ScaffoldingExtensions::MODEL_SUPERCLASSES << Sequel::Model # Instance methods added to Sequel::Model to allow it to work with Scaffolding Extensions. module ScaffoldingExtensions::Sequel # Get value for given attribute def scaffold_attribute_value(field) values[field] end # the value of the primary key for this object def scaffold_id pk end end # Class methods added to Sequel::Model to allow it to work with Scaffolding Extensions. module ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaSequel SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS = ::ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaModel::SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS # Add the associated object to the object's association def scaffold_add_associated_object(association, object, associated_object) object.send(association_reflection(association).add_method, associated_object) end # Array of all association reflections for this model def scaffold_all_associations all_association_reflections end # The class that this model is associated with via the association def scaffold_associated_class(association) association_reflection(association).associated_class end # All objects that are currently associated with the given object. This method does not # check that the returned associated objects meet the associated class's scaffold_session_value # constraint, as it is assumed that all objects currently assocated with the given object # have already met the criteria. If that is not the case, you should override this method. def scaffold_associated_objects(association, object, options) assoc = object.send(association) reflection = association_reflection(association) reflection[:cache] || reflection[:type] == :many_to_one ? assoc : assoc.all end # The association reflection for this association def scaffold_association(association) association_reflection(association) end # The type of association, either :new for :one_to_many (as you can create new objects # associated with the current object), :edit for :many_to_many (since you # can edit the list of associated objects), or :one for :many_to_one. def scaffold_association_type(association) case scaffold_association(association)[:type] when :one_to_many :new when :many_to_many :edit else :one end end # List of symbols for associations to display on the scaffolded edit page. Defaults to # all associations. Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_associations @scaffold_associations ||= associations.sort_by{|name| name.to_s} end # Destroys the object def scaffold_destroy(object) object.destroy end # The error to raise, should match other errors raised by the underlying library. def scaffold_error_raised Sequel::Error end # Returns the list of fields to display on the scaffolded forms. Defaults # to displaying all columns with the exception of the primary key column. # Also includes :many_to_one associations, replacing # the foriegn keys with the association itself. Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_fields(action = :default) return @scaffold_fields if @scaffold_fields fields = columns - [primary_key] all_association_reflections.each do |reflection| next unless reflection[:type] == :many_to_one fields.delete(reflection[:key].to_sym) fields.push(reflection[:name]) end @scaffold_fields = fields.sort_by{|f| f.to_s} end # The foreign key for the given reflection def scaffold_foreign_key(reflection) reflection[:key] end # Retrieve a single model object given an id def scaffold_get_object(id) self[id.to_i] || (raise scaffold_error_raised) end # Retrieve multiple objects given a hash of options def scaffold_get_objects(options) records = dataset records = records.send(scaffold_use_eager_graph ? :eager_graph : :eager, *options[:include]) if options[:include] records = records.order(*options[:order]) if options[:order] records = records.limit(options[:limit], options[:offset]) if options[:limit] conditions = options[:conditions] if conditions && Array === conditions && conditions.length > 0 if String === conditions[0] records = records.filter(*conditions) else conditions.each do |cond| next if cond.nil? records = case cond when Hash, String then records.filter(cond) when Array then records.filter(*cond) when Proc then records.filter(&cond) end end end end records.all end # Return the class, left foreign key, right foreign key, and join table for this habtm association def scaffold_habtm_reflection_options(association) reflection = scaffold_association(association) [reflection.associated_class, reflection[:left_key], reflection[:right_key], reflection[:join_table]] end # Returns a hash of values to be used as url parameters on the link to create a new # :has_many associated object. Defaults to setting the foreign key field to the # record's primary key. def scaffold_new_associated_object_values(association, record) {scaffold_foreign_key(association_reflection(association))=>} end # The primary key for the given table def scaffold_primary_key primary_key end # Saves the object. def scaffold_save(action, object) end # Get the column type from the schema. Sequel doesn't differentiate between string and # text columns (since both are the same in ruby), so check if the database type is # text or if more than 255 characters allowed in the field and return :text if the type # is string. def scaffold_table_column_type(column) if String === column return nil unless str_columns.include?(column) column = column.to_sym end if column_info = db_schema[column] and type = column_info[:type] if type == :string && (column_info[:db_type] == "text" || ((mc = column_info[:max_chars]) && mc > 255)) :text else type end end end # The name of the underlying table def scaffold_table_name table_name end # Whether to use eager_graph instead of eager for eager loading. This is # necessary if you need to reference associated tables when filtering. # Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_use_eager_graph @scaffold_use_eager_graph ||= false end # Sequel doesn't allow you to use transaction on a model (only on a database), # so add a transaction method that starts a transaction on the associated database. def transaction(&block) db.transaction(&block) end private # Updates associated records for a given reflection and from record to point to the # to record def scaffold_reflection_merge(reflection, from, to) case reflection[:type] when :one_to_many foreign_key = reflection[:key] table = reflection.associated_class.table_name when :many_to_many foreign_key = reflection[:left_key] table = reflection[:join_table] else return end db[table].filter(foreign_key=>from).update(foreign_key=>to) end # Remove the associated object from object's association def scaffold_remove_associated_object(association, object, associated_object) object.send(association_reflection(association).remove_method, associated_object) end end # Add the class methods and instance methods from Scaffolding Extensions class Sequel::Model SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS = ::ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaModel::SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS include ScaffoldingExtensions::Model include ScaffoldingExtensions::Sequel extend ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaModel extend ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaSequel extend ScaffoldingExtensions::Overridable end