stimulus_controller = 'fields--date'
form ||= current_fields_form

options ||= {}
data_options ||= {}
other_options ||= {}

# data_options represents the iso8601 date value in a hidden input field.
# The value we display on screen is in options[:value].
data_options[:id] ||= form.field_id(method)
data_options[:class] = "hidden"
data_options[:value] = form.object.send(method)&.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
data_options = data_options.merge({ data: {"#{stimulus_controller}-target": 'field' }})

# localized display options
options[:id] ||= "#{form.field_id(method)}_display"
options[:class] = "form-control single-daterange w-full border-slate-300 dark:bg-slate-800 dark:border-slate-900 disabled:bg-slate-200 disabled:dark:bg-slate-700 #{options[:class]}".strip
options[:value] = form.object.send(method) && I18n.l(form.object.send(method), format: :date_field)
options = options.merge({ data: {"#{stimulus_controller}-target": 'displayField' }})

<%# Although we pass options below to `text_field`, we need to pass options here %>
<%# too because the id we set earlier is not the usual `form.field_id(method)`. %>
<%= render 'shared/fields/field', form: form, method: method, options: options, other_options: other_options do %>
  <% content_for :field do %>
      class="date-input relative"
      data-controller="<%= stimulus_controller %>"
      data-<%= stimulus_controller %>-date-format-value="<%= I18n.t('date.formats.date_controller') %>"
      data-<%= stimulus_controller %>-time-format-value="<%= I18n.t('time.formats.date_controller') %>"
      data-<%= stimulus_controller %>-is-am-pm-value="<%= am_pm? %>"
      data-<%= stimulus_controller %>-picker-locale-value="<%= I18n.t("daterangepicker").deep_transform_keys { |k| k.to_s.camelize(:lower) }.to_json %>"
      data-<%= stimulus_controller %>-current-time-zone-value="<%= current_time_zone %>"
      <%= form.text_field method, options %>
      <%= form.text_field method, data_options %>
      <% unless options[:disabled] %>
      <button type="button" class="clear py-2 px-3 border border-transparent inline-flex items-center whitespace-nowrap absolute rounded-md top-1 md:top-0.5 right-0.5"
        data-<%= stimulus_controller %>-target="clearButton"
        data-action="<%= stimulus_controller %>#clearDate"
        <i class="leading-4 text-lg ti ti-trash dark:text-blue-500"></i>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>