#- ©2009 Rick DeNatale, All rights reserved. Refer to the file README.txt for the license require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper.rb]) # Note that this is more of a functional spec describe RiCal::OccurrenceEnumerator do Fr13Unbounded_Zulu = <<-TEXT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:19970902T090000Z EXDATE:19970902T090000Z RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=FR;BYMONTHDAY=13 END:VEVENT TEXT Fr13Unbounded_Eastern = <<-TEXT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 EXDATE;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=FR;BYMONTHDAY=13 END:VEVENT TEXT Fr13UnboundedZuluExpectedFive = [ "19980213T090000Z", "19980313T090000Z", "19981113T090000Z", "19990813T090000Z", "20001013T090000Z" ].map {|start| src = <<-TEXT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:#{start} RECURRENCE-ID:#{start} END:VEVENT TEXT RiCal.parse_string(src).first } describe ".occurrences" do describe "with an unbounded component" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal.parse_string(Fr13Unbounded_Zulu).first end it "should raise an ArgumentError with no options to limit result" do lambda {@it.occurrences}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should have the right five occurrences when :count => 5 option is used" do result = @it.occurrences(:count => 5) result.should == Fr13UnboundedZuluExpectedFive end end end describe ".occurrences" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal.parse_string(Fr13Unbounded_Zulu).first end describe "with :starting specified" do it "should exclude dates before :starting" do result = @it.occurrences(:starting => Fr13UnboundedZuluExpectedFive[1].dtstart, :before => Fr13UnboundedZuluExpectedFive[-1].dtstart) result.map{|o|o.dtstart}.should == Fr13UnboundedZuluExpectedFive[1..-2].map{|e| e.dtstart} end end describe "with :before specified" do it "should exclude dates after :before" do result = @it.occurrences(:before => Fr13UnboundedZuluExpectedFive[3].dtstart, :count => 5) result.map{|o|o.dtstart}.should == Fr13UnboundedZuluExpectedFive[0..2].map{|e| e.dtstart} end end end describe ".each" do describe " for Every Friday the 13th, forever" do before(:each) do event = RiCal.parse_string(Fr13Unbounded_Zulu).first @result = [] event.each do |occurrence| break if @result.length >= 5 @result << occurrence end end it "should have the right first six occurrences" do # TODO - Need to properly deal with timezones @result.should == Fr13UnboundedZuluExpectedFive end end end end describe RiCal::OccurrenceEnumerator::OccurrenceMerger do before(:each) do @merger = RiCal::OccurrenceEnumerator::OccurrenceMerger end describe ".for" do it "should return an EmptyEnumerator if the rules parameter is nil" do @merger.for(nil, nil).should == RiCal::OccurrenceEnumerator::EmptyRulesEnumerator end it "should return an EmptyEnumerator if the rules parameter is empty" do @merger.for(nil, []).should == RiCal::OccurrenceEnumerator::EmptyRulesEnumerator end describe "with a single rrule" do before(:each) do @component = mock("component", :dtstart => :dtstart_value) @rrule = mock("rrule", :enumerator => :rrule_enumerator) end it "should return the enumerator the rrule" do @merger.for(@component, [@rrule]).should == :rrule_enumerator end it "should pass the component to the enumerator instantiation" do @rrule.should_receive(:enumerator).with(@component) @merger.for(@component, [@rrule]) end end describe "with multiple rrules" do before(:each) do @component = mock("component", :dtstart => :dtstart_value) @enum1 = mock("rrule_enumerator1", :next_occurrence => :occ1, :bounded? => true) @enum2 = mock("rrule_enumerator2", :next_occurrence => :occ2, :bounded? => true) @rrule1 = mock("rrule", :enumerator => @enum1) @rrule2 = mock("rrule", :enumerator => @enum2) end it "should return an instance of RiCal::OccurrenceEnumerator::OccurrenceMerger" do @merger.for(@component, [@rrule1, @rrule2]).should be_kind_of(RiCal::OccurrenceEnumerator::OccurrenceMerger) end it "should pass the component to the enumerator instantiation" do @rrule1.should_receive(:enumerator).with(@component).and_return(@enum1) @rrule2.should_receive(:enumerator).with(@component).and_return(@enum2) @merger.for(@component, [@rrule1, @rrule2]) end it "should preload the next occurrences" do @enum1.should_receive(:next_occurrence).and_return(:occ1) @enum2.should_receive(:next_occurrence).and_return(:occ2) @merger.for(@component, [@rrule1, @rrule2]) end end end describe "#next_occurence" do describe "with unique nexts" do before(:each) do @enum1 = mock("rrule_enumerator1", :next_occurrence => 3, :bounded? => true) @enum2 = mock("rrule_enumerator2", :next_occurrence => 2, :bounded? => true) @rrule1 = mock("rrule", :enumerator => @enum1) @rrule2 = mock("rrule", :enumerator => @enum2) @it = @merger.new(0, [@rrule1, @rrule2]) end it "should return the earliest occurrence" do @it.next_occurrence.should == 2 end it "should advance the enumerator which returned the result" do @enum2.should_receive(:next_occurrence).and_return(4) @it.next_occurrence end it "should not advance the other enumerator" do @enum1.should_not_receive(:next_occurrence) @it.next_occurrence end it "should properly update the next array" do @enum2.stub!(:next_occurrence).and_return(4) @it.next_occurrence @it.nexts.should == [3, 4] end end describe "with duplicated nexts" do before(:each) do @enum1 = mock("rrule_enumerator1", :next_occurrence => 2, :bounded? => true) @enum2 = mock("rrule_enumerator2", :next_occurrence => 2, :bounded? => true) @rrule1 = mock("rrule", :enumerator => @enum1) @rrule2 = mock("rrule", :enumerator => @enum2) @it = @merger.new(0, [@rrule1, @rrule2]) end it "should return the earliest occurrence" do @it.next_occurrence.should == 2 end it "should advance both enumerators" do @enum1.should_receive(:next_occurrence).and_return(5) @enum2.should_receive(:next_occurrence).and_return(4) @it.next_occurrence end it "should properly update the next array" do @enum1.stub!(:next_occurrence).and_return(5) @enum2.stub!(:next_occurrence).and_return(4) @it.next_occurrence @it.nexts.should == [5, 4] end end describe "with all enumerators at end" do before(:each) do @enum1 = mock("rrule_enumerator1", :next_occurrence => nil, :bounded? => true) @enum2 = mock("rrule_enumerator2", :next_occurrence => nil, :bounded? => true) @rrule1 = mock("rrule", :enumerator => @enum1) @rrule2 = mock("rrule", :enumerator => @enum2) @it = @merger.new(0, [@rrule1, @rrule2]) end it "should return nil" do @it.next_occurrence.should == nil end it "should not advance the enumerators which returned the result" do @enum1.should_not_receive(:next_occurrence) @enum2.should_not_receive(:next_occurrence) @it.next_occurrence end end end end