# command-exec -- execute shell commands with ease [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/badge.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/maxmeyer/command_exec) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/maxmeyer/command_exec.png)](http://travis-ci.org/maxmeyer/command_exec) ## Introduction ### Description The name of the library is `command_exec`. It's helps you running programs and check if the run was successful. It supports a vast amount of options you find in the one of the following sections [usage](#usage). `Example`: ```ruby require 'command_exec' # command has to be in $PATH command = CommandExec::Command.new( :echo , :parameter => 'hello world' ) command.run p command.result ``` ### Target "Group" If you need a library to execute programs which do a job and then terminate, `command_exec` is your friend. If you need a library which supports error detection based on STDOUT, STDERR, RETURN CODE and/or LOG FILE `command_exec` is the right choice. ### Limitations The programs should NOT produce gigabytes of output (STDOUT, STDERR, LOG FILE) to search for errors. ### Structure of documentation
Section Description
Introduction Metainformation
Usage How to use the library
Options Which options are available to parametrize the library
HowTo How to do ... with library
Further reading Other helpful information
## Usage ### Gem versioning This gem uses semantic versioning. The major version is increased when breaking changes has been made. The minor version is increased if backward-compatiable changes introduce new functionality. The patch version is increased if a bug was fixed and the change is backward-compatible. Please see http://semver.org/ for more information. ### Ruby Version This gem supports ruby up from 1.9.3. ### Install gem Install the `command_exec`-gem via `rubygems` or whatever package manager (e.g. `bundler`) you like to use. ```bash gem install command_exec ``` ### Include library To include the library in your code, you could use this code snippet. ```ruby require 'command_exec' ``` ### Run command There are two forms to execute a program. You could either use the long or the short form. In both cases a `CommandExec::Command`-object will be returned. ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.new( :echo , :parameter => 'hello world' ) command.run p command.result ``` ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :parameter => 'hello world' ) p command.result ``` ### Result of command execution That `result`-object can be used to inspect the result of the command execution. It supports several different methods, but only some are from interest for external use. If you want a full list, please see the API-documentation at [rdoc.info](http://www.rdoc.info/github/maxmeyer/command_exec/CommandExec/Process). ```ruby result = command.result # which executable was run result.executable # !!content!! of log file result.log_file # pid unter which the command was run result.pid #if failed, why result.reason_for_failure #return code of command result.return_code #status of command execution result.status #content of stderr result.stderr #content of stdout result.stdout ``` ### Serialize result of command execution There are some methods which need a little more explanation. Those methods return a string representation of the result. ```ruby #return an array of lines result.to_a #return a hash result.to_h #serialize data to json result.to_json #serialize data to string result.to_s #serialize data to xml result.to_xml #serialize data to yaml result.to_yaml ``` One can tell those methods which data should be returned. There are different fields available:
Field Symbol
Status :status
Return code :return_code
STDERR :stderr
STDOUT :stdout
Log file :log_file
Process identitfier (PID) :pid
Reason for failure reason_for_failure
Now, some small examples: ```ruby #result.(field1,field2, ... , fieldn) #result.([field1,field2, ... , fieldn]) #all fields result.to_a #stderr and stdout only result.to_a(:stderr, :stdout) #stderr and stdout only (parameters given as a single array) result.to_a([:stderr, :stdout]) ``` ## Extended usage There are multiple ways to tell `command_exec` about a command: ### Search command in PATH If the first parameter of `run` and `execute` is a `Symbol` the library will search for the command in the paths given in the $PATH-shell-variable. ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :parameter => 'hello world', ) p command.result ``` ### Path to command If you prefer to use a full qualified path, this is possible as well. ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( '/bin/echo' , :parameter => 'hello world', ) p command.result ``` It also supports relative paths. But be aware to tell the library the correct one. The base path for relative ones is the working directory of the *library*, not the working directory of the command (see section "[Working directory](#working_directory)" about that). ```ruby Dir.chdir('/tmp') do command = CommandExec::Command.execute( '../bin/echo' , :parameter => 'hello world', :logger => Logger.new($stderr) ) p command.result end ``` ## Options ### Logging `command_exec` makes use of the Ruby `Logger`-class. If you would like to use another class/gem, nevermind, but it has to be compatible with the `Logger`-API. To make it easier for you, `command_exec` provides a `:logger` option. It defaults to `Logger.new($stderr)`. ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :parameter => 'hello world', :logger => Logger.new($stderr), ) p command.result ``` If you prefer more or less information you can make use of the `:lib_log_level`-option. With one exception, those log levels are the same like in the `Logger`-class. Additionally you can use `:silent` to suppress all output of the library, if you use the `open3` and not the `system` runner. If you choose to use the system runner, STDOUT from the command won't be captured.
