describe('should', function() { var should = chai.Should(); it('assertion', function(){ 'test''string'); should.equal('foo', 'foo'); should.not.equal('foo', 'bar'); }); it('root exist', function () { var foo = 'foo' , bar = undefined; should.exist(foo); should.not.exist(bar); err(function () { should.exist(bar, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected undefined to exist"); err(function () { should.not.exist(foo, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 'foo' to not exist") }); it('root equal', function () { var value1 = 'value' , value2 = 'value' , foo = 'foo'; should.equal(value1, value2); should.not.equal(value1, foo); err(function () { should.equal(value1, foo, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 'value' to equal 'foo'"); err(function () { should.not.equal(value1, value2, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 'value' to not equal 'value'") }); it('root Throw', function () { should.Throw(function() { throw new Error('error!') }, Error, 'error!'); should.not.Throw(function () { }); err(function () { should.Throw(function () { throw new Error('error!') }, Error, 'needed user!', 'blah'); }, "blah: expected [Function] to throw error including 'needed user!' but got 'error!'"); err(function () { should.not.Throw(function () { throw new Error('error!') }, Error, 'error!', 'blah'); }, "blah: expected [Function] to not throw 'Error' but 'Error: error!' was thrown"); }); it('true', function(){ (true);; (1);false false.should.have.been.false; err(function(){ 'test'; }, "expected 'test' to be true") }); it('ok', function(){;; (1); (0); err(function(){ ''; }, "expected '' to be truthy"); err(function(){ 'test'; }, "expected 'test' to be falsy"); }); it('false', function(){;; (0); err(function(){ ''; }, "expected '' to be false") }); it('null', function(){ (0); err(function(){ ''; }, "expected '' to be null") }); it('undefined', function(){ (0); err(function(){ ''; }, "expected '' to be undefined") }); it('arguments', function(){ var args = (function(){ return arguments; })(1,2,3);; []; }); it('.equal()', function(){ var foo; should.equal(undefined, foo); }); it('typeof', function(){ 'test''string'); err(function(){ 'test''string'); }, "expected 'test' not to be a string"); (5)'number'); (new Number(1))'number'); Number(1)'number'); (true)'boolean'); (new Array())'array'); (new Object())'object'); ({})'object'); ([])'array'); (function() {})'function'); (5)'number'); err(function(){ (5)'number'); }, "expected 5 not to be a number"); }); it('instanceof', function(){ function Foo(){} new Foo(); err(function(){ (3), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 3 to be an instance of Foo"); }); it('within(start, finish)', function(){ (5), 10); (5),6); (5),5); (5),3); err(function(){ (5),6, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 5 to not be within 4..6"); err(function(){ (10),100, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 10 to be within 50..100"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.length.within(50,100, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected { foo: 1 } to have a property 'length'"); }); it('above(n)', function(){ (5); (5); (5); (5); err(function(){ (5), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 5 to be above 6"); err(function(){ (10), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 10 to be at most 6"); err(function(){ ({foo: 1}).should.have.length.above(3, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected { foo: 1 } to have a property 'length'"); }); it('least(n)', function(){ (5); (5); err(function(){ (5), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 5 to be at least 6"); err(function(){ (10), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 10 to be below 6"); err(function(){ ({foo: 1}), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected { foo: 1 } to have a property 'length'"); }); it('below(n)', function(){ (2); (2); (2); (2); err(function(){ (6), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 6 to be below 5"); err(function(){ (6), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 6 to be at least 10"); err(function(){ ({foo: 1}).should.have.length.below(3, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected { foo: 1 } to have a property 'length'"); }); it('most(n)', function(){ (2); (2); err(function(){ (6), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 6 to be at most 5"); err(function(){ (6), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 6 to be above 10"); err(function(){ ({foo: 1}), 'blah'); }, "blah: expected { foo: 1 } to have a property 'length'"); }); it('match(regexp)', function(){ 'foobar'.should.match(/^foo/) 'foobar'.should.not.match(/^bar/) err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.match(/^bar/i, 'blah') }, "blah: expected 'foobar' to match /^bar/i"); err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.not.match(/^foo/i, 'blah') }, "blah: expected 'foobar' not to match /^foo/i"); }); it('length(n)', function(){ 'test'.should.have.length(4); 'test'.should.not.have.length(3); [1,2,3].should.have.length(3); err(function(){ (4).should.have.length(3, 'blah'); }, 'blah: expected 4 to have a property \'length\''); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.not.have.length(3, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 'asd' to not have a length of 3"); }); it('eql(val)', function(){ var a = new Date(1, 2, 3) , b = new Date(4, 5, 6); a.should.eql(a); a.should.not.eql(b); a.should.not.eql({}); 'test'.should.eql('test'); ({ foo: 'bar' }).should.eql({ foo: 'bar' }); /a/.should.eql(/a/); /a/.should.not.eql(/b/); /a/.should.not.eql({}); /a/g.should.eql(/a/g); /a/g.should.not.eql(/b/g); /a/i.should.eql(/a/i); /a/i.should.not.eql(/b/i); /a/m.should.eql(/a/m); /a/m.should.not.eql(/b/m); (1).should.eql(1); '4'.should.not.eql(4); err(function(){ (4).should.eql(3, 'blah'); }, 'blah: expected 4 to deeply equal 3'); }); it('equal(val)', function(){ 'test'.should.equal('test'); (1).should.equal(1); err(function(){ (4).should.equal(3, 'blah'); }, 'blah: expected 4 to equal 3'); err(function(){ '4'.should.equal(4, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected '4' to equal 4"); }); it('empty', function(){ function FakeArgs() {}; FakeArgs.prototype.length = 0; ''; 'foo'; ([]); (['foo']); (new FakeArgs); ({arguments: 0}); ({}); ({foo: 'bar'}); err(function(){ ''; }, "expected \'\' not to be empty"); err(function(){ 'foo'; }, "expected \'foo\' to be empty"); err(function(){ ([]); }, "expected [] not to be empty"); err(function(){ (['foo']); }, "expected [ \'foo\' ] to be empty"); err(function(){ (new FakeArgs); }, "expected { length: 0 } not to be empty"); err(function(){ ({arguments: 0}); }, "expected { arguments: 0 } to be empty"); err(function(){ ({}); }, "expected {} not to be empty"); err(function(){ ({foo: 'bar'}); }, "expected { foo: \'bar\' } to be empty"); }); it('property(name)', function(){ 'test''length'); (4)'length'); err(function(){ 'asd''foo'); }, "expected 'asd' to have a property 'foo'"); }); it('property(name, val)', function(){ 'test''length', 4); 'asd''constructor', String); err(function(){ 'asd''length', 4, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 'asd' to have a property 'length' of 4, but got 3"); err(function(){ 'asd''length', 3, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 'asd' to not have a property 'length' of 3"); err(function(){ 'asd''foo', 3, 'blah'); }, "blah: 'asd' has no property 'foo'"); err(function(){ 'asd''constructor', Number, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 'asd' to have a property 'constructor' of [Function: Number], but got [Function: String]"); }); it('ownProperty(name)', function(){ 'test'.should.have.ownProperty('length'); 'test'.should.haveOwnProperty('length'); ({ length: 12 }).should.have.ownProperty('length'); err(function(){ ({ length: 12 }).should.not.have.ownProperty('length', 'blah'); }, "blah: expected { length: 12 } to not have own property 'length'"); }); it('string()', function(){ 'foobar'.should.contain.string('bar'); 'foobar'.should.contain.string('foo'); 'foobar'.should.not.contain.string('baz'); err(function(){ (3).should.contain.string('baz', 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 3 to be a string"); err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.contain.string('baz', 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 'foobar' to contain 'baz'"); err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.not.contain.string('bar', 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 'foobar' to not contain 'bar'"); }); it('include()', function(){ ['foo', 'bar'].should.include('foo'); ['foo', 'bar'].should.contain('foo'); ['foo', 'bar'].should.include('bar'); [1,2].should.include(1); ['foo', 'bar'].should.not.include('baz'); ['foo', 'bar'].should.not.include(1); ({a:1,b:2}).should.include({b:2}); ({a:1,b:2}).should.not.include({b:3}); err(function(){ ['foo'].should.include('bar', 'blah'); }, "blah: expected [ 'foo' ] to include 'bar'"); err(function(){ ['bar', 'foo'].should.not.include('foo', 'blah'); }, "blah: expected [ 'bar', 'foo' ] to not include 'foo'"); err(function(){ ({a:1}).should.include({b:2}); }, "expected { a: 1 } to have a property 'b'") }); it('keys(array)', function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys(['foo']); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.have.keys(['foo', 'bar']); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.have.keys('foo', 'bar'); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }).should.include.keys('foo', 'bar'); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }).should.contain.keys('bar', 