ['','','-c' ,'#'], out: StringIO.new, err: StringIO.new ).should eq 0 Runner.run( ['','','--cmd','#'], out: StringIO.new, err: StringIO.new ).should eq 0 end it 'expects a command argument after command (-c/--cmd) switch or prints error' do [['-c'],['-c',nil],['-c',''],['--cmd'],['--cmd',nil],['--cmd','']].each do |args| error = StringIO.new Runner.run( ['','',*args], out: StringIO.new, err: error ).should eq 2 error.string.should include 'Error' end end it 'prints an error message to stderr for no arguments' do error = StringIO.new Runner.run( [], out: StringIO.new, err: error ).should eq 1 error.string.should include 'Error' end it 'prints a helpful message to stderr for help (-h/--help) switch' do [['-h'],['','-h'],['-h',''],['','-h',''],['--help'],['','--help'],['--help',''],['','--help','']].each do |args| error = StringIO.new Runner.run( args, out: StringIO.new, err: error ).should eq 0 error.string.should include 'hostspec' end end it 'prints version info to stderr for version (-v/--version) switch' do [['-v'],['','-v'],['-v',''],['','-v',''],['--version'],['','--version'],['--version',''],['','--version','']].each do |args| error = StringIO.new Runner.run( args, out: StringIO.new, err: error ).should eq 0 error.string.should include 'hostspec' error.string.should include Iqeo::Hostspec::VERSION end end it 'executes the argument after the command (-c/--cmd) switch as a shell command' do File.delete 'test.txt' if File.exists? 'test.txt' Runner.run( ['','','-c','echo X >> test.txt'] ).should eq 0 File.read('test.txt').should eq "X\n" * 6 File.delete 'test.txt' if File.exists? 'test.txt' end it 'provides hostspec values to command via environment variables $HOSTSPEC_IP, $HOSTSPEC_MASK, $HOSTSPEC_MASKLEN, $HOSTSPEC_COUNT, $HOSTSPEC_INDEX' do File.delete 'test.txt' if File.exists? 'test.txt' Runner.run( ['','','-c','echo $HOSTSPEC_IP $HOSTSPEC_MASK $HOSTSPEC_MASKLEN $HOSTSPEC_COUNT $HOSTSPEC_INDEX >> test.txt'] ) File.read('test.txt').should eq " 32 3 1\n1.1.1.2 32 3 2\n1.1.1.3 32 3 3\n2.2.2.1 32 3 1\n2.2.2.2 32 3 2\n2.2.2.3 32 3 3\n" File.delete 'test.txt' if File.exists? 'test.txt' end it 'returns 0 on successful execution of commands' do Runner.run( ['','-c','echo'] ).should eq 0 end it 'returns 4 on failure of execution of any command' do Runner.run( ['','-c',"no-way-this-is-a-valid-command-#{rand(99999999)}"] ).should eq 4 end end