require 'spec_helper' require 'monkey_butler/targets/cassandra/cassandra_target' require 'monkey_butler/databases/cassandra_database' describe MonkeyButler::Targets::CassandraTarget do let(:thor_class) { MonkeyButler::CLI } let!(:project_root) { clone_temp_sandbox(:cassandra) } let(:project) { MonkeyButler::Project.load(project_root) } let(:database) { } before(:each) do database.drop end describe "#init" do let(:path) do Dir.mktmpdir.tap { |path| FileUtils.remove_entry(path) } end it "generates a new migration with the given name" do invoke!(["init", "-d", "cassandra://localhost:9170/sandbox", path]) migration = Dir.entries(File.join(path, 'migrations')).detect { |f| f =~ /\d{15}_create_.+\.cql/ } migration.should_not be_nil end end describe "#new" do it "generates a new migration with the given name" do invoke!(%w{new add_column_to_table}) migration = Dir.entries(File.join(project_root, 'migrations')).detect { |f| f =~ /add_column_to_table\.cql/ } migration.should_not be_nil end end describe "#dump" do before(:each) do database = database.create_migrations_table database.insert_version(123) end it "dumps the database" do invoke!(%w{dump}) content =, project.schema_path)) content.should =~ /CREATE KEYSPACE sandbox/ end it "dumps the schema_migrations rows" do invoke!(%w{dump}) content =, project.schema_path)) content.should =~ /INSERT INTO schema_migrations\(partition_key, version\) VALUES \(0, 123\);/ end context "when there are extra keyspaces specified" do before(:each) do database.client.execute "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS extra1 WITH replication = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};" database.client.execute "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS extra2 WITH replication = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};" end it "dumps the additional keyspaces" do project.config['cassandra.keyspaces'] = %w{extra1 extra2}!(project_root) invoke!(%w{dump}) content =, project.schema_path)) content.should =~ /CREATE KEYSPACE extra1/ content.should =~ /CREATE KEYSPACE extra2/ end end end describe "#load" do before(:each) do @database = @database.create_migrations_table invoke!(%w{dump}) @database.drop end it "loads the database" do expect(@database.migrations_table?).to be_false invoke!(%w{load}) expect(@database.migrations_table?).to be_true end end describe "#status" do context "when the database is empty" do before(:each) do database.drop end it "shows status" do output = invoke!(%w{status}) output[:stdout].should =~ /New database/ output[:stdout].should =~ /The database at 'cassandra:\/\/localhost:9042\/sandbox' does not have a 'schema_migrations' table./ end end context "when the database is up to date" do before(:each) do database.create_migrations_table database.insert_version(12345) end it "tells the user the database is up to date" do output = invoke!(%w{status}) output[:stdout].should =~ /Current version: 12345/ output[:stdout].should =~ /Database is up to date./ end end context "when there are migrations to apply" do before(:each) do, 'migrations/20140523123443021_add_another_table.cql'), 'w') do |f| f << "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sandbox.another_table (some_column VARINT, PRIMARY KEY (some_column));" end database.create_migrations_table database.insert_version(12345) end it "tells the user there is a migration to apply" do output = invoke!(%w{status}) output[:stdout].should =~ /The database at 'cassandra:\/\/localhost:9042\/sandbox' is 1 version behind 20140523123443021/ output[:stdout].should =~ /pending migration: migrations\/20140523123443021_add_another_table.cql/ end end end describe "#migrate" do context "when the database is empty" do before(:each) do database.drop end it "shows migrate" do output = invoke!(%w{migrate}) output[:stdout].should =~ /Database is up to date./ end end context "when the database is up to date" do before(:each) do database.create_migrations_table database.insert_version(12345) end it "tells the user the database is up to date" do output = invoke!(%w{migrate}) output[:stdout].should =~ /Database is up to date./ end end context "when there are migrations to apply" do before(:each) do, 'migrations/20140523123443021_add_another_table.cql'), 'w') do |f| f << "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sandbox.another_table (some_column VARINT, PRIMARY KEY (some_column));" end database.create_migrations_table database.insert_version(12345) end it "tells the user there is a migration to apply" do output = invoke!(%w{migrate}) output[:stdout].should =~ /applying migration: migrations\/20140523123443021_add_another_table.cql/ output[:stdout].should =~ /Migration to version 20140523123443021 complete./ end end end describe "#drop" do before(:each) do database.create_migrations_table database.insert_version(123) database.client.execute "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS extra1 WITH replication = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};" database.client.execute "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS extra2 WITH replication = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};" project.config['cassandra.keyspaces'] = %w{extra1 extra2}!(project_root) end it "drops all keyspaces" do invoke!(%w{drop}) database.client.use(:system) rows = database.client.execute('SELECT keyspace_name FROM schema_columnfamilies') keyspaces = [] rows.each { |row| keyspaces << row['keyspace_name'] } keyspaces.should_not include('sandbox') keyspaces.should_not include('extra1') keyspaces.should_not include('extra2') end end end