// Styles for the application views. // origin: RM // This stylesheet uses some icons from the wonderful Fugue icon set by Yusuke Kamiyamane (http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com // This stylesheet uses some icons from the wonderful silk icon set by famfamfam (http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/) // Please do not remove these attributions. @import reset.sass @import mixins.sass $palette_orange: #f68113 $palette_blue: #00adef $palette_green: #97d550 $link_color: $palette_green - #323 - #111 $tag_color: $palette_orange - #080808 $light_gray: #a5aeb6 $tab_navigation_height: 28px $tab_spacing: 6px $bubble_navigation_height: 24px $element_spacing: 15px $h1_margin_top: 10px $input_border_color: #999 $error_color: #d43 $roundness: 2px =default_shadow +box_shadow(0 2px 3px #e8e8e8) =text_field_icon($image_url) background: "#fff url(#{$image_url}) no-repeat 4px center" padding-left: 24px // Global styles /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// img vertical-align: middle .clear clear: both float: none .hidden display: none .float_left float: left .float_right float: right .center text-align: center th.right, td.right text-align: right th.money_amount, td.money_amount text-align: right white-space: nowrap body line-height: 1.4em background-color: white body, input, select, textarea, button font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif font-size: 14px a color: $link_color text-decoration: none font-weight: bold &:visited color: $link_color &:hover color: $link_color + #222 hr color: #ddd background-color: #ddd border: none height: 1px .todo background-color: #fe4 border: 1px dotted #f21 +opacity(0.3) .none color: #777 .top_half_box border-top: 1px solid #bbb border-left: 1px solid #bbb border-right: 1px solid #bbb +round_top_corners($roundness) +default_shadow padding: 10px 10px +gradient(#fff, #eee) +hide_last_margin .bottom_half_box border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb border-left: 1px solid #bbb border-right: 1px solid #bbb +round_bottom_corners($roundness) +default_shadow padding: 10px 10px +gradient(#fff, #eee) +hide_last_margin .box border: 1px solid #bbb +round_corners($roundness) +default_shadow padding: 10px 10px +gradient(#fff, #eee) +hide_last_margin .relative_wrapper position: relative // Page layout ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .viewport min-width: 930px width: 90% max-width: 1300px margin: 0 auto position: relative #head +gradient($palette_green - #111, $palette_green - #444) #head_inner position: relative #site_name float: left margin: 17px 0 11px 0 a color: white font-size: 24px text-shadow: "0px 1px 2px #{$palette_green - #777}" #session_navigation float: right font-size: 14px font-weight: bold padding: 0 10px +round_bottom_corners(8px) line-height: 25px height: 26px overflow: hidden font-size: 13px +gradient($palette_green - #777, $palette_green - #555) color: $palette_green + #222 a color: white &:hover text-decoration: underline #sign_out, #sign_in padding-top: 5px padding-bottom: 5px border-left: "1px solid #{$palette_green - #444}" padding-left: 8px margin-left: 3px #notifications @extend .viewport z-index: 2 #notifications_inner position: absolute right: 0 bottom: -26px a.notification float: left margin-left: 10px color: white &:hover text-decoration: underline #tail border-top: 1px dotted #999 padding: 5px 15px font-size: 12px .flash z-index: 2 font-weight: bold color: #493 +gradient(#fff, #ddd) border: 1px solid #999 padding: 4px font-size: 20px position: absolute width: 800px line-height: 24px margin-left: -400px text-align: center +round_bottom_corners(50px) top: 0 left: 50% &.error, .error, &.failure, .failure color: $error_color .tab_navigation a float: left padding: 0 10px height: $tab_navigation_height line-height: $tab_navigation_height font-weight: bold text-decoration: none background-color: #abc +gradient($palette_green - #444, $palette_green - #777) color: #fff margin-right: $tab_spacing +round_top_corners($roundness) margin-top: 4px &:hover margin-top: 0 padding-bottom: 4px &.current color: #224 +gradient(#fff, #fff) background-color: #fff &:last-child padding-right: 10px .end display: block clear: both height: 0 .bubble_navigation a height: $bubble_navigation_height line-height: $bubble_navigation_height color: #334 float: left margin-right: 10px &:hover color: $palette_green - #555 &.current padding: 0 7px +gradient($palette_green - #222, $palette_green - #444) +round_corners(5px) color: white .end display: block clear: both height: 0 #main_navigation .level_1 @extend .tab_navigation @extend .viewport .level_2 @extend .bubble_navigation +gradient(#fff, #efd - #131313) border-bottom: 1px solid #efd - #444 .level_2_inner padding: 6px 0 5px 0 @extend .viewport #page_head +gradient(#fff, #ddd) padding-top: 20px border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb overflow: visible #page_head_inner @extend .viewport position: relative h1 margin: 0 padding-bottom: 5px .navigation .level_1 @extend .tab_navigation position: absolute right: 0 bottom: -1px a margin-right: 0 margin-left: $tab_spacing +gradient($palette_orange + #111, $palette_orange - #111) border: "1px solid #{$palette_orange - #222}" &.current border-color: #bbb border-bottom-color: #fff h1 font-size: 20px line-height: 26px font-weight: bold margin-top: $h1_margin_top margin-bottom: 10px color: #342 text-shadow: 0 0 3px #fff #container position: relative #main background-color: #fff padding: 13px 0 15px 0 #main_inner @extend .viewport #javascript_requirement position: absolute width: 600px left: 50% top: 200px margin-left: -300px border: 1px solid #f30 padding: 14px font-weight: bold font-size: 22px line-height: 26px +gradient(#fee, #fcc) +round_corners(3px) // Icon decorations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .create_icon +icon("../images/icons/plus.png") .edit_icon +icon("../images/icons/quill.png") .show_icon +icon("../images/icons/show.png") .group_icon +icon("../images/icons/users.png") .user_icon +icon("../images/icons/user-gray.png") .category_icon +icon("../images/icons/folder-medium.png") .contact_icon +icon("../images/icons/card-address.png") .bookmark_icon +icon("../images/icons/bookmark.png") .delete_icon +icon("../images/icons/cross-script.png") .phone_icon +icon("../images/icons/telephone.png") .fax_icon +icon("../images/icons/telephone-fax.png") .url_icon +icon("../images/icons/globe-green.png") .email_icon +icon("../images/icons/mail.png") .sign_out_icon +icon("../images/icons/heart-break.png") .sign_in_icon +icon("../images/icons/key.png") .info_icon +icon("../images/icons/information-balloon.png") .event_icon, .calendar_icon +icon("../images/icons/calendar-month.png") .date_icon +icon("../images/icons/calendar-month.png") .attachment_icon +icon("../images/icons/paper-clip.png") .note_icon +icon("../images/icons/sticky-note-text.png") .lock_icon +icon("../images/icons/lock--exclamation.png") .restore_icon +icon("../images/icons/bin.png") .print_icon +icon("../images/icons/printer.png") .attend_icon, .accept_icon +icon("../images/icons/thumb-up.png") .accept_invitation_icon +icon("../images/icons/thumb-up.png") .dismiss_invitation_icon +icon("../images/icons/thumb.png") .cancel_attendance_icon, .deny_icon +icon("../images/icons/cross-script.png") .accept_invitation .search_icon +icon("../images/icons/search.png") .invite_icon +icon("../images/icons/mail.png") .conference_icon +icon("../images/icons/balloon.png") // Main content styles ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #main .columns // take away outer margins so columned page segments can break into the column's own padding margin: 0 -20px .column, .wide_column, .narrow_column width: 50% min-width: 400px float: left .column_inner padding: 0 20px .wide_column width: 60% min-width: 500px .narrow_column width: 40% min-width: 300px input[type=text] max-width: 100% .segment margin-bottom: 20px .segment_title margin-bottom: 10px background: url(../images/legend_bg.png) repeat-x margin-left: -13px margin-right: -13px padding-left: 13px line-height: 25px color: $palette_orange color: #333 span background-color: #7f7f7f color: white padding: 4px 6px font-size: 14px xtext-transform: uppercase font-weight: bold +round_corners($roundness) .tags, .tag_cloud .tag +round_corners($roundness) background-color: #eeecec border: 1px solid #ccc9c9 padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px color: $tag_color font-weight: bold .tag_cloud font-size: 12px line-height: 24px .tag margin-right: 4px &.xs font-size: 0.6em &.s font-size: 0.8em &.m font-size: 1.0em &.l font-size: 1.2em &.xl font-size: 1.4em dl margin-bottom: $element_spacing dt font-weight: bold margin-bottom: 0.1em dd margin-bottom: 0.6em form input[type=text], input[type=password], textarea width: 400px padding: 4px border: 1px solid $input_border_color +round_corners($roundness) +gradient(#f8f8f8, #fff) select max-width: 400px input[type=submit], button[type=submit] font-weight: bold textarea width: 98% .help font-weight: normal color: #666 margin-left: 2px input[type=text].number_field, input[type=text].money_field width: 70px text-align: right input[type=text].date_picker width: 90px +text_field_icon("../images/icons/calendar-month_light.png") input[type=text].datetime_picker