require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Feedzirra::Feed do describe "#add_common_feed_element" do before(:all) do Feedzirra::Feed.add_common_feed_element("generator") end it "should parse the added element out of Atom feeds" do Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_wfw_feed).generator.should == "TypePad" end it "should parse the added element out of Atom Feedburner feeds" do respond_to(:generator) end it "should parse the added element out of RSS feeds" do respond_to(:generator) end end describe "#add_common_feed_entry_element" do before(:all) do Feedzirra::Feed.add_common_feed_entry_element("wfw:commentRss", :as => :comment_rss) end it "should parse the added element out of Atom feeds entries" do Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_wfw_feed).entries.first.comment_rss.should == "this is the new val" end it "should parse the added element out of Atom Feedburner feeds entries" do respond_to(:comment_rss) end it "should parse the added element out of RSS feeds entries" do respond_to(:comment_rss) end end describe "#parse" do # many of these tests are redundant with the specific feed type tests, but I put them here for completeness context "when there's an available parser" do it "should parse an rdf feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_rdf_feed) feed.title.should == "HREF Considered Harmful" feed.entries.first.published.should == Time.parse_safely("Tue Sep 02 19:50:07 UTC 2008") feed.entries.size.should == 10 end it "should parse an rss feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_rss_feed) feed.title.should == "Tender Lovemaking" feed.entries.first.published.should == Time.parse_safely("Thu Dec 04 17:17:49 UTC 2008") feed.entries.size.should == 10 end it "should parse an atom feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_atom_feed) feed.title.should == "Amazon Web Services Blog" feed.entries.first.published.should == Time.parse_safely("Fri Jan 16 18:21:00 UTC 2009") feed.entries.size.should == 10 end it "should parse an feedburner atom feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_feedburner_atom_feed) feed.title.should == "Paul Dix Explains Nothing" feed.entries.first.published.should == Time.parse_safely("Thu Jan 22 15:50:22 UTC 2009") feed.entries.size.should == 5 end it "should parse an itunes feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_itunes_feed) feed.title.should == "All About Everything" feed.entries.first.published.should == Time.parse_safely("Wed, 15 Jun 2005 19:00:00 GMT") feed.entries.size.should == 3 end end context "when there's no available parser" do it "raises Feedzirra::NoParserAvailable" do proc { Feedzirra::Feed.parse("I'm an invalid feed") }.should raise_error(Feedzirra::NoParserAvailable) end end it "should parse an feedburner rss feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_rss_feed_burner_feed) feed.title.should == "TechCrunch" feed.entries.first.published.should == Time.parse_safely("Wed Nov 02 17:25:27 UTC 2011") feed.entries.size.should == 20 end end describe "#determine_feed_parser_for_xml" do it 'should return the Feedzirra::Parser::GoogleDocsAtom calss for a Google Docs atom feed' do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_google_docs_list_feed).should == Feedzirra::Parser::GoogleDocsAtom end it "should return the Feedzirra::Parser::Atom class for an atom feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_atom_feed).should == Feedzirra::Parser::Atom end it "should return the Feedzirra::Parser::AtomFeedBurner class for an atom feedburner feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_feedburner_atom_feed).should == Feedzirra::Parser::AtomFeedBurner end it "should return the Feedzirra::Parser::RSS class for an rdf/rss 1.0 feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_rdf_feed).should == Feedzirra::Parser::RSS end it "should return the Feedzirra::Parser::RSSFeedBurner class for an rss feedburner feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_rss_feed_burner_feed).should == Feedzirra::Parser::RSSFeedBurner end it "should return the Feedzirra::Parser::RSS object for an rss 2.0 feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_rss_feed).should == Feedzirra::Parser::RSS end it "should return a Feedzirra::Parser::RSS object for an itunes feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_itunes_feed).should == Feedzirra::Parser::ITunesRSS end end describe "#setup_easy" do class MockCurl attr_accessor :follow_location, :userpwd, :proxy_url, :proxy_port, :max_redirects, :timeout, :ssl_verify_host, :ssl_verify_peer, :ssl_version, :enable_cookies, :cookiefile, :cookies def headers @headers ||= {} end end let(:curl) { } it "sets defaults on curl" do Feedzirra::Feed.setup_easy curl curl.headers["User-Agent"].should eq Feedzirra::Feed::USER_AGENT curl.follow_location.should eq true end it "allows user agent over-ride" do Feedzirra::Feed.setup_easy(curl, user_agent: '007') curl.headers["User-Agent"].should eq '007' end it "enables compression" do Feedzirra::Feed.setup_easy(curl, compress: true) curl.headers["Accept-encoding"].should eq 'gzip, deflate' end it "enables