Option value Logger loglevel
:debug Logger::DEBUG
:info Logger::INFO
:warn Logger::WARN
:error Logger::ERROR
:fatal Logger::FATAL
:unknown Logger::UNKNOWN
:silent no output (log device is set to nil)
```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :parameter => 'hello world' , :lib_log_level => :debug, ) p command.result ``` ### Command options and parameter The next two options (command options and command parameters) are very similar. Both will be used to build the command which should be executed. The main difference is the position of given string in the command string. ``` ``` So, if you don't want to use the `options`- and/or the `parameter`-option, you don't need to do it. But may be there are situations, where you would like to be as concise as possible. Recommended: ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :ls , :options => '-al', :parameter => '/bin', ) p command.result ``` But also valid: ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :ls , :options => '-al /bin', ) p command.result ``` Or: ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :ls , :parameter => '-al /bin', ) p command.result ``` Please check if you use single or double quotes correctly! `command_exec` takes the parameters and options as given. That's why ```ruby #will succeed #see debug output for reason command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :options => '-e', :parameter => "\"Thats a string\n with a newline\"", :lib_log_level => :debug, ) p command.result ``` isn't the same like ```ruby #will fail #see debug output for reason command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :options => '-e', :parameter => "Thats a string\n with a newline", :lib_log_level => :debug, ) p command.result ``` ### Command log file If the command creates a log file, you can tell `command_exec` about that file via the `:log_file`-option. Honestly, this option only makes sense if you configure `command_exec`to search for errors in the file (please see the chapter about [Error detection](#error_detection) for further information about that). ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :ls , :options => '-al', :log_file => '/path/to/log_file', ) p command.result ``` ### Command search path If you need to change the paths where a command can be found, you could use the `:search_path`-option. It defaults to those paths found in $PATH. It supports multiple values as `Array`: ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :ls , :options => '-al', :search_paths => [ '/bin' ], ) p command.result ``` Or single values as `String`: ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :ls , :options => '-al', :search_paths => '/bin', ) p command.result ``` ### Error detection `command_exec` is capable of searching for errors. To enable error detection you need to activate it via the `:error_detection_on`-option. It supports error detection on:
Search in... Symbol
Return code :return_code
STDOUT :stdout
STDERR :stderr
Log file :log_file
But you need to provide information, what item indicates an error.
Indicator for... Options Type
Return code :allowed_return_code
STDERR :allowed_words_in_stderr
STDOUT :allowed_words_in_stdout
Log file :allowed_words_in_log_file
*Return code* If the command returns helpful return codes, those can be used to check if an error occured. You can tell `command_exec` about allowed or forbidden return codes. ```ruby #All error codes except `0` will be detected as an error. command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :false , :error_detection_on => [:return_code], :error_indicators => { :allowed_return_code => [0], }, ) p command.result #If the command exits with a return code of `1`, this will be detected as an #error. command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :false , :error_detection_on => [:return_code], :error_indicators => { :forbidden_return_code => [1], }, ) p command.result ``` In the case of the detection of errors `command_exec`defaults to: ```ruby :error_detection_on => [:return_code], :allowed_return_code => [0], ``` *STDOUT* `command_exec` can search for errors in STDOUT. To enable this functionality, you need to set the `:error_detection_on`-option on ':stdout'. Furthermore you need to tell the library, what strings are error indicators (`forbidden_words_in_stdout`). If there are some strings which contain the error string(s), but are no errors, you need to use the `allowed_words_in_stdout`-option. The same is true, if the allowed word is in the same line. ```ruby #Simple error search #will fail command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :options => '-e', :parameter => "\"wow, a test. That's great.\nBut an error occured in this line\"", :error_detection_on => [:stdout], :error_indicators => { :forbidden_words_in_stdout => %w{ error } }, ) p command.result #error indicator in string, which is no error #will succeed command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :options => '-e', :parameter => "\"wow, a test. That's great.