require 'action_controller/log_subscriber' require 'active_support/log_subscriber' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/except' require 'json' require 'logstash/event' # active_support monkeypatches Hash#to_json with a version that does not encode # time correctly for LogStash. Using JSON.generate bypasses the monkeypatch. class LogStash::Event def to_json return JSON.generate(@data) end end module LogStasher class LogSubscriber < ::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber INTERNAL_PARAMS = ::ActionController::LogSubscriber::INTERNAL_PARAMS def process_action(event) payload = event.payload tags = extract_tags(payload) fields = extract_request(payload) fields.merge! extract_status(payload) fields.merge! runtimes(event) fields.merge! location fields.merge! extract_exception(payload) fields.merge! extract_parameters(payload) fields.merge! appended_fields event ='tags' => tags)) LogStasher.logger << event.to_json + "\n" end def redirect_to(event) Thread.current[:logstasher_context][:location] = event.payload[:location] end private def appended_fields callback = ::LogStasher.append_fields_callback {}.tap do |fields| controller.instance_exec(fields, &callback) if callback end end def controller Thread.current[:logstasher_context][:controller] end def extract_request(payload) { :action => payload[:action], :controller => payload[:controller], :format => extract_format(payload), :ip => request.remote_ip, :request_id => request.env["action_dispatch.request_id"], :method => payload[:method], :path => extract_path(payload), :route => "#{payload[:controller]}##{payload[:action]}" } end # Monkey patching to enable exception logging def extract_exception(payload) if payload[:exception] exception, message = payload[:exception] status = ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper.status_code_for_exception(exception) message = "#{exception}\n#{message}\n#{($!.backtrace.join("\n"))}" { :status => status, :error => message } else {} end end def extract_format(payload) if ::ActionPack::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ::ActionPack::VERSION::MINOR == 0 payload[:formats].first else payload[:format] end end def extract_parameters(payload) if LogStasher.include_parameters? external_params = payload[:params].except(*INTERNAL_PARAMS) if LogStasher.serialize_parameters? { :params => JSON.generate(external_params) } else { :params => external_params } end else {} end end def extract_path(payload) payload[:path].split("?").first end def extract_status(payload) if payload[:status] { :status => payload[:status].to_i } else { :status => 0 } end end def extract_tags(payload) tags = ['request'] tags.push('exception') if payload[:exception] tags end def location location = Thread.current[:logstasher_context][:location] if location { :location => location } else {} end end def request Thread.current[:logstasher_context][:request] end def runtimes(event) { :total => event.duration, :view => event.payload[:view_runtime], :db => event.payload[:db_runtime] }.inject({:runtime => {}}) do |runtimes, (name, runtime)| runtimes[:runtime][name] = runtime.to_f.round(2) if runtime runtimes end end end end ::LogStasher::LogSubscriber.attach_to :action_controller