require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' require 'fileutils' require 'ostruct' require 'find' # TODO: Clean up bones' task set to remove unwanted parts. PROJ = # Project Defaults :name => nil, :summary => nil, :description => nil, :changes => nil, :authors => nil, :email => nil, :url => "\000", :version => ENV['VERSION'] || '0.0.0', :exclude => %w(tmp$ bak$ ~$ CVS \.svn/ \.git/ ^pkg/), :release_name => ENV['RELEASE'], # System Defaults :ruby_opts => %w(-w), :libs => [], :history_file => 'History.txt', :readme_file => 'README.txt', :ignore_file => '.bnsignore', # File Annotations :notes => :exclude => %w(^tasks/setup\.rb$), :extensions => %w(.txt .rb .erb .rdoc) << '', :tags => %w(FIXME OPTIMIZE TODO) ), # Test::Unit :test => :files => FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'], :file => 'test/all.rb', :opts => [] ) ) # Load the other rake files in the tasks folder tasks_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) post_load_fn = File.join(tasks_dir, 'post_load.rake') rakefiles = Dir.glob(File.join(tasks_dir, '*.rake')).sort rakefiles.unshift(rakefiles.delete(post_load_fn)).compact! import(*rakefiles) # Setup the project libraries %w(lib ext).each {|dir| PROJ.libs << dir if test ?d, dir} %w(facets/ansicode).each do |lib| begin require lib Object.instance_eval {const_set "HAVE_#{'/','_').upcase}", true} rescue LoadError Object.instance_eval {const_set "HAVE_#{'/','_').upcase}", false} end end # Reads a file at +path+ and spits out an array of the +paragraphs+ # specified. # # changes = paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..1).join("\n\n") # summary, *description = paragraphs_of('README.txt', 3, 3..8) # def paragraphs_of( path, *paragraphs ) title = String === paragraphs.first ? paragraphs.shift : nil ary ="\r").split(/\n\n+/) result = if title tmp, matching = [], false rgxp = %r/^=+\s*#{Regexp.escape(title)}/i paragraphs << (0..-1) if paragraphs.empty? ary.each do |val| if val =~ rgxp break if matching matching = true rgxp = %r/^=+/i elsif matching tmp << val end end tmp else ary end result.values_at(*paragraphs) end # Adds the given arguments to the include path if they are not already there # def ensure_in_path( *args ) args.each do |path| path = File.expand_path(path) $:.unshift(path) if test(?d, path) and not $:.include?(path) end end # Scans the current working directory and creates a list of files that are # candidates to be in the manifest. # def manifest files = [] exclude = PROJ.exclude.dup comment = %r/^\s*#/ # process the ignore file and add the items there to the exclude list if test(?f, PROJ.ignore_file) ary = [] File.readlines(PROJ.ignore_file).each do |line| next if line =~ comment line.chomp! line.strip! next if line.nil? or line.empty? glob = line =~ %r/\*\./ ? File.join('**', line) : line Dir.glob(glob).each {|fn| ary << "^#{Regexp.escape(fn)}"} end exclude.concat ary end # generate a regular expression from the exclude list exclude ='|')) Find.find '.' do |path| path.sub! %r/^(\.\/|\/)/o, '' next unless test ?f, path next if path =~ exclude files << path end files.sort! end # EOF