# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- class Bookmark < ActiveRecord::Base scope :bookmarked, lambda {|start_date, end_date| where('created_at >= ? AND created_at < ?', start_date, end_date)} scope :user_bookmarks, lambda {|user| where(user_id: user.id)} scope :shared, -> {where(shared: true)} belongs_to :manifestation, touch: true belongs_to :user #, counter_cache: true, validate: true validates_presence_of :user, :title validates_presence_of :url, on: :create validates_presence_of :manifestation_id, on: :update validates_associated :user, :manifestation validates_uniqueness_of :manifestation_id, scope: :user_id validates :url, url: true, presence: true, length: {maximum: 255} validate :bookmarkable_url? validate :already_bookmarked?, if: :url_changed? before_save :create_manifestation, if: :url_changed? before_save :replace_space_in_tags acts_as_taggable_on :tags strip_attributes only: :url searchable do text :title do manifestation.title end string :url string :tag, multiple: true do tag_list end integer :user_id integer :manifestation_id time :created_at time :updated_at boolean :shared end paginates_per 10 def replace_space_in_tags # タグに含まれている全角スペースを除去する self.tag_list = tag_list.map{|tag| tag.gsub(' ', ' ').gsub(' ', ', ')} end def save_tagger taggings.each do |tagging| tagging.tagger = user tagging.save(validate: false) end end def shelved? true if manifestation.items.on_web.first end def self.get_title(string) CGI.unescape(string).strip unless string.nil? end def get_title return if url.blank? if url.my_host? my_host_resource.original_title else Bookmark.get_title_from_url(url) end end def self.get_title_from_url(url) return if url.blank? return unless Addressable::URI.parse(url).host if manifestation_id = url.bookmarkable_id manifestation = Manifestation.find(manifestation_id) return manifestation.original_title end unless manifestation normalized_url = Addressable::URI.parse(url).normalize.to_s doc = Nokogiri::HTML(Faraday.get(normalized_url).body) # TODO: 日本語以外 #charsets = ['iso-2022-jp', 'euc-jp', 'shift_jis', 'iso-8859-1'] #if charsets.include?(page.charset.downcase) title = NKF.nkf('-w', CGI.unescapeHTML((doc.at("title").inner_text))).to_s.gsub(/\r\n|\r|\n/, '').gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip if title.blank? title = url end #else # title = (doc/"title").inner_text #end title end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError # TODO: 404などの場合の処理 raise "unable to access: #{url}" # nil end def self.get_canonical_url(url) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(Faraday.get(url).body) canonical_url = doc.search("/html/head/link[@rel='canonical']").first['href'] # TODO: URLを相対指定している時 Addressable::URI.parse(canonical_url).normalize.to_s rescue nil end def my_host_resource if url.bookmarkable_id manifestation = Manifestation.find(url.bookmarkable_id) end end def bookmarkable_url? if url.try(:my_host?) unless url.try(:bookmarkable_id) errors[:base] << I18n.t('bookmark.not_our_holding') end unless my_host_resource errors[:base] << I18n.t('bookmark.not_our_holding') end end end def get_manifestation # 自館のページをブックマークする場合 if url.try(:my_host?) manifestation = self.my_host_resource else manifestation = Manifestation.where(access_address: url).first if url.present? end end def already_bookmarked? if manifestation if manifestation.bookmarked?(user) errors[:base] << 'already_bookmarked' end end end def create_manifestation manifestation = get_manifestation if manifestation self.manifestation_id = manifestation.id return end manifestation = Manifestation.new(access_address: url) manifestation.carrier_type = CarrierType.where(name: 'file').first if title.present? manifestation.original_title = title else manifestation.original_title = self.get_title end Manifestation.transaction do manifestation.save self.manifestation = manifestation item = Item.new item.shelf = Shelf.web item.manifestation = manifestation if defined?(EnjuCirculation) item.circulation_status = CirculationStatus.where(name: 'Not Available').first end item.save! if defined?(EnjuCirculation) item.use_restriction = UseRestriction.where(name: 'Not For Loan').first end end end def self.manifestations_count(start_date, end_date, manifestation) if manifestation self.bookmarked(start_date, end_date).where(manifestation_id: manifestation.id).count else 0 end end def tag_index! manifestation.reload manifestation.index taggings.map{|tagging| Tag.find(tagging.tag_id).index} Sunspot.commit end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: bookmarks # # id :integer not null, primary key # user_id :integer not null # manifestation_id :integer # title :text # url :string # note :text # shared :boolean # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime #