/*! * VERSION: 0.5.2 * DATE: 2014-07-17 * UPDATES AND DOCS AT: http://greensock.com * * @license Copyright (c) 2008-2016, GreenSock. All rights reserved. * This work is subject to the terms at http://greensock.com/standard-license or for * Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with your membership. * * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com */ var _gsScope = (typeof(module) !== "undefined" && module.exports && typeof(global) !== "undefined") ? global : this || window; //helps ensure compatibility with AMD/RequireJS and CommonJS/Node (_gsScope._gsQueue || (_gsScope._gsQueue = [])).push( function() { "use strict"; var _specialProps = {scale:1, shadowOffset:1, fillPatternOffset:1, offset:1, fill:2, stroke:2, shadowColor:2}, //type 1 is one that has "x" and "y" components that can be split apart but in order to set them, they must be combined into a single object and passed to one setter (like setScale({x:0.5, y:0.6})). Type 2 is for colors. _getterFuncs = {}, _setterFuncs = {}, _numExp = /(\d|\.)+/g, _directionalRotationExp = /(?:_cw|_ccw|_short)/, _plugins = _gsScope._gsDefine.globals.com.greensock.plugins, _colorLookup = {aqua:[0,255,255], lime:[0,255,0], silver:[192,192,192], black:[0,0,0], maroon:[128,0,0], teal:[0,128,128], blue:[0,0,255], navy:[0,0,128], white:[255,255,255], fuchsia:[255,0,255], olive:[128,128,0], yellow:[255,255,0], orange:[255,165,0], gray:[128,128,128], purple:[128,0,128], green:[0,128,0], red:[255,0,0], pink:[255,192,203], cyan:[0,255,255], transparent:[255,255,255,0]}, _hue = function(h, m1, m2) { h = (h < 0) ? h + 1 : (h > 1) ? h - 1 : h; return ((((h * 6 < 1) ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6 : (h < 0.5) ? m2 : (h * 3 < 2) ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2 / 3 - h) * 6 : m1) * 255) + 0.5) | 0; }, _parseColor = function(color) { if (color === "" || color == null || color === "none") { return _colorLookup.transparent; } if (_colorLookup[color]) { return _colorLookup[color]; } if (typeof(color) === "number") { return [color >> 16, (color >> 8) & 255, color & 255]; } if (color.charAt(0) === "#") { if (color.length === 4) { //for shorthand like #9F0 color = "#" + color.charAt(1) + color.charAt(1) + color.charAt(2) + color.charAt(2) + color.charAt(3) + color.charAt(3); } color = parseInt(color.substr(1), 16); return [color >> 16, (color >> 8) & 255, color & 255]; } if (color.substr(0, 3) === "hsl") { color = color.match(_numExp); var h = (Number(color[0]) % 360) / 360, s = Number(color[1]) / 100, l = Number(color[2]) / 100, m2 = (l <= 0.5) ? l * (s + 1) : l + s - l * s, m1 = l * 2 - m2; if (color.length > 3) { color[3] = Number(color[3]); } color[0] = _hue(h + 1 / 3, m1, m2); color[1] = _hue(h, m1, m2); color[2] = _hue(h - 1 / 3, m1, m2); return color; } var a = color.match(_numExp) || _colorLookup.transparent, i = a.length; while (--i > -1) { a[i] = Number(a[i]); } return a; }, ColorProp = function(target, getter, setter, next) { this.getter = getter; this.setter = setter; var val = _parseColor( target[getter]() ); this.proxy = {r:val[0], g:val[1], b:val[2], a:(val.length > 3 ? val[3] : 1)}; if (next) { this._next = next; next._prev = this; } }, _layersToDraw = [], _ticker, _listening, _onTick = function() { var i = _layersToDraw.length; if (i !