module Eventsimple module Event require 'globalid' include GlobalID::Identification # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength def drives_events_for(aggregate_klass, aggregate_id:, events_namespace: nil) if defined?(aggregate_klass._aggregate_id) raise ArgumentError, "aggregate_id mismatch event:#{aggregate_id} entity:#{aggregate_klass._aggregate_id}" if aggregate_id != aggregate_klass._aggregate_id begin aggregate_column_type_in_event = aggregate_klass.column_for_attribute(aggregate_klass._aggregate_id).type unless aggregate_klass.attribute_names.blank? aggregate_column_type_in_entity = column_for_attribute(:aggregate_id).type unless aggregate_klass.attribute_names.blank? raise ArgumentError, "column type mismatch - event:#{aggregate_column_type_in_event} entity:#{aggregate_column_type_in_entity}" if aggregate_column_type_in_event != aggregate_column_type_in_entity rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError end end class_attribute :_events_namespace self._events_namespace = events_namespace class_attribute :_aggregate_klass self._aggregate_klass = aggregate_klass class_attribute :_aggregate_id self._aggregate_id = aggregate_id class_attribute :_outbox_enabled class_attribute :_on_invalid_transition self._on_invalid_transition = ->(error) { raise error } self.inheritance_column = 'type' self.store_full_sti_class = false attribute :metadata, attr_writer :skip_dispatcher attr_writer :skip_apply_check belongs_to _aggregate_klass.model_name.element.to_sym, foreign_key: :aggregate_id, primary_key: _aggregate_id, class_name:, inverse_of: :events, autosave: false, validate: false default_scope { order('created_at ASC') } before_validation :extend_validation after_validation :perform_transition_checks before_create :apply_and_persist after_create :dispatch include InstanceMethods extend ClassMethods end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength module InstanceMethods def skip_dispatcher @skip_dispatcher || false end def skip_apply_check @skip_apply_check || false end # Apply the event to the aggregate passed in. The default behaviour is a no-op def apply(aggregate); end def can_apply?(_aggregate) true end def apply_timestamps(aggregate) aggregate.created_at ||= created_at aggregate.updated_at = created_at end def perform_transition_checks return if skip_apply_check return if can_apply?(aggregate), ) raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end def extend_validation validate_form = self.class.instance_variable_get(:@validate_with) self.aggregate = aggregate.extend(validate_form) if validate_form end # Apply the transformation to the aggregate and save it. def apply_and_persist apply_timestamps(aggregate) apply(aggregate) # Persist! aggregate.enable_writes!! aggregate.readonly! self.aggregate = aggregate end def dispatch EventDispatcher.dispatch(self) unless skip_dispatcher end def aggregate public_send(_aggregate_klass.model_name.element) end def aggregate=(aggregate) public_send(:"#{_aggregate_klass.model_name.element}=", aggregate) end end module ClassMethods def validate_with(form_klass) @validate_with = form_klass end def rescue_invalid_transition(&block) self._on_invalid_transition = block || ->(error) {} end # We don't store the full namespaced class name in the events table. # Events for an entity are expected to be namespaced under _events_namespace. def find_sti_class(type_name) if _events_namespace.blank? super(type_name) else super("#{_events_namespace}::#{type_name}") end end # Use a no-op deleted class for events that no longer exist in the codebase def sti_class_for(type_name) super rescue ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound klass_name = "Deleted__#{type_name.demodulize}" return const_get(klass_name) if const_defined?(klass_name) # NOTE: this should still update the timestamps for the model to prevent # projection drift (since the original projection will # have the timestamps applied for the deleted event). klass = const_set(klass_name, klass) end # We want to automatically retry writes on concurrency failures. However events with sync # reactors may have multiple nested events that are written within the same transaction. # We can only catch and retry writes when they the outermost event encapsulating the whole # transaction. def create(*args, &block) with_locks do with_retries(args) { super } end end def create!(*args, &block) with_locks do with_retries(args) { super } end end def with_locks(&) if _outbox_enabled base_class.with_advisory_lock(, { transaction: true }, &) else yield end end def with_retries(args, &) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize entity = args[0][_aggregate_klass.model_name.element.to_sym] # Only implement retries when the event is not already inside a transaction. if entity&.persisted? && !existing_transaction_in_progress? Retriable.with_context(:optimistic_locking, on_retry: proc { entity.reload }, &) else yield end rescue ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError => e raise e unless existing_transaction_in_progress? raise e, "#{e.message} No retries are attempted when already inside a transaction." end def existing_transaction_in_progress? ActiveRecord::Base.connection.transaction_open? end end end end