compression even when you act like you don't want it" do Feedzirra::Feed.setup_easy(curl, compress: false) curl.headers["Accept-encoding"].should eq 'gzip, deflate' end it "sets up http auth" do Feedzirra::Feed.setup_easy(curl, http_authentication: ['user', 'pass']) curl.userpwd.should eq 'user:pass' end it "passes known options to curl" do known_options = { enable_cookies: true, cookiefile: 'cookies.txt', cookies: 'asdf', proxy_url: '', proxy_port: '1234', max_redirects: 2, timeout: 500, ssl_verify_host: true, ssl_verify_peer: true, ssl_version: :omg } Feedzirra::Feed.setup_easy curl, known_options known_options.each do |option| key, value = option curl.send(key).should eq value end end it "ignores unknown options" do expect { Feedzirra::Feed.setup_easy curl, foo: :bar }.to_not raise_error end end describe "when adding feed types" do it "should prioritize added types over the built in ones" do feed_text = "Atom asdf" Feedzirra::Parser::Atom.stub(:able_to_parse?).and_return(true) new_feed_type = do def self.able_to_parse?(val) true end end new_feed_type.should be_able_to_parse(feed_text) Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_class(new_feed_type) Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(feed_text).should == new_feed_type # this is a hack so that this doesn't break the rest of the tests Feedzirra::Feed.feed_classes.reject! {|o| o == new_feed_type } end end describe '#etag_from_header' do before(:each) do @header = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nDate: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 03:55:24 GMT\r\nServer: Apache\r\nX-FB-Host: chi-write6\r\nLast-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT\r\nETag: ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE\r\nP3P: CP=\"ALL DSP COR NID CUR OUR NOR\"\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n" end it "should return the etag from the header if it exists" do Feedzirra::Feed.etag_from_header(@header).should == "ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE" end it "should return nil if there is no etag in the header" do Feedzirra::Feed.etag_from_header("foo").should be_nil end end describe '#last_modified_from_header' do before(:each) do @header = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nDate: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 03:55:24 GMT\r\nServer: Apache\r\nX-FB-Host: chi-write6\r\nLast-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT\r\nETag: ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE\r\nP3P: CP=\"ALL DSP COR NID CUR OUR NOR\"\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n" end it "should return the last modified date from the header if it exists" do Feedzirra::Feed.last_modified_from_header(@header).should == Time.parse_safely("Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT") end it "should return nil if there is no last modified date in the header" do Feedzirra::Feed.last_modified_from_header("foo").should be_nil end end describe "fetching feeds" do before(:each) do @paul_feed = { :xml => load_sample("PaulDixExplainsNothing.xml"), :url => "" } @trotter_feed = { :xml => load_sample("TrotterCashionHome.xml"), :url => "" } end describe "#fetch_raw" do before(:each) do @cmock = double('cmock', :header_str => '', :body_str => @paul_feed[:xml] ) @multi = double('curl_multi', :add => true, :perform => true) @curl_easy = double('curl_easy') @curl = double('curl', :headers => {}, :follow_location= => true, :on_failure => true) @curl.stub(:on_success).and_yield(@cmock) Curl::Multi.stub(:new).and_return(@multi) Curl::Easy.stub(:new).and_yield(@curl).and_return(@curl_easy) end it "should set user agent if it's passed as an option" do Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw(@paul_feed[:url], :user_agent => 'Custom Useragent') @curl.headers['User-Agent'].should == 'Custom Useragent' end it "should set user agent to default if it's not passed as an option" do Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw(@paul_feed[:url]) @curl.headers['User-Agent'].should == Feedzirra::Feed::USER_AGENT end it "should set if modified since as an option if passed" do Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw(@paul_feed[:url], :if_modified_since => Time.parse_safely("Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT")) @curl.headers["If-Modified-Since"].should == 'Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT' end it "should set if none match as an option if passed" do Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw(@paul_feed[:url], :if_none_match => 'ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE') @curl.headers["If-None-Match"].should == 'ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE' end it 'should set userpwd for http basic authentication if :http_authentication is passed' do @curl.should_receive(:userpwd=).with('username:password') Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw(@paul_feed[:url], :http_authentication => ['username', 'password']) end it 'should set accepted encodings' do Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw(@paul_feed[:url], :compress => true) @curl.headers["Accept-encoding"].should == 'gzip, deflate' end it "should return raw xml" do Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw(@paul_feed[:url]).should =~ /^#{Regexp.escape('')}/ end it "should take multiple feed urls and return a hash of urls and response xml" do multi = double('curl_multi', :add => true, :perform => true) Curl::Multi.stub(:new).and_return(multi) paul_response = double('paul_response', :header_str => '', :body_str => @paul_feed[:xml] ) trotter_response = double('trotter_response', :header_str => '', :body_str => @trotter_feed[:xml] ) paul_curl = double('paul_curl', :headers => {}, :follow_location= => true, :on_failure => true) paul_curl.stub(:on_success).and_yield(paul_response) trotter_curl = double('trotter_curl', :headers => {}, :follow_location= => true, :on_failure => true) trotter_curl.stub(:on_success).and_yield(trotter_response) Curl::Easy.should_receive(:new).with(@paul_feed[:url]).ordered.and_yield(paul_curl) Curl::Easy.should_receive(:new).with(@trotter_feed[:url]).ordered.and_yield(trotter_curl) results = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw([@paul_feed[:url], @trotter_feed[:url]]) results.keys.should include(@paul_feed[:url]) results.keys.should include(@trotter_feed[:url]) results[@paul_feed[:url]].should =~ /Paul Dix/ results[@trotter_feed[:url]].should =~ /Trotter Cashion/ end it "should always return a hash when passed an array" do results = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw([@paul_feed[:url]]) results.class.should == Hash end end describe "#add_url_to_multi" do before(:each) do allow_message_expectations_on_nil @multi = Curl::Multi.get([@paul_feed[:url]], {:follow_location => true}, {:pipeline => true}) @multi.stub(:add) @easy_curl =[:url]) Curl::Easy.should_receive(:new).and_yield(@easy_curl) end it "should set user agent if it's passed as an option" do Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, :user_agent => 'My cool application') @easy_curl.headers["User-Agent"].should == 'My cool application' end it "should set user agent to default if it's not passed as an option" do Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, {}) @easy_curl.headers["User-Agent"].should == Feedzirra::Feed::USER_AGENT end it "should set if modified since as an option if passed" do Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, :if_modified_since => Time.parse_safely("Jan 25 2009 04:10:32 GMT")) @easy_curl.headers["If-Modified-Since"].should == 'Sun, 25 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT' end it 'should set follow location to true' do @easy_curl.should_receive(:follow_location=).with(true) Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, {}) end it 'should set userpwd for http basic authentication if :http_authentication is passed' do Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, :http_authentication => ['myusername', 'mypassword']) @easy_curl.userpwd.should == 'myusername:mypassword' end it 'should set accepted encodings' do Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, {:compress => true}) @easy_curl.headers["Accept-encoding"].should == 'gzip, deflate' end it "should set if_none_match as an option if passed" do Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, :if_none_match => 'ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE') @easy_curl.headers["If-None-Match"].should == 'ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE' end describe 'on success' do before(:each) do @feed = double('feed', :feed_url= => true, :etag= => true, :last_modified= => true) Feedzirra::Feed.stub(:decode_content).and_return(@paul_feed[:xml]) Feedzirra::Feed.stub(:determine_feed_parser_for_xml).and_return(Feedzirra::Parser::AtomFeedBurner) Feedzirra::Parser::AtomFeedBurner.stub(:parse).and_return(@feed) Feedzirra::Feed.stub(:etag_from_header).and_return('ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE') Feedzirra::Feed.stub(:last_modified_from_header).and_return('Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT') end it 'should decode the response body' do Feedzirra::Feed.should_receive(:decode_content).with(@easy_curl).and_return(@paul_feed[:xml]) Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, {}) end it 'should determine the xml parser class' do Feedzirra::Feed.should_receive(:determine_feed_parser_for_xml).with(@paul_feed[:xml]).and_return(Feedzirra::Parser::AtomFeedBurner) Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, {}) end it 'should parse the xml' do Feedzirra::Parser::AtomFeedBurner.should_receive(:parse).with(@paul_feed[:xml], an_instance_of(Proc)).and_return(@feed) Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, {}) end describe 'when a compatible xml parser class is found' do it 'should set the last effective url to the feed url' do @easy_curl.should_receive(:last_effective_url).and_return(@paul_feed[:url]) @feed.should_receive(:feed_url=).with(@paul_feed[:url]) Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, {}) end it 'should set the etags on the feed' do @feed.should_receive(:etag=).with('ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE') Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, {}) end