require "digest/md5" module Ginatra # Actually useful stuff module Helpers def gravatar_url(email) "{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email)}?s=40" end def nicetime(date) date.strftime("%b %d, %Y – %H:%M") end def actor_box(actor, role, date) partial(:actor_box, :locals => { :actor => actor, :role => role, :date => date }) end def actor_boxes(commit) o = actor_box(commit.committer, :committer, commit.committed_date) if != o = actor_box(, :author, commit.authored_date) + o end end def commit_ref(ref, repo_param) ref_class = ref.class.to_s.split("::")[1].to_s "#{}" end def commit_refs(commit, repo_param){ |r| commit_ref(r, repo_param) }.join("\n") end def archive_link(tree, repo_param) "Download Archive" end def patch_link(commit, repo_param) "Download Patch" end # The only reason this doesn't work 100% of the time is because grit doesn't :/ # if i find a fix, it'll go upstream :D def file_listing(commit) count = 0 out = do |diff| count = count + 1 if diff.deleted_file %(
  • #{diff.a_path}
  • ) else cla = diff.new_file ? "add" : "diff" %(
  • #{diff.a_path}
  • ) end end "" end def diff(diff) diff = CodeRay.scan(diff, :diff).div(:line_numbers => :table, :css => :class) end # Stolen from rails: ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper#simple_format # and simplified to just use

    tags without any options # modified since def simple_format(text) text.gsub!(/ +/, " ") text.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n") text.gsub!(/\n/, "
    \n") text end # stolen from rails: ERB::Util def html_escape(s) s.to_s.gsub(/[&"<>]/) do |special| { '&' => '&', '>' => '>', '<' => '<', '"' => '"' }[special] end end alias :h :html_escape # Stolen and bastardised from rails def truncate(text, options={}) options[:length] ||= 30 options[:omission] ||= "..." if text l = options[:length] - options[:omission].length chars = text stop = options[:separator] ? (chars.rindex(options[:separator], l) || l) : l (chars.length > options[:length] ? chars[0...stop] + options[:omission] : text).to_s end end # stolen from Marley def rfc_date(datetime) datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") # 2003-12-13T18:30:02Z end # stolen from Marley def hostname (request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] =~ /[a-z]*/) ? request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] : request.env['HTTP_HOST'] end def atom_feed_link(repo_param, ref=nil) "Feed" end end end