# This is the common irbrc file used by all rvm ruby installations. # This file will be overriden every time you update rvm. # Turn on completion. require "irb/completion" rescue nil # Turn on history saving. require "irb/ext/save-history" IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] = File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".irb-history") # Calculate the ruby string. rvm_ruby_string = ENV["rvm_ruby_string"] || "#{RUBY_ENGINE rescue 'ruby'}-#{RUBY_VERSION}-#{(RUBY_PATCHLEVEL) ? "p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" : "r#{RUBY_REVISION}"}" # Set up the prompt to be RVM specific. @prompt = { :PROMPT_I => "#{rvm_ruby_string} > ", # default prompt :PROMPT_S => "#{rvm_ruby_string}%l> ", # known continuation :PROMPT_C => "#{rvm_ruby_string} > ", :PROMPT_N => "#{rvm_ruby_string} ?> ", # unknown continuation :RETURN => " => %s \n", :AUTO_INDENT => true } IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:RVM] = @prompt IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] = :RVM # Load the user's irbrc file, if possible. # Report any errors that occur. begin load File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".irbrc") if File.exists?("#{ENV["HOME"]}/.irbrc") rescue LoadError => load_error puts load_error rescue => exception puts "Error : 'load #{ENV["HOME"]}/.irbrc' : #{exception.message}" end