it 'should set the last modified on the feed' do @feed.should_receive(:last_modified=).with('Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT') Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, {}) end it 'should add the feed to the responses' do responses = {} Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], responses, {}) responses.length.should == 1 responses[''].should == @feed end it 'should call proc if :on_success option is passed' do success = lambda { |url, feed| } success.should_receive(:call).with(@paul_feed[:url], @feed) Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, { :on_success => success }) end end describe 'when no compatible xml parser class is found' do it 'should raise a NoParserAvailable exception' end end describe 'on failure' do before(:each) do @headers = "HTTP/1.0 500 Something Bad\r\nDate: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 03:55:24 GMT\r\nServer: Apache\r\nX-FB-Host: chi-write6\r\nLast-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT\r\n" @body = 'Sorry, something broke' @easy_curl.stub(:response_code).and_return(500) @easy_curl.stub(:header_str).and_return(@headers) @easy_curl.stub(:body_str).and_return(@body) end it 'should call proc if :on_failure option is passed' do failure = lambda { |url, feed| } failure.should_receive(:call).with(@paul_feed[:url], 500, @headers, @body) Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, { :on_failure => failure }) end it 'should return the http code in the responses' do responses = {} Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], responses, {}) responses.length.should == 1 responses[@paul_feed[:url]].should == 500 end end describe 'on complete for 404s' do before(:each) do @headers = "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\nDate: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 03:55:24 GMT\r\nServer: Apache\r\nX-FB-Host: chi-write6\r\nLast-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT\r\n" @body = 'Page could not be found.' @easy_curl.stub(:response_code).and_return(404) @easy_curl.stub(:header_str).and_return(@headers) @easy_curl.stub(:body_str).and_return(@body) end it 'should call proc if :on_failure option is passed' do complete = lambda { |url| } complete.should_receive(:call).with(@paul_feed[:url], 404, @headers, @body) Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], {}, { :on_failure => complete }) end it 'should return the http code in the responses' do responses = {} Feedzirra::Feed.add_url_to_multi(@multi, @paul_feed[:url], [], responses, {}) responses.length.should == 1 responses[@paul_feed[:url]].should == 404 end end end describe "#add_feed_to_multi" do before(:each) do allow_message_expectations_on_nil @multi = Curl::Multi.get([@paul_feed[:url]], {:follow_location => true}, {:pipeline => true}) @multi.stub(:add) @easy_curl =[:url]) @feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_feedburner_atom_feed) Curl::Easy.should_receive(:new).and_yield(@easy_curl) end it "should set user agent if it's passed as an option" do Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, :user_agent => 'My cool application') @easy_curl.headers["User-Agent"].should == 'My cool application' end it "should set user agent to default if it's not passed as an option" do Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, {}) @easy_curl.headers["User-Agent"].should == Feedzirra::Feed::USER_AGENT end it "should set if modified since as an option if passed" do modified_time = Time.parse_safely("Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT") Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, {:if_modified_since => modified_time}) modified_time.should be > @feed.last_modified @easy_curl.headers["If-Modified-Since"].should == modified_time end it 'should set follow location to true' do @easy_curl.should_receive(:follow_location=).with(true) Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, {}) end it 'should set userpwd for http basic authentication if :http_authentication is passed' do Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, :http_authentication => ['myusername', 'mypassword']) @easy_curl.userpwd.should == 'myusername:mypassword' end it "should set if_none_match as an option if passed" do @feed.etag = 'ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE' Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, {}) @easy_curl.headers["If-None-Match"].should == 'ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE' end describe 'on success' do before(:each) do @new_feed = @feed.clone @feed.stub(:update_from_feed) Feedzirra::Feed.stub(:decode_content).and_return(@paul_feed[:xml]) Feedzirra::Feed.stub(:determine_feed_parser_for_xml).and_return(Feedzirra::Parser::AtomFeedBurner) Feedzirra::Parser::AtomFeedBurner.stub(:parse).and_return(@new_feed) Feedzirra::Feed.stub(:etag_from_header).and_return('ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE') Feedzirra::Feed.stub(:last_modified_from_header).and_return('Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT') end it 'should process the next feed in the queue' it 'should parse the updated feed' do