require 'spec_helper' describe "Shipping Methods", type: :feature do stub_authorization! let!(:zone) { create(:global_zone) } let!(:shipping_method) { create(:shipping_method, zones: [zone]) } after do Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = true end before do Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false # HACK: To work around no email prompting on check out allow_any_instance_of(Spree::Order).to receive_messages(require_email: false) create(:check_payment_method) visit spree.admin_path click_link "Settings" click_link "Shipping" end context "show" do it "should display existing shipping methods" do within_row(1) do expect(column_text(1)).to eq( expect(column_text(2)).to eq( expect(column_text(3)).to eq("Flat rate") expect(column_text(4)).to eq("Both") end end end context "create" do it "should be able to create a new shipping method" do click_link "New Shipping Method" fill_in "shipping_method_name", with: "bullock cart" within("#shipping_method_categories_field") do check first("input[type='checkbox']")["name"] end click_on "Create" expect(current_path).to eql(spree.edit_admin_shipping_method_path(Spree::ShippingMethod.last)) end end # Regression test for context "update" do it "can change the calculator", js: true do within("#listing_shipping_methods") do click_icon :edit end expect(find(:css, ".calculator-settings-warning")).not_to be_visible select2_search('Flexible Rate', from: 'Calculator') expect(find(:css, ".calculator-settings-warning")).to be_visible click_button "Update" expect(page).not_to have_content("Shipping method is not found") end end end