#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 require 'utils' include Utils require 'tins/go' include Tins::GO def edit_files(pattern, pathes) editor = Utils::Editor.new do |config| config.wait = true end editor.edit_remote_send("/#{pattern.source}") for path in pathes STDERR.puts "Edit #{path}" editor.edit(path) end end def usage puts <<-EOT Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [OPTS] PATTERN [PATHES] PATTERN is a pattern expression which is used to match against the content of the files. PATHES are the directory and file pathes that are searched. Options are -n PATTERN only search files whose names match fuzzy PATTERN -N PATTERN only search files whose names match regex PATTERN -s PATTERN skip lines that match fuzzy PATTERN -S PATTERN skip lines that match regex PATTERN -A NUMBER displays NUMBER lines of context after the match -B NUMBER displays NUMBER lines of context before the match -C NUMBER displays NUMBER lines of context around the match -l just list the pathes of the files with matches -L list only the path:linenumber of the files with matches -R interpret PATTERN argument as fuzzy not regex -c disable color output -i use case insensitive matches -I SUFFIX only include files with suffix SUFFIX in search -e open the matching files with edit command -a CSET use only character set CSET from PATTERN -h display this help Version is #{File.basename($0)} #{Utils::VERSION}. EOT exit 1 end args = go 'I:A:B:C:s:S:n:N:a:RcilLeh' args['h'] and usage pattern = ARGV.shift or usage roots = (ARGV.empty? ? [ Dir.pwd ] : ARGV).map { |f| File.expand_path(f) } Term::ANSIColor.coloring = (STDIN.tty? && ENV['TERM'] !~ /dumb/) && !args['c'] STDOUT.sync = true config = Utils::Config::ConfigFile.new config.parse_config_file File.expand_path('~/.utilsrc') grepper = Grepper.new( :pattern => pattern, :args => args, :roots => roots, :config => config ).search case when args['e'] then edit_files grepper.pattern, grepper.pathes when args['l'] then puts grepper.pathes end