require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),'..', '..', '..', 'spec_helper') describe Pancake::Stacks::Short::Controller do before do class ::ShortFoo < Pancake::Stacks::Short add_root(__FILE__) add_root(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "..", "fixtures", "stacks", "short", "foobar") class Controller def do_dispatch! dispatch! end publish def show; "show"; end publish def index; "index"; end protected def a_protected_method; "protected"; end private def a_private_method; "private"; end end end end after do clear_constants "ShortFoo", :ShortBar end def app ShortFoo.stackup end it "should have a Controller" do include("Controller") end it "should inherit the subclass controller from the parent controller" do ShortFoo::Controller.should inherit_from(Pancake::Stacks::Short::Controller) end describe "dispatching an action" do before do @controller = end it "should call the 'show' action" do @controller.params["action"] = "show" result = @controller.do_dispatch! result[0].should == 200 result[2].body.join.should == "show" end it "should raise a Pancake::Response::NotFound exception when an action is now found" do @controller.params["action"] = :does_not_exist result = @controller.do_dispatch! result[0].should == 404 end it "should not dispatch to a protected method" do @controller.params["action"] = "a_protected_method" result = @controller.do_dispatch! result[0].should == 404 end it "should not dispatch to a private method" do @controller.params["action"] = "a_private_method" result = @controller.do_dispatch! result[0].should == 404 end it "should raise an exception if pancake has told it not to handle errors" do Pancake.should_receive(:handle_errors?).and_return(false) @controller.params["action"] = "a_private_method" lambda do @controller.do_dispatch! end.should raise_error end describe "helper in methods" do before do module PancakeTestHelper def some_helper_method "foo" end end class ShortFoo class Controller include PancakeTestHelper end end end after do clear_constants "PancakeTestHelper" end it "should not call a helper method" do @controller.params["action"] = "some_helper_method" result = @controller.do_dispatch! result[0].should == 404 end end end describe "request helper methods" do before do class ::RequestFoo < Pancake::Stacks::Short add_root(__FILE__, "..", "..", "fixtures", "stacks", "short", "foobar") get "/foobar", :_name => :foobar do url(:foobar) end get "/template", :_name => :template do render :template end get "/vault" do v[:my_data] = "some data" render :vault end end end after do clear_constants :RequestFoo end def app RequestFoo.stackup end it "should include the request helper methods" do (Pancake::Mixins::RequestHelper > ShortFoo::Controller).should be_true end it "should provide access to the request methods in the controller" do result = get "/foobar" result.body.should == "/foobar" end it "should provide access to the helper methods in the views" do result = get "/template" result.status.should == 200 result.body.should include("/foobar") result.body.should include("In Template") end it "should allow me to get information between the view and the controller" do result = get "/vault" result.status.should == 200 result.body.should include("some data") result.body.should include("In Vault") end end describe "accept type negotiations" do before do class ::ShortBar < Pancake::Stacks::Short roots << Pancake.get_root(__FILE__) # makes the dispatch method public def do_dispatch! dispatch! end provides :json, :xml, :text get "/foo/bar(.:format)" do "format #{content_type.inspect}" end end # ShortBar end # before def app ShortBar.stackup end it "should get json by default" do result = get "/foo/bar", {}, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/json" result.status.should == 200 result.headers["Content-Type"].should == "application/json" result.body.to_s.should == "format :json" end it "should get xml when specified" do result = get "/foo/bar.xml" result.status.should == 200 result.headers["Content-Type"].should == "application/xml" result.body.to_s.should == "format :xml" end it "should get json when specified with */*" do result = get "/foo/bar", {}, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "*/*" result.status.should == 200 result.body.to_s.should == "format :json" result.headers["Content-Type"].should == "application/json" end it "should get the default when specified with */*" do result = get "/foo/bar", {}, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml,*/*" result.status.should == 200 result.body.to_s.should == "format :json" result.headers["Content-Type"].should == "application/json" end it "should use the format in preference to the content type" do result = get "/foo/bar.xml", {}, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "*/*" result.status.should == 200 result.body.to_s.should == "format :xml" result.headers["Content-Type"].should == "application/xml" end it "should get json by default" do result = get "/foo/bar" result.status.should == 200 result.body.to_s.should == "format :json" result.headers["Content-Type"].should == "application/json" end it "should correctly negotiate different scenarios" do r = get "/foo/bar", {}, {} r.body.should == "format :json" r = get "/foo/bar.xml", {}, {} r.body.should == "format :xml" r = get "/foo/bar", {}, {} r.body.should == "format :json" r = get "/foo/bar", {}, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml" r.body.should == "format :xml" r = get "/foo/bar.json" r.body.should == "format :json" end it "should negotiate based on extension" do r = get "/foo/bar" r.body.should == "format :json" r = get "/foo/bar.text" r.body.should == "format :text" r = get "/foo/bar.xml" r.body.should == "format :xml" r = get "/foo/bar.txt" r.body.should == "format :text" end it "should not provide a response to a format that is not provided" do r = get "/foo/bar.svg" r.status.should == 406 end end # Accept type negotiations describe "error handling" do before do class ::ShortFoo provides :html, :xml get "/foo(.:format)" do "HERE" end get "/bad" do raise "This is bad" end get "/template/:name" do render params[:name] end end end describe "default error handling" do def app ShortFoo.stackup end it "should handle a NotFound by default" do result = get "/does_not_exist" result.status.should == 404 result.body.should include(Pancake::Errors::NotFound.description) end it "should return a 500 status for a Random Error by wrapping it in a Pancake::Errors::Server" do result = get "/bad" result.status.should == 500 result.body.should include(Pancake::Errors::Server.description) end it "should handle a NotAcceptable error" do result = get "/foo.no_format_i_know_of" result.status.should == 406 result.body.should include(Pancake::Errors::NotAcceptable.description) end it "should return 406 for a format that is in pancake but not in the group" do r = get "/foo.svg" r.status.should == 406 end end describe "custom error handling" do before do ShortFoo.handle_exception do |error| out = "" out << "CUSTOM " out << out << ": " out << error.description end ShortFoo.get "/bad" do raise "Really Bad" end end after do ShortFoo.handle_exception(&Pancake::Stacks::Short::Controller::DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_HANDLER) end it "should handle Pancake::Errors::NotFound errors" do r = get "/not_a_thing" r.status.should == 404 r.body.should include("CUSTOM") r.body.should include(Pancake::Errors::NotFound.description) end it "should handle an unknown server error" do r = get "/bad" r.status.should == 500 r.body.should include("CUSTOM") r.body.should include(Pancake::Errors::Server.description) end it "should let me do stuff on an instance level inside the handle exception" do ShortFoo.handle_exception do |error| self.status = 123 "BOOO!" end r = get "/bad" r.status.should == 123 r.body.should == "BOOO!" end end describe "rendering" do it "should render a template" do result = get "/template/basic" result.body.should include("basic template") end it "should inherit from a base view provided by short stacks" do File.file?(File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "..", "fixtures", "stacks", "short", "foobar", "views", "base.html.haml")).should be_false result = get "/template/inherited_from_base" result.body.should include("inherited from base") result.body.should include("Pancake") end it "should allow me to overwrite the base tempalte in later roots" do ShortFoo.add_root(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "..", "fixtures", "stacks", "short", "foobar", "other_root") result = get "/template/inherited_from_base" result.body.should include("inherited from base") result.body.should include("Not the default pancake") end end end end