require 'spec_helper' describe Dragonfly::Configurable do before(:each) do class Car include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr :colour configurable_attr :top_speed, 216 def self.other_thing=(thing); end end @car = end describe "setup" do it "should provide attr_readers for configurable attributes" do @car.should respond_to(:colour) end it "should provide attr_writers for configurable attributes" do @car.colour = 'verde' @car.colour.should == 'verde' end it "should set default values for configurable attributes" do @car.top_speed.should == 216 end it "should set the default as nil if not specified" do @car.colour.should be_nil end it "should allow setting to nil" do @car.top_speed = nil @car.top_speed.should be_nil end it "should allow specifying configurable attrs as strings" do class Bike include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr 'colour', 'rude' end == 'rude' end end describe "configuring" do it "should allow you to change values" do @car.configure do |c| c.colour = 'red' end @car.colour.should == 'red' end it "should not allow you to call other methods on the object via the configuration" do lambda{ @car.configure do |c| c.other_thing = 5 end }.should raise_error(Dragonfly::Configurable::BadConfigAttribute) end it "should return itself" do @car.configure{|c|}.should == @car end end describe "getting configuration" do it "should return the configuration when nothing is set" do @car.configuration.should == {} end it "should return the configuration when something is set" do @car.top_speed = 10 @car.configuration.should == {:top_speed => 10} end end describe "multiple objects" do it "should return the default configuration" do Car.default_configuration.should == {:colour => nil, :top_speed => 216} end it "should allow instances to be configured differently" do car1 = car1.configure{|c| c.colour = 'green'} car2 = car2.configure{|c| c.colour = 'yellow'} car1.configuration.should == {:colour => 'green'} car2.configuration.should == {:colour => 'yellow'} end end describe "lazy attributes" do before(:each) do cow = @cow = mock('cow') class Lazy; end Lazy.class_eval do include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr(:sound){ cow.moo } end @lazy = end it "should not call the block if the configurable attribute is set to something else" do @cow.should_not_receive(:moo) @lazy.configure{|c| c.sound = 'baa' } @lazy.sound.should == 'baa' end it "should call the block if it's not been changed, once it's accessed" do @cow.should_receive(:moo).and_return('mooo!') @lazy.sound.should == 'mooo!' end it "should not call the block when accessed again" do @cow.should_receive(:moo).exactly(:once).and_return('mooo!') @lazy.sound.should == 'mooo!' @lazy.sound.should == 'mooo!' end it "should not call an explicitly passed in proc" do @lazy.configure{|c| c.sound = lambda{ @cow.fart }} @lazy.sound.should be_a(Proc) end end describe "configuration method" do before(:each) do class ClassWithMethod include Dragonfly::Configurable def add_thing(thing) 'poo' end def remove_thing(thing) 'bum' end configuration_method :add_thing, :remove_thing end @thing = end it "should allow calling the method through 'configure'" do @thing.configure do |c| c.add_thing('duck') c.remove_thing('dog') end end end describe "nested configurable objects" do before(:each) do class NestedThing include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr :age, 29 def some_method(val) @some_thing = val end configuration_method :some_method attr_reader :some_thing end class Car def nested_thing @nested_thing ||= end nested_configurable :nested_thing end @car.configure do |c| c.nested_thing.configure do |nt| nt.age = 50 nt.some_method('yo') end end end it "should allow configuring nested configurable accessors" do @car.nested_thing.age.should == 50 end it "should allow configuring nested configurable normal methods" do @car.nested_thing.some_thing.should == 'yo' end it "should not allow configuring directly on the config object" do expect{ @car.configure do |c| c.some_method('other') end }.to raise_error(Dragonfly::Configurable::BadConfigAttribute) end end describe "configuring with a saved config" do before(:each) do @cool_configuration = def @cool_configuration.apply_configuration(car, colour=nil) car.configure do |c| c.colour = (colour || 'vermelho') end end end it "should allow configuration by a saved config" do @car.configure_with(@cool_configuration) @car.colour.should == 'vermelho' @car.top_speed.should == 216 end it "should pass any args through to the saved config" do @car.configure_with(@cool_configuration, 'preto') @car.colour.should == 'preto' end it "should yield a block for any extra configuration" do @car.configure_with(@cool_configuration) do |c| c.colour = 'branco' end @car.colour.should == 'branco' end it "should return itself" do @car.configure_with(@cool_configuration).should == @car end describe "using a symbol to specify the config" do before(:all) do @rally_config = Car.register_configuration(:rally, @rally_config) @long_journey_config = Car.register_configuration(:long_journey){ @long_journey_config } Car.register_configuration(:some_library){ SomeLibrary } end it "should map the symbol to the correct configuration" do @rally_config.should_receive(:apply_configuration).with(@car) @car.configure_with(:rally) end it "should map the symbol to the correct configuration lazily" do @long_journey_config.should_receive(:apply_configuration).with(@car) @car.configure_with(:long_journey) end it "should throw an error if an unknown symbol is passed in" do lambda { @car.configure_with(:eggs) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should only try to load the library when asked to" do lambda{ @car.configure_with(:some_library) }.should raise_error(NameError, /uninitialized constant.