require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper" describe Braintree::TransparentRedirect do describe "self.create_credit_card_data" do it "raises an exception if any keys are invalid" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.create_credit_card_data( :credit_card => {:number => "ok", :invalid_key => "bad"} ) raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: credit_card[invalid_key]") end end describe "self.create_customer_data" do it "raises an exception if any keys are invalid" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.create_customer_data( :customer => {:first_name => "ok", :invalid_key => "bad"} ) raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: customer[invalid_key]") end end describe "self.parse_and_validate_query_string" do it "returns the parsed query string params if the hash is valid" do query_string_without_hash = "one=1&two=2&http_status=200" hash = Braintree::Digest.hexdigest(query_string_without_hash) query_string_with_hash = "#{query_string_without_hash}&hash=#{hash}" result = Braintree::TransparentRedirect.parse_and_validate_query_string query_string_with_hash result.should == {:one => "1", :two => "2", :http_status => "200", :hash => hash} end it "raises Braintree::ForgedQueryString if the hash param is not valid" do query_string_without_hash = "one=1&two=2" hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("invalid#{query_string_without_hash}") query_string_with_hash = "#{query_string_without_hash}&hash=#{hash}" expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.parse_and_validate_query_string query_string_with_hash raise_error(Braintree::ForgedQueryString) end it "raises Braintree::ForgedQueryString if hash is missing from the query string" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.parse_and_validate_query_string "query_string=without_a_hash" raise_error(Braintree::ForgedQueryString) end it "raises an AuthenticationError if authentication fails" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.parse_and_validate_query_string add_hash_to_query_string("http_status=401") raise_error(Braintree::AuthenticationError) end it "raises an AuthorizationError if authorization fails" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.parse_and_validate_query_string add_hash_to_query_string("http_status=403") raise_error(Braintree::AuthorizationError) end it "raises a ServerError if the server 500's" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.parse_and_validate_query_string add_hash_to_query_string("http_status=500") raise_error(Braintree::ServerError) end it "raises a DownForMaintenanceError if the server is down for maintenance" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.parse_and_validate_query_string add_hash_to_query_string("http_status=503") raise_error(Braintree::DownForMaintenanceError) end it "raises an UnexpectedError if some other code is returned" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.parse_and_validate_query_string add_hash_to_query_string("http_status=600") raise_error(Braintree::UnexpectedError, "Unexpected HTTP_RESPONSE 600") end end describe "self.transaction_data" do it "raises an exception if any keys are invalid" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.transaction_data( :transaction => {:amount => "100.00", :invalid_key => "bad"} ) raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: transaction[invalid_key]") end it "raises an exception if not given a type" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.transaction_data( :redirect_url => "", :transaction => {:amount => "100.00"} ) raise_error(ArgumentError, "expected transaction[type] of sale or credit, was: nil") end it "raises an exception if not given a type of sale or credit" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.transaction_data( :redirect_url => "", :transaction => {:amount => "100.00", :type => "auth"} ) raise_error(ArgumentError, "expected transaction[type] of sale or credit, was: \"auth\"") end end describe "self.update_credit_card_data" do it "raises an exception if any keys are invalid" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.update_credit_card_data( :credit_card => {:number => "ok", :invalid_key => "bad"} ) raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: credit_card[invalid_key]") end it "raises an exception if not given a payment_method_token" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.update_credit_card_data({}) raise_error(ArgumentError, "expected params to contain :payment_method_token of payment method to update") end end describe "self.update_customer_data" do it "raises an exception if any keys are invalid" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.update_customer_data( :customer => {:first_name => "ok", :invalid_key => "bad"} ) raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: customer[invalid_key]") end it "raises an exception if not given a customer_id" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect.update_customer_data({}) raise_error(ArgumentError, "expected params to contain :customer_id of customer to update") end end describe "self._data" do it "raises an exception if :redirect_url isn't given" do expect do Braintree::TransparentRedirect._data(:redirect_url => nil) raise_error(ArgumentError, "expected params to contain :redirect_url") end end def add_hash_to_query_string(query_string_without_hash) hash = Braintree::TransparentRedirect._hash(query_string_without_hash) query_string_without_hash + "&hash=" + hash end end