Feature: Run presentation As a presentator I want to run an already created presentation In order to use it Background: Given a mocked home directory And git is configured with username "User" and email-address "email@example.com" And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"` And I cd to "presentation1" Scenario: Simple Slide Given a slide named "01.html.erb" with: """

Hello World

""" And the Server is running And I go to "/" Then I should see: """ Hello World """ Scenario: Malformed Slide Given a slide named "01.html.erb" with: """
<%= asdfasdf() %>
""" And the Server is running And I go to "/" and see the following error message: """ NoMethodError: undefined method `asdfasdf """ Scenario: Run it Given the Server is running When I go to "/" Then I should see: """ My Presentation """ When I go to "javascripts/application.js" Then I should see: """ jQuery JavaScript Library """ When I go to "stylesheets/application.css" Then I should see: """ Hakim El Hattab """ #When I go to "images/lightbox2/img/close.png" #Then the status code should be "200" Scenario: Slide number Given the Server is running When I go to "/" Then I should see: """ slideNumber: true """ Scenario: Project Group template Given a project template named "group.tt" with: """

Group Title

<%= slides %>
""" And a slide named "01namespace/01.html.erb" with: """

Hello World

""" And a slide named "01namespace/02.html.erb" with: """

Hello World

""" And the Server is running When I go to "/" Then I should see: """

Group Title

Hello World

Hello World

""" Scenario: Print link Given the Server is running When I go to "/" Then I should see: """