*SomeLibrary/) end end end describe "falling back to another config" do before(:each) do class Garage include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr :top_speed, 100 end @garage = @car.use_as_fallback_config(@garage) end describe "when nothing set" do it "should use its default" do @car.top_speed.should == 216 end it "shouldn't affect the fallback config object" do @garage.top_speed.should == 100 end end describe "if set" do before(:each) do @car.top_speed = 444 end it "should work normally" do @car.top_speed.should == 444 end it "shouldn't affect the fallback config object" do @garage.top_speed.should == 100 end end describe "both set" do before(:each) do @car.top_speed = 444 @garage.top_speed = 3000 end it "should prefer its own setting" do @car.top_speed.should == 444 end it "shouldn't affect the fallback config object" do @garage.top_speed.should == 3000 end end describe "the fallback config is set" do before(:each) do @garage.top_speed = 3000 end it "should use the fallback config" do @car.top_speed.should == 3000 end it "shouldn't affect the fallback config object" do @garage.top_speed.should == 3000 end end describe "falling back multiple levels" do before(:each) do @klass = @klass.class_eval do include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr :veg, 'carrot' end @a = @b = @b.use_as_fallback_config(@a) @c = @c.use_as_fallback_config(@b) end it "should be the default if nothing set" do @c.veg.should == 'carrot' end it "should fall all the way back to the top one if necessary" do @a.veg = 'turnip' @c.veg.should == 'turnip' end it "should prefer the closer one over the further away one" do @b.veg = 'tatty' @a.veg = 'turnip' @c.veg.should == 'tatty' end it "should work properly with nils" do @a.veg = nil @c.veg = 'broc' @a.veg.should be_nil @b.veg.should be_nil @c.veg.should == 'broc' end end describe "objects with different methods" do before(:each) do class Dad include Dragonfly::Configurable end @dad = class Kid include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr :lug, 'default-lug' end @kid = @kid.use_as_fallback_config(@dad) end it "should not allow setting on the fallback obj directly" do lambda{ @dad.lug = 'leg' }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "should not have the fallback obj respond to the method" do @dad.should_not respond_to(:lug=) end it "should allow configuring through the fallback object even if it doesn't have that method" do @dad.configure do |c| c.lug = 'leg' end @kid.lug.should == 'leg' end it "should work when a grandchild config is added later" do class Grandkid include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr :oogie, 'boogie' end grandkid = grandkid.use_as_fallback_config(@kid) @dad.configure{|c| c.oogie = 'duggen' } grandkid.oogie.should == 'duggen' end it "should allow configuring twice through the fallback object" do @dad.configure{|c| c.lug = 'leg' } @dad.configure{|c| c.lug = 'blug' } @kid.lug.should == 'blug' end end describe "clashing with configurable modules" do before(:each) do @mod = mod = @mod.module_eval do include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr :team, 'spurs' end @class = @class.class_eval do include mod include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr :tree, 'elm' end end it "should not override the defaults from the module" do obj = == 'spurs' end it "should still use its own defaults" do obj = obj.tree.should == 'elm' end describe "when the configurable_attr is specified in a subclass that doesn't include Configurable" do before(:each) do @subclass = @subclass.class_eval do configurable_attr :car, 'mazda' configurable_attr :tree, 'oak' end @obj = end it "should still work with default values" do == 'mazda' end it "should override the default from the parent" do @obj.tree.should == 'oak' end end end end describe "inheriting configurable_attrs from multiple places" do before(:each) do module A include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr :a end module B include Dragonfly::Configurable configurable_attr :b end class K include Dragonfly::Configurable include A include B configurable_attr :c end class L < K end end it "should include configuration from all of its mixins" do l = l.configure do |c| c.a = 'something' c.b = 'something' c.c = 'something' end end end end