'foo'); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }).should.contain.keys('baz'); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.contain.keys('foo'); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.contain.keys('bar', 'foo'); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.contain.keys(['foo']); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.contain.keys(['bar']); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.contain.keys(['bar', 'foo']); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.not.have.keys('baz'); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.not.have.keys('foo', 'baz'); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.not.contain.keys('baz'); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.not.contain.keys('foo', 'baz'); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.not.contain.keys('baz', 'foo'); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys(); }, "keys required"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys([]); }, "keys required"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.not.have.keys([]); }, "keys required"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.contain.keys([]); }, "keys required"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys(['bar']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to have key 'bar'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys(['bar', 'baz']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to have keys 'bar', and 'baz'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to have keys 'foo', 'bar', and 'baz'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.not.have.keys(['foo']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to not have key 'foo'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.not.have.keys(['foo']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to not have key 'foo'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.not.have.keys(['foo', 'bar']); }, "expected { foo: 1, bar: 2 } to not have keys 'foo', and 'bar'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.not.contain.keys(['foo']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to not contain key 'foo'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.contain.keys('foo', 'bar'); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to contain keys 'foo', and 'bar'"); }); it('throw', function () { // See GH-45: some poorly-constructed custom errors don't have useful names // on either their constructor or their constructor prototype, but instead // only set the name inside the constructor itself. var PoorlyConstructedError = function () { = 'PoorlyConstructedError'; }; PoorlyConstructedError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); function CustomError(message) { = 'CustomError'; this.message = message; } CustomError.prototype = Error.prototype; var specificError = new RangeError('boo'); var goodFn = function () { 1==1; } , badFn = function () { throw new Error('testing'); } , stringErrFn = function () { throw 'testing'; } , refErrFn = function () { throw new ReferenceError('hello'); } , ickyErrFn = function () { throw new PoorlyConstructedError(); } , specificErrFn = function () { throw specificError; } , customErrFn = function() { throw new CustomError('foo'); }; (goodFn).should.not.throw(); (goodFn).should.not.throw(Error); (goodFn).should.not.throw(specificError); (badFn).should.throw(); (badFn).should.throw(Error); (badFn).should.not.throw(ReferenceError); (badFn).should.not.throw(specificError); (stringErrFn).should.throw(); (stringErrFn).should.not.throw(ReferenceError); (stringErrFn).should.not.throw(specificError); (refErrFn).should.throw(); (refErrFn).should.throw(ReferenceError); (refErrFn).should.throw(Error); (refErrFn).should.not.throw(TypeError); (refErrFn).should.not.throw(specificError); (ickyErrFn).should.throw(); (ickyErrFn).should.throw(PoorlyConstructedError); (ickyErrFn).should.throw(Error); (ickyErrFn).should.not.throw(specificError); (specificErrFn).should.throw(specificError); (badFn).should.throw(/testing/); (badFn).should.throw('testing'); (badFn).should.not.throw(/hello/); (badFn).should.not.throw('hello'); (badFn).should.throw(Error, /testing/); (badFn).should.throw(Error, 'testing'); (stringErrFn).should.throw(/testing/); (stringErrFn).should.throw('testing'); (stringErrFn).should.not.throw(/hello/); (stringErrFn).should.not.throw('hello'); should.throw(badFn); should.throw(refErrFn, ReferenceError); should.throw(refErrFn, Error); should.throw(ickyErrFn, PoorlyConstructedError); should.throw(specificErrFn, specificError); should.not.throw(goodFn); should.not.throw(badFn, ReferenceError); should.not.throw(badFn, specificError); should.throw(badFn, Error, /testing/); should.throw(badFn, Error, 'testing'); err(function(){ (goodFn).should.throw(); }, "expected [Function] to throw an error"); err(function(){ (goodFn).should.throw(ReferenceError); }, "expected [Function] to throw ReferenceError"); err(function(){ (goodFn).should.throw(specificError); }, "expected [Function] to throw 'RangeError: boo'"); err(function(){ (badFn).should.not.throw(); }, "expected [Function] to not throw an error but 'Error: testing' was thrown"); err(function(){ (badFn).should.throw(ReferenceError); }, "expected [Function] to throw 'ReferenceError' but 'Error: testing' was thrown"); err(function(){ (badFn).should.throw(specificError); }, "expected [Function] to throw 'RangeError: boo' but 'Error: testing' was thrown"); err(function(){ (badFn).should.not.throw(Error); }, "expected [Function] to not throw 'Error' but 'Error: testing' was thrown"); err(function(){ (stringErrFn).should.not.throw(); }, "expected [Function] to not throw an error but 'testing' was thrown"); err(function(){ (stringErrFn).should.throw(ReferenceError); }, "expected [Function] to throw 'ReferenceError' but 'testing' was thrown"); err(function(){ (stringErrFn).should.throw(specificError); }, "expected [Function] to throw 'RangeError: boo' but 'testing' was thrown"); err(function(){ (stringErrFn).should.not.throw('testing'); }, "expected [Function] to throw error not including 'testing'"); err(function(){ (refErrFn).should.not.throw(ReferenceError); }, "expected [Function] to not throw 'ReferenceError' but 'ReferenceError: hello' was thrown"); err(function(){ (badFn).should.throw(PoorlyConstructedError); }, "expected [Function] to throw 'PoorlyConstructedError' but 'Error: testing' was thrown") err(function(){ (ickyErrFn).should.not.throw(PoorlyConstructedError); }, /^(expected \[Function\] to not throw 'PoorlyConstructedError' but)(.*)(PoorlyConstructedError|\{ Object \()(.*)(was thrown)$/); err(function(){ (ickyErrFn).should.throw(ReferenceError); }, /^(expected \[Function\] to throw 'ReferenceError' but)(.*)(PoorlyConstructedError|\{ Object \()(.*)(was thrown)$/); err(function(){ (specificErrFn).should.throw(new ReferenceError('eek')); }, "expected [Function] to throw 'ReferenceError: eek' but 'RangeError: boo' was thrown"); err(function(){ (specificErrFn).should.not.throw(specificError); }, "expected [Function] to not throw 'RangeError: boo'"); err(function (){ (badFn).should.not.throw(/testing/); }, "expected [Function] to throw error not matching /testing/"); err(function () { (badFn).should.throw(/hello/); }, "expected [Function] to throw error matching /hello/ but got \'testing\'"); err(function () { (badFn).should.throw(Error, /hello/, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected [Function] to throw error matching /hello/ but got 'testing'"); err(function () { (badFn).should.throw(Error, 'hello', 'blah'); }, "blah: expected [Function] to throw error including 'hello' but got 'testing'"); err(function () { (customErrFn).should.not.throw(); }, "expected [Function] to not throw an error but 'CustomError: foo' was thrown"); }); it('respondTo', function(){ function Foo(){}; = function(){}; Foo.func = function(){}; var bar = {}; = function(){}; Foo.should.respondTo('bar'); Foo.should.not.respondTo('foo'); Foo.should.itself.respondTo('func'); Foo.should.itself.not.respondTo('bar'); bar.should.respondTo('foo'); err(function(){ Foo.should.respondTo('baz', 'constructor'); }, /^(constructor: expected)(.*)(\[Function: Foo\])(.*)(to respond to \'baz\')$/); err(function(){ bar.should.respondTo('baz', 'object'); }, /^(object: expected)(.*)(\{ foo: \[Function\] \}|\{ Object \()(.*)(to respond to \'baz\')$/); }); it('satisfy', function(){ var matcher = function (num){ return num === 1; }; (1).should.satisfy(matcher); err(function(){ (2).should.satisfy(matcher, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 2 to satisfy [Function]"); }); it('closeTo', function(){ (1.5), 0.5); err(function(){ (2), 0.5, 'blah'); }, "blah: expected 2 to be close to 1 +/- 0.5"); }); it('include.members', function() { [1, 2, 3].should.include.members([3]); [1, 2, 3].should.include.members([]); [1, 2, 3].should.include.members([2, 1]); [1, 2, 3].should.not.include.members([999]); [].should.not.include.members([23]); err(function() { [].should.include.members([43]); }, 'expected [] to be a superset of [ 43 ]'); err(function() { [5, 2, 1].should.not.include.members([2]); }, 'expected [ 5, 2, 1 ] to not be a superset of [ 2 ]'); err(function() { 'foo'.should.include.members([12]); }, "expected 'foo' to be an array"); err(function() { [1, 2, 3].should.include.members('o'); }, "expected 'o' to be an array"); }); it('memberEquals', function() { [1, 2, 3].should.have.same.members([3, 2, 1]); [5, 4].should.have.same.members([5, 4]); [].should.have.same.members([]); err(function() { [1, 2, 3].should.have.same.members([]); }, 'expected [ 1, 2, 3 ] to have the same members as []'); err(function() { [1, 2, 3].should.have.same.members(4); }, 'expected 4 to be an array'); }); });