width: 130px +text_field_icon("../images/icons/calendar-month_light.png") input[type=text].email_field +text_field_icon("../images/icons/mail.png") input[type=text].url_field +text_field_icon("../images/icons/globe-green_light.png") input[type=text].phone_field +text_field_icon("../images/icons/telephone_light.png") input[type=text].fax_field +text_field_icon("../images/icons/telephone-fax_light.png") input[type=text].zip_code_field width: 48px text-align: center .field_with_errors input, select, textarea border: 2px solid $error_color label color: $error_color .error_message color: $error_color font-style: italic input[type=text]#person_day_of_birth, input[type=text]#person_month_of_birth, input[type=text]#person_year_of_birth width: 20px text-align: center input[type=text]#person_year_of_birth width: 40px select.combo_box option[value='Neu...'] color: #182 .tag_picker .tag_cloud margin-top: 7px h1, h2, h3, p, form, ul, ol, dl, table, .flash margin-bottom: $element_spacing h2 font-weight: bold font-size: 1.2em color: #565 padding-bottom: 3px border-bottom: 1px dotted #aaa margin-bottom: $element_spacing * 0.6 table th font-weight: bold th, td padding: 0 0.9em 0.3em 0 vertical-align: top p margin-bottom: 10px p:last-child margin-bottom: 0 td.user_text font-style: italic &.vertical th border-right: 1px solid #ccd td padding-left: 13px &.grid border-left: 1px solid #999 border-right: 1px solid #999 border-collapse: collapse margin-bottom: $element_spacing +default_shadow td, th border-top: 1px solid #999 border-bottom: 1px solid #999 padding: 5px 8px th color: #444 +gradient(#eee, #ccc) font-size: 11px xtext-transform: uppercase padding: 2px 8px td +gradient(#fdfdfd, #e2e2e2) form margin-bottom: 0 .buttons margin-bottom: 0 .pagination height: 30px margin-bottom: $element_spacing a, span float: left +gradient(#f4f4f4, #d0d0d0) height: 25px line-height: 25px text-align: center padding: 0 5px min-width: 15px margin-right: 6px color: #333 +round_corners($roundness) border: 1px solid #aaa font-weight: bold font-size: 13px a &:hover +gradient(#fff, #ddd) span.current +gradient($link_color + #333, $link_color) border-color: $link_color - #222 color: white a.prev_page, a.next_page display: none .gap background: none color: #888 border: none margin-right: 0 margin-left: -6px .disabled display: none #search_widget line-height: 26px input#query width: 300px padding: 4px 3px 4px 23px background: white url(../images/icons/search.png) no-repeat 4px 4px .help_button table.help margin-bottom: 0 margin-top: 10px td, th padding-bottom: 1px line-height: 22px td font-style: italic em font-style: normal color: #999 .buttons line-height: 30px height: 30px margin-bottom: $element_spacing &.bar padding: 8px 16px 8px 10px margin-left: -10px margin-right: -10px +gradient(#eee, #fff) border-top: 1px solid #ccc .links float: right a float: none padding: 3px 0 background: none border: none +box_shadow('none') color: #222 &:hover color: #444 a, input[type=submit], input[type=button], button float: left line-height: 28px height: 28px margin-right: 6px padding: 0 7px +gradient(#fff, #ddd) border: 1px solid #999 color: #111 +round_corners($roundness) font-size: 14px white-space: nowrap +default_shadow cursor: pointer &:hover background-color: #f6f6f6 text-decoration: none border-color: #aaa +gradient(#fff, #ddd) color: #444 &[disabled] color: #888 !important &:last-child margin-right: 0 input[type=text] float: left margin-right: 6px .separator border-left: 1px solid $light_gray width: 1px height: 100% margin-right: 5px float: left td.beside_buttons line-height: 30px .info @extend .info_icon font-weight: bold color: #335 .blob margin-bottom: $element_spacing .meta color: #666 @extend .top_half_box font-size: 13px font-weight: bold padding: 5px 10px +gradient(#f5f5f5, #ddd) a // color: #444 .meat @extend .bottom_half_box table margin: 0 tr:last-child td, th padding-bottom: 0 .footer color: gray font-size: 12px line-height: 13px margin-top: 6px .prose color: #333 font-style: italic p margin-bottom: 3px +hide_last_margin // .user_info // color: #999 // a.email // color: #666 // Screen specific styles ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #main #admin_users .lock_icon color: #282828 #invitations .invitation @extend .box margin-bottom: $element_spacing .description font-weight: bold .sender font-size: 12px line-height: 16px margin-bottom: 6px #conference_search_form .advanced_link line-height: 30px .dates, .categories margin-bottom: 10px .categories .list width: 400px .check_box_with_label float: left margin-right: 10px .friend_status +icon_style margin-bottom: 6px #conference table ul margin-bottom: 0