# encoding: UTF-8 require "yaml" module Stringex module Unidecoder # Contains Unicode codepoints, loading as needed from YAML files CODEPOINTS = Hash.new{|h, k| h[k] = YAML.load_file(File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "unidecoder_data", "#{k}.yml")) } unless defined?(CODEPOINTS) LOCAL_CODEPOINTS = Hash.new unless defined?(LOCAL_CODEPOINTS) class << self # Returns string with its UTF-8 characters transliterated to ASCII ones # # You're probably better off just using the added String#to_ascii def decode(string) string.gsub(/[^\x00-\x7f]/u) do |codepoint| if localized = local_codepoint(codepoint) localized else begin unpacked = codepoint.unpack("U")[0] CODEPOINTS[code_group(unpacked)][grouped_point(unpacked)] rescue # Hopefully this won't come up much # TODO: Make this note something to the user that is reportable to me perhaps "?" end end end end # Returns character for the given Unicode codepoint def encode(codepoint) ["0x#{codepoint}".to_i(16)].pack("U") end # Returns string indicating which file (and line) contains the # transliteration value for the character def in_yaml_file(character) unpacked = character.unpack("U")[0] "#{code_group(unpacked)}.yml (line #{grouped_point(unpacked) + 2})" end # Adds localized transliterations to Unidecoder def localize_from(hash_or_path_to_file) hash = if hash_or_path_to_file.is_a?(Hash) hash_or_path_to_file else YAML.load_file(hash_or_path_to_file) end verify_local_codepoints hash end # Returns locale for localized transliterations def locale if @locale @locale elsif defined?(I18n) I18n.locale else default_locale end end # Sets locale for localized transliterations def locale=(new_locale) @locale = new_locale end # Returns default locale for localized transliterations. NOTE: Will set @locale as well. def default_locale @default_locale ||= "en" @locale = @default_locale end # Sets the default locale for localized transliterations. NOTE: Will set @locale as well. def default_locale=(new_locale) @default_locale = new_locale # Seems logical that @locale should be the new default @locale = new_locale end # Returns the localized transliteration for a codepoint def local_codepoint(codepoint) locale_hash = LOCAL_CODEPOINTS[locale] || LOCAL_CODEPOINTS[locale.is_a?(Symbol) ? locale.to_s : locale.to_sym] locale_hash && locale_hash[codepoint] end # Runs a block with a temporary locale setting, returning the locale to the original state when complete def with_locale(new_locale, &block) new_locale = default_locale if new_locale == :default original_locale = locale self.locale = new_locale block.call self.locale = original_locale end # Runs a block with default locale def with_default_locale(&block) with_locale default_locale, &block end private # Returns the Unicode codepoint grouping for the given character def code_group(unpacked_character) "x%02x" % (unpacked_character >> 8) end # Returns the index of the given character in the YAML file for its codepoint group def grouped_point(unpacked_character) unpacked_character & 255 end # Checks LOCAL_CODEPOINTS's Hash is in the format we expect before assigning it and raises # instructive exception if not def verify_local_codepoints(hash) pass_check = hash.is_a?(Hash) && hash.all?{|key, value| # Fuck a duck, eh? [Symbol, String].include?(key.class) && value.is_a?(Hash) && value.keys.all?{|k| k.is_a?(String)} && value.values.all?{|v| v.is_a?(String)} } if pass_check hash.each do |k, v| LOCAL_CODEPOINTS[k] = v end else raise ArgumentError, "LOCAL_CODEPOINTS is not correctly defined. Please see the README for more information on how to correctly format this data." end end end end # Provide a simpler interface for localization implementations class << self %w{ localize_from locale locale= default_locale default_locale= local_codepoint with_locale with_default_locale }.each do |name| define_method name do |*args, &block| Unidecoder.send name, *args, &block end end end end module Stringex module StringExtensions # Returns string with its UTF-8 characters transliterated to ASCII ones. Example: # # "⠋⠗⠁⠝⠉⠑".to_ascii #=> "braille" def to_ascii Stringex::Unidecoder.decode(self) end end end