require 'fileutils' require 'json' class XcodeAssetManager def initialize(asset_catalog_path) @asset_catalog_path = asset_catalog_path end def add(source) # Fetches only files in the specified source directory Dir.glob(File.join(source, '*.{png,jpg,jpeg,svg,heic,pdf}')).each do |file_path| if File.file?(file_path) # Ensure it's a file and not a directory filename_without_extension = File.basename(file_path, File.extname(file_path)) add_image(filename_without_extension, file_path, '1x') end end end def add_image(image_name, image_path, scale = '1x') # Create the image set directory if it doesn't exist image_set_path = File.join(@asset_catalog_path, "#{image_name}.imageset") FileUtils.mkdir_p(image_set_path) # Copy the image file to the image set directory destination_path = File.join(image_set_path, "#{image_name}@#{scale}.png") FileUtils.cp(image_path, destination_path) # Update or create the Contents.json file contents_json_path = File.join(image_set_path, 'Contents.json') contents = if File.exist?(contents_json_path) JSON.parse( else { "images" => [], "info" => { "version" => 1, "author" => "solara" } } end # Add or update the image entry image_entry = { "idiom" => "universal", "filename" => "#{image_name}@#{scale}.png", "scale" => scale } existing_entry = contents["images"].find { |img| img["scale"] == scale } if existing_entry existing_entry.merge!(image_entry) else contents["images"] << image_entry end # Write the updated Contents.json File.write(contents_json_path, JSON.pretty_generate(contents)) puts "Image '#{image_name}' added successfully at scale #{scale}." end end