module Sass module CacheStores # An abstract base class for backends for the Sass cache. # Any key-value store can act as such a backend; # it just needs to implement the # \{#_store} and \{#_retrieve} methods. # # To use a cache store with Sass, # use the { `:cache_store` option}. # # @abstract class Base # Store cached contents for later retrieval # Must be implemented by all CacheStore subclasses # # Note: cache contents contain binary data. # # @param key [String] The key to store the contents under # @param version [String] The current sass version. # Cached contents must not be retrieved across different versions of sass. # @param sha [String] The sha of the sass source. # Cached contents must not be retrieved if the sha has changed. # @param contents [String] The contents to store. def _store(key, version, sha, contents) raise "#{self.class} must implement #_store." end # Retrieved cached contents. # Must be implemented by all subclasses. # # Note: if the key exists but the sha or version have changed, # then the key may be deleted by the cache store, if it wants to do so. # # @param key [String] The key to retrieve # @param version [String] The current sass version. # Cached contents must not be retrieved across different versions of sass. # @param sha [String] The sha of the sass source. # Cached contents must not be retrieved if the sha has changed. # @return [String] The contents that were previously stored. # @return [NilClass] when the cache key is not found or the version or sha have changed. def _retrieve(key, version, sha) raise "#{self.class} must implement #_retrieve." end # Store a {Sass::Tree::RootNode}. # # @param key [String] The key to store it under. # @param sha [String] The checksum for the contents that are being stored. # @param obj [Object] The object to cache. def store(key, sha, root) _store(key, Sass::VERSION, sha, Marshal.dump(root)) rescue TypeError, LoadError => e Sass::Util.sass_warn "Warning. Error encountered while saving cache #{path_to(key)}: #{e}" end # Retrieve a {Sass::Tree::RootNode}. # # @param key [String] The key the root element was stored under. # @param sha [String] The checksum of the root element's content. # @return [Object] The cached object. def retrieve(key, sha) contents = _retrieve(key, Sass::VERSION, sha) Marshal.load(contents) if contents rescue EOFError, TypeError, ArgumentError, LoadError => e Sass::Util.sass_warn "Warning. Error encountered while reading cache #{path_to(key)}: #{e}" end # Return the key for the sass file. # # The `(sass_dirname, sass_basename)` pair # should uniquely identify the Sass document, # but otherwise there are no restrictions on their content. # # @param sass_dirname [String] # The fully-expanded location of the Sass file. # This corresponds to the directory name on a filesystem. # @param sass_basename [String] The name of the Sass file that is being referenced. # This corresponds to the basename on a filesystem. def key(sass_dirname, sass_basename) dir = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(sass_dirname) filename = "#{sass_basename}c" "#{dir}/#{filename}" end end end end