define("dojox/calendar/StoreMixin", ["dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/Stateful", "dojo/when"], function(declare, arr, html, lang, domClass, Stateful, when){ return declare("dojox.calendar.StoreMixin", Stateful, { // summary: // This mixin contains the store management. // store: // The store that contains the events to display. store: null, // query: Object // A query that can be passed to when querying the store. query: {}, // startTimeAttr: String // The attribute of the store item that contains the start time of // the events represented by this item. Default is "startTime". startTimeAttr: "startTime", // endTimeAttr: String // The attribute of the store item that contains the end time of // the events represented by this item. Default is "endTime". endTimeAttr: "endTime", // summaryAttr: String // The attribute of the store item that contains the summary of // the events represented by this item. Default is "summary". summaryAttr: "summary", // allDayAttr: String // The attribute of the store item that contains the all day state of // the events represented by this item. Default is "allDay". allDayAttr: "allDay", // cssClassFunc: Function // Optional function that returns a css class name to apply to item renderers that are displaying the specified item in parameter. cssClassFunc: null, // decodeDate: Function? // An optional function to transform store date into Date objects. Default is null. decodeDate: null, // encodeDate: Function? // An optional function to transform Date objects into store date. Default is null. encodeDate: null, // displayedItemsInvalidated: Boolean // Whether the data items displayed must be recomputed, usually after the displayed // time range has changed. // tags: // protected displayedItemsInvalidated: false, itemToRenderItem: function(item, store){ // summary: // Creates the render item based on the item. It must be of the form: // | { // | id: Object, // | startTime: Date, // | endTime: Date, // | summary: String // | } // By default it is building an object using the store id, the summaryAttr, // startTimeAttr and endTimeAttr properties as well as decodeDate property if not null. // Other fields or way to query fields can be used if needed. // item: Object // The store item. // store: // The store. // returns: Object if(this.owner){ return this.owner.itemToRenderItem(item, store); } return { id: store.getIdentity(item), summary: item[this.summaryAttr], startTime: (this.decodeDate && this.decodeDate(item[this.startTimeAttr])) || this.newDate(item[this.startTimeAttr]), endTime: (this.decodeDate && this.decodeDate(item[this.endTimeAttr])) || this.newDate(item[this.endTimeAttr]), allDay: item[this.allDayAttr] != null ? item[this.allDayAttr] : false, cssClass: this.cssClassFunc ? this.cssClassFunc(item) : null }; }, renderItemToItem: function(/*Object*/ renderItem, /**/ store){ // summary: // Create a store item based on the render item. It must be of the form: // | { // | id: Object // | startTime: Date, // | endTime: Date, // | summary: String // | } // By default it is building an object using the summaryAttr, startTimeAttr and endTimeAttr properties // and decodeDate property if not null. // renderItem: Object // The render item. // store: // The store. // returns:Object if(this.owner){ return this.owner.renderItemToItem(renderItem, store); } var item = {}; item[store.idProperty] =; item[this.summaryAttr] = renderItem.summary; item[this.startTimeAttr] = (this.encodeDate && this.encodeDate(renderItem.startTime)) || renderItem.startTime; item[this.endTimeAttr] = (this.encodeDate && this.encodeDate(renderItem.endTime)) || renderItem.endTime; return lang.mixin(store.get(, item); }, _computeVisibleItems: function(renderData){ // summary: // Computes the data items that are in the displayed interval. // renderData: Object // The renderData that contains the start and end time of the displayed interval. // tags: // protected var startTime = renderData.startTime; var endTime = renderData.endTime; if(this.items){ renderData.items = arr.filter(this.items, function(item){ return this.isOverlapping(renderData, item.startTime, item.endTime, startTime, endTime); }, this); } }, _initItems: function(items){ // tags: // private this.set("items", items); return items; }, _refreshItemsRendering: function(renderData){ }, _updateItems: function(object, previousIndex, newIndex){ // as soon as we add a item or remove one layout might change, // let's make that the default // TODO: what about items in non visible area... // tags: // private var layoutCanChange = true; var oldItem = null; var newItem = this.itemToRenderItem(object,; if(previousIndex!=-1){ if(newIndex!=previousIndex){ // this is a remove or a move this.items.splice(previousIndex, 1); if(this.setItemSelected && this.isItemSelected(newItem)){ this.setItemSelected(newItem, false); this.dispatchChange(newItem, this.get("selectedItem"), null, null); } }else{ // this is a put, previous and new index identical // check what changed oldItem = this.items[previousIndex]; var cal = this.dateModule; layoutCanChange =, oldItem.startTime) != 0 ||, oldItem.endTime) != 0; // we want to keep the same item object and mixin new values // into old object lang.mixin(oldItem, newItem); } }else if(newIndex!=-1){ // this is a add this.items.splice(newIndex, 0, newItem); } if(layoutCanChange){ this._refreshItemsRendering(); }else{ // just update the item this.updateRenderers(oldItem); } }, _setStoreAttr: function(value){ this.displayedItemsInvalidated = true; var r; if(value){ var results = value.query(this.query); if(results.observe){ // user asked us to observe the store results.observe(lang.hitch(this, this._updateItems), true); } results =, function(item){ return this.itemToRenderItem(item, value); })); r = when(results, lang.hitch(this, this._initItems)); }else{ // we remove the store r = this._initItems([]); } this._set("store", value); return r; } }); });