module Vedeu

  module DSL

    # Provides helper methods for building views.
    # @api public
    module Text

      # Specify the content for a view. Provides the means to align a string
      # (or object responding to `to_s`), and add it as a Line or to the Stream.
      # @note If using the convenience methods; {left}, {centre}, {center} or
      #   {right}, then a specified anchor will be ignored.
      # @example
      #   lines do
      #     centre '...'
      #   line do
      #     right '...'
      #   left 'This will be left aligned.', width: 35
      #   # => 'This will be left aligned.         '
      #   centre 'This will be aligned centrally.', width: 35
      #   # => '  This will be aligned centrally.  '
      #   # centre is also aliased to center
      #   right 'This will be right aligned.', width: 35
      #   # => '        This will be right aligned.'

      #   right 'This will be right aligned.', width: 35, anchor: centre
      #   # => '        This will be right aligned.'
      #   text 'This will be truncated here. More text here.', width: 28
      #   # => 'This will be truncated here.'
      #   text 'Padded with hyphens.', width: 25, pad: '-', anchor: :right
      #   # => '-----Padded with hyphens.'
      # @param value [String|Object] A string or object that responds to `to_s`.
      # @param options [Hash] Text options.
      # @option options :anchor [Symbol] One of `:left`, `:centre`/`:center`, or
      #   `:right`.
      # @option options :width [Integer|NilClass] The width of the text stream
      #   to add. If the `string` provided is longer than this value, the string
      #   will be truncated. If no width is provided in the context of 'lines',
      #   then the interface width is used. If no width is provided in the
      #   context of a 'stream', then no alignment will occur.
      # @option options :pad [String] The character to use to pad the width, by
      #   default uses an empty space (0x20). Only when the string is shorter
      #   than the specified width.
      # @return [String]
      def text(value = '', options = {})
        options.merge!(anchor: __callee__, model: model)

        Vedeu::Text.add(value, options)
      alias_method :align,  :text
      alias_method :center, :text
      alias_method :centre, :text
      alias_method :left,   :text
      alias_method :right,  :text

    end # Text

  end # DSL

end # Vedeu