== 0) { while (--i > -1) { _layersToDraw[i].draw(); _layersToDraw[i]._gsDraw = false; } _layersToDraw.length = 0; } else { _ticker.removeEventListener("tick", _onTick); _listening = false; } }, _prepDimensionProp = function(p, dimension) { var alt = (dimension === "x") ? "y" : "x", proxyName = "_gs_" + p; _getterFuncs[p] = function() { return this["get" + p]()[dimension]; }; _setterFuncs[p] = function(value) { var cur = this["get" + p](), proxy = this[proxyName]; if (!proxy) { proxy = this[proxyName] = {}; } proxy[dimension] = value; proxy[alt] = cur[alt]; this[p](proxy); return this; }; }, _createGetterSetter = function(getter, setter) { return function(value) {return (arguments.length) ? setter(value) : getter(); }; }, //looks at every property in the vars and converts them (when appropriate) to the KineticJS equivalent. If it finds a special property for which "x" and "y" must be split apart (like scale, offset, shadowOffset, etc.), it will do that as well. This method returns an array of any names it had to change (like "x", "y", "scale", etc.) so that they can be used in the overwriteProps array. _convertProps = function(target, vars) { var converted = [], p, val, i, proto; for (p in vars) { val = vars[p]; if (p !== "bezier" && p !== "autoDraw" && p.substr(0,3) !== "set" && target[p] === undefined) { converted.push(p); delete vars[p]; p = "set" + p.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p.substr(1); vars[p] = val; } if (_specialProps[p]) { if (_specialProps[p] === 1) { vars[p + "X"] = vars[p + "Y"] = vars[p]; delete vars[p]; return _convertProps(target, vars); } else if (!target[p] && _setterFuncs[p]) { proto = target.prototype || target; proto[p] = _createGetterSetter(_getterFuncs[p], _setterFuncs[p]); } } else if (p === "bezier") { val = (val instanceof Array) ? val : val.values || []; i = val.length; while (--i > -1) { if (i === 0) { converted = converted.concat( _convertProps(target, val[i]) ); } else { _convertProps(target, val[i]); } } } } return converted; }, _copy = function(obj) { var result = {}, p; for (p in obj) { result[p] = obj[p]; } return result; }, versionValid, p; for (p in _specialProps) { if (_specialProps[p] === 1) { _prepDimensionProp(p, "x"); _prepDimensionProp(p, "y"); } } var KineticPlugin = _gsScope._gsDefine.plugin({ propName: "kinetic", API: 2, version: "0.5.2", //called when the tween renders for the first time. This is where initial values should be recorded and any setup routines should run. init: function(target, value, tween) { var p, val, gp, sp, bezierPlugin, directionalRotationPlugin; if (!versionValid && (versionValid = (parseInt(Kinetic.version.split(".")[0], 10)) < 5)) { throw ("The GSAP KineticPlugin that's loaded requires KineticJS version 5.0.0 or later. For earlier versions, use KineticPlugin from GSAP 1.11.3 or earlier."); } this._overwriteProps = _convertProps(target, value); //allow users to pass in shorter names like "x" instead of "setX" and "rotationDeg" instead of "setRotationDeg" this._target = target; this._layer = (value.autoDraw !== false) ? target.getLayer() : null; if (!_ticker && this._layer) { _ticker = tween.constructor.ticker; } for (p in value) { val = value[p]; //we must handle colors in a special way, splitting apart the red, green, blue, and alpha. if (_specialProps[p] === 2) { sp = this._firstSP = new ColorProp(target, p, p, this._firstSP); val = _parseColor(val); if (sp.proxy.r !== val[0]) { this._addTween(sp.proxy, "r", sp.proxy.r, val[0], p); } if (sp.proxy.g !== val[1]) { this._addTween(sp.proxy, "g", sp.proxy.g, val[1], p); } if (sp.proxy.b !== val[2]) { this._addTween(sp.proxy, "b", sp.proxy.b, val[2], p); } if ((val.length > 3 || sp.proxy.a !== 1) && sp.proxy.a !