\nBut no error occured in this line\"", :error_detection_on => [:stdout], :error_indicators => { :forbidden_words_in_stdout => %w{ error }, :allowed_words_in_stdout => ["no error occured"] , }, ) p command.result #error indicator in same line, which is no error #will succeed command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :options => '-e', :parameter => "\"wow, a test. That's great.\nBut no error occured in this line because of some other string\"", :error_detection_on => [:stdout], :error_indicators => { :forbidden_words_in_stdout => %w{ error }, :allowed_words_in_stdout => ["some other string"] , }, ) p command.result ``` *STDERR* The same is true for STDERR. You need to activate the error detection via `:error_detection_on => [:stderr]`. The error indicators can be given via `:forbidden_words_in_stderr => %w{ error }` and `:allowed_words_in_stdout => ["some other string"]`. ```ruby #will fail command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :options => '-e', :parameter => "\"wow, a test. That's great.\nBut an error occured in this line\" >&2", :error_detection_on => [:stderr], :error_indicators => { :forbidden_words_in_stderr => %w{ error }, }, ) p command.result ``` *LOG FILE* To search for errors in the log file a command created during execution, you need to provide the information where `command_exec` finds the log file (see section [Command Log file](#log_file)). The options are very similar to those for STDERR and STDOUT: To activate error detection for log files use `:error_detection_on => [:log_file]`. The error indicators can be given via `:forbidden_words_in_log_file => %w{ error }` and `:allowed_words_in_log_file => ["some other string"]`. ```ruby File.open('/tmp/test.log', 'w') do |f| f.write "wow, a test. That's great.\nBut an error occured in this line" end #will fail command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :error_detection_on => [:log_file], :log_file => '/tmp/test.log', :error_indicators => { :forbidden_words_in_log_file => %w{ error }, }, ) p command.result ``` ### Working directory To change the working directory for the command you can use the `:working_directory`-option. ```ruby command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :ls , :options => '-al', :working_directory => '/tmp', ) p command.result ``` ### Error reaction If an error occured, `command_exec` can raise an exception, 'throw' an error or do nothing at all. Besides the configured option, on every run it returns the result for the run (see [Result of command execution](#result_of_command_execution) for more details). *Raise an exception aka error* If an error occured during command execution, you can tell `command_exec` to raise an exception. ```ruby begin command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :false , :on_error_do => :raise_error, ) rescue CommandExec::Exceptions::CommandExecutionFailed => e puts e.message end ``` *Throw error* If you prefer not to use execptions, you can use ruby's `throw`-`catch`-mechanism. ```ruby catch :command_execution_failed do command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :false , :on_error_do => :throw_error, ) end ``` ### Runner Today there are two runners available: `:open3` and `system`. Use the first one if you want `:stdout` and `:stderr` to be captured and searched for errors. If you're only interested in the `:return_code` you could use the `:system`-runner. Please be aware, that using the `system`-runner + error detection on `stdout`, `stderr` is not working as you might expect. ```ruby #will fail command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :options => '-e', :parameter => "\"wow, a test. That's great.\nBut an error occured in this line\"", :error_detection_on => [:stdout], :error_indicators => { :forbidden_words_in_stdout => %w{ error } }, :run_via => :open3, ) p command.result #will succeed, because stdout was not caputured command = CommandExec::Command.execute( :echo , :options => '-e', :parameter => "\"wow, a test. That's great.\nBut an error occured in this line\"", :error_detection_on => [:stdout], :error_indicators => { :forbidden_words_in_stdout => %w{ error } }, :run_via => :system, ) p command.result ``` ## HowTo TBD ## Further Reading * API-documentation: http://rdoc.info/github/maxmeyer/command_exec/frames ## Dependencies Please see the gemspec for runtime dependencies and the 'Gemfile' for development dependencies. ## Todo Please see TODO.md for enhancements which are planned for implementation. ## Development 1. Fork it 2. Create your remote (`git remote add `) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request The API-documentation can be found at http://rdoc.info/github/maxmeyer/command_exec/frames Please see 'http://git-scm.com/book' first if you have further questions about `git`. ## Copyright (c) 2012-, Max Meyer ## License Please see LICENSE.md for license text.