%fieldset.ng-cloak %legend Required Info .control-group{"ng-class" => "{error: ! data.organization.valid_name}"} = form.label :name, "Organization Name", :class => 'control-label' .controls = form.text_field :name, :placeholder => 'Example Organization', :required => true, :class => 'input-xlarge no-fa', "ng-model" => "data.organization.name", "ng-init" => "data.organization.name = '#{form.object.name}'" %p.text-error{"ng-hide" => "data.organization.valid_name"} Artful.ly already has an organization with this name and zip code. If you forgot your password or would like to be added to the pre-existing organization please email #{mail_to "support@artful.ly"}. .control-group = form.label :email, 'Organization Email', :class=>'control-label' .controls = form.email_field :email, :placeholder => 'contact@organization.org', :required => true, :class => 'input-xlarge email-popup', "data-content" => "Your patrons will be able to respond to this email address when receiving ticket/donation receipts. You can change this at any time." %span.help-inline (default contact for your patrons) %fieldset %legend Details .control-group = form.label :country, :class => 'control-label' .controls= form.select :country, [(h form.object.country || "United States")], selected: (form.object.country || "United States"), :required => true .control-group .control-label.form-inline = form.label :state, 'State' & = form.label :zip, 'Zip' .controls = form.select :state, [nil, (h form.object.state || "New York")], selected: (form.object.state), :required => true = form.text_field :zip, :placeholder => '10001', :class => 'span1', :required => true, "ng-model" => "data.organization.zip", "ng-init" => "data.organization.zip = '#{form.object.zip}'" .control-group = form.label :phone_number, 'Phone Number', :class => 'control-label' .controls= form.text_field :phone_number, :placeholder => '(888) 692-7878', :required => true .control-group = form.label :website, :class => 'control-label' .controls .input-prepend %span.add-on http:// = form.text_field :website, :placeholder => 'example.com' .control-group = form.label :discipline, :class => 'control-label hidden' .controls= form.select :discipline, ['Dance', 'Film & Electronic Media', 'Literary Arts', 'Music', 'Theater', 'Visual Arts', 'Other'], {:include_blank => 'What kind of work does your organization primarily do?'}, {:class => 'span5', :required => true} .control-group = form.label :time_zone, "Time Zone", :class => 'control-label' .controls= form.time_zone_select :time_zone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone.us_zones, {:default => "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"}, {:class => 'span5', :required => true} .control-group %label.controls.checkbox = form.check_box :receive_daily_sales_report Send me emails summarizing my sales for each day.