Feedzirra::Parser::AtomFeedBurner.should_receive(:parse).and_return(@new_feed) Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, {}) end it 'should set the last effective url to the feed url' do @easy_curl.should_receive(:last_effective_url).and_return(@paul_feed[:url]) @new_feed.should_receive(:feed_url=).with(@paul_feed[:url]) Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, {}) end it 'should set the etags on the feed' do @new_feed.should_receive(:etag=).with('ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE') Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, {}) end it 'should set the last modified on the feed' do @new_feed.should_receive(:last_modified=).with('Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT') Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, {}) end it 'should add the feed to the responses' do responses = {} Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], responses, {}) responses.length.should == 1 responses[''].should == @feed end it 'should call proc if :on_success option is passed' do success = lambda { |feed| } success.should_receive(:call).with(@feed) Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, { :on_success => success }) end it 'should call update from feed on the old feed with the updated feed' do @feed.should_receive(:update_from_feed).with(@new_feed) Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, {}) end end describe 'on failure' do before(:each) do @headers = "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\nDate: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 03:55:24 GMT\r\nServer: Apache\r\nX-FB-Host: chi-write6\r\nLast-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT\r\n" @body = 'Page could not be found.' @easy_curl.stub(:response_code).and_return(404) @easy_curl.stub(:header_str).and_return(@headers) @easy_curl.stub(:body_str).and_return(@body) end it 'should call on success callback if the response code is 304' do success = lambda { |feed| } success.should_receive(:call).with(@feed) @easy_curl.should_receive(:response_code).and_return(304) Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], {}, { :on_success => success }) end it 'should return the http code in the responses' do responses = {} Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_to_multi(@multi, @feed, [], responses, {}) responses.length.should == 1 responses[''].should == 404 end end end describe "#fetch_and_parse" do it 'should initiate the fetching and parsing using multicurl' it "should pass any request options through to add_url_to_multi" it 'should slice the feeds into groups of thirty for processing' it "should return a feed object if a single feed is passed in" it "should return an return an array of feed objects if multiple feeds are passed in" it "should set if modified since as an option if passed" do modified_time = Time.parse_safely("Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT") Feedzirra::Feed.should_receive(:add_url_to_multi).with(anything, anything, anything, anything, {:if_modified_since => modified_time}) @feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(sample_feedburner_atom_feed, {:if_modified_since => modified_time}) end end describe "#decode_content" do before(:each) do @curl_easy = double('curl_easy', :body_str => '') end it 'should decode the response body using gzip if the Content-Encoding: is gzip' do @curl_easy.stub(:header_str).and_return('Content-Encoding: gzip') string_io = double('stringio', :read => @curl_easy.body_str, :close => true) StringIO.should_receive(:new).and_return(string_io) Zlib::GzipReader.should_receive(:new).with(string_io).and_return(string_io) Feedzirra::Feed.decode_content(@curl_easy) end it 'should decode the response body using gzip if the Content-Encoding: is gzip even when the case is wrong' do @curl_easy.stub(:header_str).and_return('content-encoding: gzip') string_io = double('stringio', :read => @curl_easy.body_str, :close => true) StringIO.should_receive(:new).and_return(string_io) Zlib::GzipReader.should_receive(:new).with(string_io).and_return(string_io) Feedzirra::Feed.decode_content(@curl_easy) end it 'should deflate the response body using inflate if the Content-Encoding: is deflate' do @curl_easy.stub(:header_str).and_return('Content-Encoding: deflate') Zlib::Inflate.should_receive(:inflate).with(@curl_easy.body_str) Feedzirra::Feed.decode_content(@curl_easy) end it 'should deflate the response body using inflate if the Content-Encoding: is deflate event if the case is wrong' do @curl_easy.stub(:header_str).and_return('content-encoding: deflate') Zlib::Inflate.should_receive(:inflate).with(@curl_easy.body_str) Feedzirra::Feed.decode_content(@curl_easy) end it 'should return the response body if it is not encoded' do @curl_easy.stub(:header_str).and_return('') Feedzirra::Feed.decode_content(@curl_easy).should == '' end end describe "#update" do it 'should perform the updating using multicurl' it "should pass any request options through to add_feed_to_multi" it "should return a feed object if a single feed is passed in" it "should return an return an array of feed objects if multiple feeds are passed in" end end end