"use strict"; const parse5 = require("parse5"); const { createElement } = require("../../living/helpers/create-element"); const { HTML_NS } = require("../../living/helpers/namespaces"); const DocumentType = require("../../living/generated/DocumentType"); const DocumentFragment = require("../../living/generated/DocumentFragment"); const Text = require("../../living/generated/Text"); const Comment = require("../../living/generated/Comment"); const attributes = require("../../living/attributes"); const nodeTypes = require("../../living/node-type"); const serializationAdapter = require("../../living/domparsing/parse5-adapter-serialization"); const { customElementReactionsStack, invokeCEReactions, lookupCEDefinition } = require("../../living/helpers/custom-elements"); // Horrible monkey-patch to implement https://github.com/inikulin/parse5/issues/237 and // https://github.com/inikulin/parse5/issues/285. const OpenElementStack = require("parse5/lib/parser/open-element-stack"); const openElementStackOriginalPush = OpenElementStack.prototype.push; OpenElementStack.prototype.push = function (...args) { openElementStackOriginalPush.apply(this, args); this.treeAdapter._currentElement = this.current; const after = this.items[this.stackTop]; if (after._pushedOnStackOfOpenElements) { after._pushedOnStackOfOpenElements(); } }; const openElementStackOriginalPop = OpenElementStack.prototype.pop; OpenElementStack.prototype.pop = function (...args) { const before = this.items[this.stackTop]; openElementStackOriginalPop.apply(this, args); this.treeAdapter._currentElement = this.current; if (before._poppedOffStackOfOpenElements) { before._poppedOffStackOfOpenElements(); } }; class JSDOMParse5Adapter { constructor(documentImpl, options = {}) { this._documentImpl = documentImpl; this._globalObject = documentImpl._globalObject; this._fragment = options.fragment || false; // Since the createElement hook doesn't provide the parent element, we keep track of this using _currentElement: // https://github.com/inikulin/parse5/issues/285. See above horrible monkey-patch for how this is maintained. this._currentElement = undefined; } _ownerDocument() { const { _currentElement } = this; // The _currentElement is undefined when parsing elements at the root of the document. if (_currentElement) { return _currentElement.localName === "template" && _currentElement.namespaceURI === HTML_NS ? _currentElement.content._ownerDocument : _currentElement._ownerDocument; } return this._documentImpl; } createDocument() { // parse5's model assumes that parse(html) will call into here to create the new Document, then return it. However, // jsdom's model assumes we can create a Window (and through that create an empty Document), do some other setup // stuff, and then parse, stuffing nodes into that Document as we go. So to adapt between these two models, we just // return the already-created Document when asked by parse5 to "create" a Document. return this._documentImpl; } createDocumentFragment() { const ownerDocument = this._ownerDocument(); return DocumentFragment.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], { ownerDocument }); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#create-an-element-for-the-token createElement(localName, namespace, attrs) { const ownerDocument = this._ownerDocument(); const isAttribute = attrs.find(attr => attr.name === "is"); const isValue = isAttribute ? isAttribute.value : null; const definition = lookupCEDefinition(ownerDocument, namespace, localName); let willExecuteScript = false; if (definition !== null && !this._fragment) { willExecuteScript = true; } if (willExecuteScript) { ownerDocument._throwOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter++; customElementReactionsStack.push([]); } const element = createElement(ownerDocument, localName, namespace, null, isValue, willExecuteScript); this.adoptAttributes(element, attrs); if (willExecuteScript) { const queue = customElementReactionsStack.pop(); invokeCEReactions(queue); ownerDocument._throwOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter--; } if ("_parserInserted" in element) { element._parserInserted = true; } return element; } createCommentNode(data) { const ownerDocument = this._ownerDocument(); return Comment.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], { data, ownerDocument }); } appendChild(parentNode, newNode) { parentNode._append(newNode); } insertBefore(parentNode, newNode, referenceNode) { parentNode._insert(newNode, referenceNode); } setTemplateContent(templateElement, contentFragment) { // This code makes the glue between jsdom and parse5 HTMLTemplateElement parsing: // // * jsdom during the construction of the HTMLTemplateElement (for example when create via // `document.createElement("template")`), creates a DocumentFragment and set it into _templateContents. // * parse5 when parsing a