class Zendesk2::Ticket include Zendesk2::Model extend Zendesk2::Attributes # @return [Integer] Automatically assigned when creating tickets identity :id, type: :integer # @return [Integer] What agent is currently assigned to the ticket attribute :assignee_id, type: :integer # @return [Array] Who are currently CC'ed on the ticket attribute :collaborator_ids, type: :array # @return [Time] When this record was created attribute :created_at, type: :time # @return [Array] The custom fields of the ticket attribute :custom_fields, type: :array # @return [String] The first comment on the ticket attribute :description, type: :string # @return [Time] If this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date. Due date format uses ISO 8601 format. attribute :due_at, type: :time # @return [String] A unique external id, you can use this to link Zendesk tickets to local records attribute :external_id, type: :string # @return [Integer] The topic this ticket originated from, if any attribute :forum_topic_id, type: :integer # @return [Integer] The group this ticket is assigned to attribute :group_id, type: :integer # @return [Boolean] Is true of this ticket has been marked as a problem, false otherwise attribute :has_incidents, type: :boolean # @return [Integer] The organization of the requester attribute :organization_id, type: :integer # @return [String] Priority, defines the urgency with which the ticket should be addressed: "urgent", "high", "normal", "low" attribute :priority, type: :string # @return [Integer] The problem this incident is linked to, if any attribute :problem_id, type: :integer # @return [String] The original recipient e-mail address of the ticket attribute :recipient, type: :string # @return [Integer] The user who requested this ticket attribute :requester_id, type: :integer # @return [Hash] The satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists attribute :satisfaction_rating # @return [Array] The ids of the sharing agreements used for this ticket attribute :sharing_agreement_ids, type: :array # @return [String] The state of the ticket, "new", "open", "pending", "hold", "solved", "closed" attribute :status, type: :string # @return [String] The value of the subject field for this ticket attribute :subject, type: :string # @return [Integer] The user who submitted the ticket; this is the currently authenticated API user attribute :submitter_id, type: :integer # @return [Array] The array of tags applied to this ticket attribute :tags, type: :array # @return [String] The type of this ticket, i.e. "problem", "incident", "question" or "task" attribute :type, type: :string # @return [Time] When this record last got updated attribute :updated_at, type: :time # @return [String] The API url of this ticket attribute :url, type: :string # @return [Hash] This object explains how the ticket was created attribute :via # @return [Zendesk2::Organization] organization assigned to ticket assoc_reader :organization # @return [Zendesk2::User] user that requested the ticket assoc_accessor :requester, collection: :users # @return [Zendesk2::User] user that submitted the ticket assoc_reader :submitter, collection: :users def save! data = if new_record? requires :subject, :description create_attributes = self.attributes.dup if with_requester = (@requester || nil) && Zendesk2.stringify_keys(@requester) create_attributes.merge!("requester" => with_requester) end cistern.create_ticket("ticket" => create_attributes).body["ticket"] else requires :identity cistern.update_ticket("ticket" => self.attributes).body["ticket"] end merge_attributes(data) end def destroy! requires :identity cistern.destroy_ticket("ticket" => {"id" => self.identity}) end # Adds a ticket comment # # @param [String] text comment body # @param [Hash] options comment options # @option options [Array] :attachments Attachment to upload with comment # @option options [Boolean] :public (true) # @return [Zendesk2::TicketComment] def comment(text, options={}) requires :identity options[:public] = true if options[:public].nil? comment = Zendesk2.stringify_keys(options).merge("body" => text) cistern.update_ticket( "ticket" => { "id" => self.identity, "comment" => comment, } ).body["audit"]["events"].first ) end # @return [Array] All users CCD on this ticket def collaborators { |cid| self.cistern.users.get(cid) } end # Update list of users to be CCD on this ticket # @param [Array] collaborators list of users def collaborators=(collaborators) self.collaborator_ids = end # @return [Zendesk2::TicketAudits] all audits for this ticket def audits self.cistern.ticket_audits(ticket_id: self.identity).all end # @return [Zendesk2::TicketMetric] metrics for this ticket def metrics"ticket_id" => self.identity).body["ticket_metric"]) end # @return [Array] all comments for this ticket def comments self.cistern.ticket_comments(ticket_id: self.identity).all end end