== val[3]) { this._addTween(sp.proxy, "a", sp.proxy.a, (val.length > 3 ? val[3] : 1), p); } } else if (p === "bezier") { bezierPlugin = _plugins.BezierPlugin; if (!bezierPlugin) { throw("BezierPlugin not loaded"); } bezierPlugin = this._bezier = new bezierPlugin(); if (typeof(val) === "object" && val.autoRotate === true) { val.autoRotate = ["x","y","rotation",0,false]; } bezierPlugin._onInitTween(target, val, tween); this._overwriteProps = this._overwriteProps.concat(bezierPlugin._overwriteProps); this._addTween(bezierPlugin, "setRatio", 0, 1, p); } else if ((p === "rotation" || p === "rotationDeg") && typeof(val) === "string" && _directionalRotationExp.test(val)) { directionalRotationPlugin = _plugins.DirectionalRotationPlugin; if (!directionalRotationPlugin) { throw("DirectionalRotationPlugin not loaded"); } directionalRotationPlugin = this._directionalRotation = new directionalRotationPlugin(); gp = {useRadians:false}; gp[p] = val; directionalRotationPlugin._onInitTween(target, gp, tween); this._addTween(directionalRotationPlugin, "setRatio", 0, 1, p); } else if (val instanceof Array) { //for array-based values like "points" this._initArrayTween(target[p](), val, p); } else if (p !== "autoDraw") { gp = "get" + p.substr(3); this._addTween(target, p, ((typeof(target[p]) === "function") ? target[( (gp !== "get" && typeof(target[gp]) === "function") ? gp : p)]() : target[p]) || 0, val, p); } this._overwriteProps.push(p); } return true; }, kill: function(lookup) { lookup = _copy(lookup); _convertProps(this._target, lookup); if (this._bezier) { this._bezier._kill(lookup); } if (this._directionalRotation) { this._directionalRotation._kill(lookup); } return this._super._kill.call(this, lookup); }, round:function(lookup, value) { lookup = _copy(lookup); _convertProps(this._target, lookup); if (this._bezier) { this._bezier._roundProps(lookup, value); } return this._super._roundProps.call(this, lookup, value); }, //called each time the values should be updated, and the ratio gets passed as the only parameter (typically it's a value between 0 and 1, but it can exceed those when using an ease like Elastic.easeOut or Back.easeOut, etc.) set: function(ratio) { this._super.setRatio.call(this, ratio); var sp = this._firstSP, layer = this._layer, arrayTweens = this._arrayTweens, i, e, p, val, t, proxy; if (sp) { t = this._target; while (sp) { proxy = sp.proxy; t[sp.setter]( (proxy.a !== 1 ? "rgba(" : "rgb(") + (proxy.r | 0) + ", " + (proxy.g | 0) + ", " + (proxy.b | 0) + (proxy.a !== 1 ? ", " + proxy.a : "") + ")"); sp = sp._next; } } if (arrayTweens) { i = arrayTweens.length; while (--i > -1) { e = arrayTweens[i]; val = e.s + e.c * ratio; e.a[e.i] = (val < 0.000001 && val > -0.000001) ? 0 : val; } for (p in this._arrayProps) { this._target[p](this._arrayProps[p]); } } if (layer && !layer._gsDraw) { _layersToDraw.push(layer); layer._gsDraw = true; //a flag indicating that we need to draw() this layer as soon as all the tweens have finished updating (using a "tick" event listener) if (!_listening) { _ticker.addEventListener("tick", _onTick); _listening = true; } } } }); p = KineticPlugin.prototype; p._initArrayTween = function(a, b, prop) { if (!this._arrayTweens) { this._arrayTweens = []; //stores data about any elements that must tween (ones that match in a and b are ignored (no need to waste resources). For example, {a:array, i:0, s:100, c:50} this._arrayProps = {}; //stores data about which properties are associted with which arrays so that we can apply them in the setRatio() method, like target[property](array), as in target.points([1,2,500,600]); } var i = a.length, tweens = this._arrayTweens, start, end; while (--i > -1) { start = a[i]; end = b[i]; if (start !== end) { tweens.push({a:a, i:i, s:start, c:end - start}); } } if (tweens.length) { this._arrayProps[prop] = a; } }; }); if (_gsScope._gsDefine) { _gsScope._gsQueue.pop()(); }