# Change log ## master ## 2.3.1 (2023-01-17) - [Fixes [#110](https://github.com/palkan/anyway_config/issues/110)] Fix setting up autoloader for the same folder. ([@palkan][]) - RBS: Now `.on_load` automatically pass block context type (instance), so no need to add annotations! ([@palkan][]) Steep 1.2+ is required. Read more about the [feature](https://hackmd.io/xLrYaqUtQ1GhgTHODkYypw?view). - Added `manifest.yml` for RBS. ([@palkan][]) ## 2.3.0 (2022-03-11) - Add ability to load configurations under specific environments in pure Ruby apps. ([@fargelus][]). Before loading environment configurations you need to specify variable `Anyway::Settings.current_environment`. In Rails apps this variable is same as `Rails.env` value. After adding yaml loader will try to load params under this environment. Also required env option was added to `Anyway::Config`. ## 2.2.3 (2022-01-21) - Fix Ruby 3.1 compatibility. ([@palkan][]) - Add ability to set default key for environmental YAML files. ([@skryukov]) Define a key for environmental yaml files to read default values from with `config.anyway_config.default_environmental_key = "default"`. This way Anyway Config will try to read settings under the `"default"` key and then merge environmental settings into them. ## 2.2.2 (2020-10-26) - Fixed regression introduced by the `#deep_merge!` refinement. ## 2.2.1 (2020-09-28) - Minor fixes to the prev release. ## 2.2.0 ⛓ (2020-09-28) - Add RBS signatures and generator. ([@palkan][]) Anyway Config now ships with the basic RBS support. To use config types with Steep, add `library "anyway_config"` to your Steepfile. We also provide an API to generate a signature for you config class: `MyConfig.to_rbs`. You can use this method to generate a scaffold for your config class. - Add type coercion support. ([@palkan][]) Example: ```ruby class CoolConfig < Anyway::Config attr_config :port, :user coerce_types port: :string, user: {dob: :date} end ENV["COOL_USER__DOB"] = "1989-07-01" config = CoolConfig.new({port: 8080}) config.port == "8080" #=> true config.user["dob"] == Date.new(1989, 7, 1) #=> true ``` You can also add `.disable_auto_cast!` to your config class to disable automatic conversion. **Warning** Now values from all sources are coerced (e.g., YAML files). That could lead to a different behaviour. - Do not dup modules/classes passed as configuration values. ([@palkan][]) - Handle loading empty YAML config files. ([@micahlee][]) ## 2.1.0 (2020-12-29) - Drop deprecated `attr_config` instance variables support. Config setters no longer write instance variables. - Add `config.anyway_config.future` to allow enabling upcoming features. ([@palkan][]) For smoother upgrades, we provide a mechanism to opt-out to the new defaults beforehand. Currently, only `:unwrap_known_environments` feature could be enabled (see below): ```ruby config.anyway_config.future.use :unwrap_known_environments ``` - Allow to skip environment keys completely (e.g., `development:`, `test:`) in a config YML when used with Rails. In that case same config is loaded in all known environments (same mechanism as for non-Rails applications) - Add the `known_environments` property to Anyway::Settings under Rails. Use `config.anyway_config.known_environments << "staging"` to make the gem aware of custom environments. ([@progapandist][]) - Make it possible to specify default YML configs directory. ([@palkan][]) For example: ```ruby Anyway::Settings.default_config_path = "path/to/configs" # or in Rails config.anyway_config.default_config_path = Rails.root.join("my/configs") ``` ## 2.0.6 (2020-07-7) - Fix Ruby 2.7 warnings. ([@palkan][]) ## 2.0.5 (2020-05-15) - Use `YAML.load` instead of `YAML.safe_laad`. ([@palkan][]) ## 2.0.4 (2020-05-15) - Fix regression with adding `ruby-next` as a runtime dependency even for RubyGems release. ([@palkan][]) ## 2.0.3 (2020-05-12) - Enable [auto-transpiling](https://github.com/ruby-next/ruby-next#transpiled-files-vs-vcs-vs-installing-from-source) to allow installing from source. ([@palkan][]) ## 2.0.2 (2020-04-24) - Make sure configs are eager loaded in Rails when `config.eager_load = true`. ([@palkan][]) Fixes [#58](https://github.com/palkan/anyway_config/issues/58). ## 2.0.1 (2020-04-15) - Fix loading Railtie when application has been already initialized. ([@palkan][]) Fixes [#56](https://github.com/palkan/anyway_config/issues/56). ## 2.0.0 (2020-04-14) - Fix double `yield` in tracing for ENV loader. ([@Envek][]) ## 2.0.0.rc1 (2020-03-31) - Add predicate methods for attributes with boolean defaults. ([@palkan][]) For example: ```ruby class MyConfig < Anyway::Config attr_config :key, :secret, debug: false end MyConfig.new.debug? #=> false MyConfig.new(debug: true).debug? #=> true ``` - Add `Config#deconstruct_keys`. ([@palkan][]) Now you can use configs in pattern matching: ```ruby case AWSConfig.new in bucket:, region: "eu-west-1" setup_eu_storage(bucket) in bucket:, region: "us-east-1" setup_us_storage(bucket) end ``` - Add pretty_print support. ([@palkan][]) Whenever you use `pp`, the output would contain pretty formatted config information including the sources. Example: ```ruby pp CoolConfig.new # # 3334 (type=load), # host => "test.host" (type=yml path=./config/cool.yml), # user => # name => "john" (type=env key=COOL_USER__NAME), # password => "root" (type=yml path=./config/cool.yml)> ``` - Add source tracing support. ([@palkan][]) You can get the information on where a particular parameter value came from (which loader) through via `#to_source_trace` method: ```ruby conf = MyConfig.new conf.to_source_trace # { # "host" => {value: "test.host", source: {type: :user, called_from: "/rails/root/config/application.rb:21"}}, # "user" => { # "name" => {value: "john", source: {type: :env, key: "COOL_USER__NAME"}}, # "password" => {value: "root", source: {type: :yml, path: "config/cool.yml"}} # }, # "port" => {value: 9292, source: {type: :defaults}} # } ``` - Change the way Rails configs autoloading works. ([@palkan][]) In Rails 6, autoloading before initialization is [deprecated](https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/3e66ba91d511158e22f90ff96b594d61f40eda01). We can still make it work by using our own autoloading mechanism (custom Zeitwerk loader). This forces us to use a custom directory (not `app/`) for configs required at the boot time. By default, we put _static_ configs into `config/configs` but you can still use `app/configs` for _dynamic_ (runtime) configs. **NOTE:** if you used `app/configs` with 2.0.0.preX and relied on configs during initialization, you can set static configs path to `app/configs`: ```ruby config.anyway_config.autoload_static_config_path = "app/configs" ``` You can do this by running the generator: ```sh rails g anyway:install --configs-path=app/configs ``` - Add Rails generators. ([@palkan][]) You can create config classes with the predefined attributes like this: ```sh rails generate config aws access_key_id secret_access_key region ``` - **BREAKING** The accessors generated by `attr_config` are not longer `attr_accessor`-s. ([@palkan][]) You cannot rely on instance variables anymore. Instead, you can use `super` when overriding accessors or `values[name]`: ```ruby attr_config :host, :port, :url, :meta # override writer to handle type coercion def meta=(val) super JSON.parse(val) end # or override reader to handle missing values def url values[:url] ||= "#{host}:#{port}" end # in <2.1 it's still possible to read instance variables, # i.e. the following would also work def url @url ||= "#{host}:#{port}" end ``` **NOTE**: we still set instance variables in writers (for backward compatibility), but that would be removed in 2.1. - Add `Config#dig` method. ([@palkan][]) - Add ability to specify types for OptionParser options. ([@palkan][]) ```ruby describe_options( concurrency: { desc: "number of threads to use", type: String } ) ``` - Add param presence validation. ([@palkan][]) You can specify some params as required, and the validation error would be raised if they're missing or empty (only for strings): ```ruby class MyConfig < Anyway::Config attr_config :api_key, :api_secret, :debug required :api_key, :api_secret end MyConfig.new(api_secret: "") #=> raises Anyway::Config::ValidationError ``` You can change the validation behaviour by overriding the `#validate!` method in your config class. - Validate config attribute names. ([@palkan][]) Do not allow using reserved names (`Anyway::Config` method names). Allow only alphanumeric names (matching `/^[a-z_]([\w]+)?$/`). - Add Loaders API. ([@palkan][]) All config sources have standardized via _loaders_ API. It's possible to define custom loaders or change the sources order. ## 2.0.0.pre2 (2019-04-26) - Fix bug with loading from credentials when local credentials are missing. ([@palkan][]) ## 2.0.0.pre (2019-04-26) - **BREAKING** Changed the way of providing explicit values. ([@palkan][]) ```ruby # BEFORE Config.new(overrides: data) # AFTER Config.new(data) ``` - Add Railtie. ([@palkan][]) `Anyway::Railtie` provides `Anyway::Settings` access via `Rails.applicaiton.configuration.anyway_config`. It also adds `app/configs` path to autoload paths (low-level, `ActiveSupport::Dependencies`) to make it possible to use configs in the app configuration files. - Add test helpers. ([@palkan][]) Added `with_env` helper to test code in the context of the specified environment variables. Included automatically in RSpec for examples with the `type: :config` meta or with the `spec/configs` path. - Add support for _local_ files. ([@palkan][]) Now users can store their personal configurations in _local_ files: - `.local.yml` - `config/credentials/local.yml.enc` (for Rails 6). Local configs are meant for using in development and only loaded if `Anyway::Settings.use_local_files` is `true` (which is true by default if `RACK_ENV` or `RAILS_ENV` env variable is equal to `"development"`). - Add Rails credentials support. ([@palkan][]) The data from credentials is loaded after the data from YAML config and secrets, but before environmental variables (i.e. env variables are _stronger_) - Update config name inference logic. ([@palkan][]) Config name is automatically inferred only if: - the class name has a form of `::Config` (`SomeModule::Config => "some_module"`) - the class name has a form of `Config` (`SomeConfig => "some"`) - Fix config classes inheritance. ([@palkan][]) Previously, inheritance didn't work due to the lack of proper handling of class-level configuration (naming, option parses settings, defaults). Now it's possible to extend config classes without breaking the original classes functionality. - **Require Ruby >= 2.5.0.** ## 1.4.3 (2019-02-04) - Add a temporary fix for JRuby regression [#5550](https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/5550). ([@palkan][]) ## 1.4.2 (2018-01-05) - Fix: detect Rails by presence of `Rails::VERSION` (instead of just `Rails`). ([@palkan][]) ## 1.4.1 (2018-10-30) - Add `.flag_options` to mark some params as flags (value-less) for OptionParse. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.4.0 (2018-10-29) - Add OptionParse integration ([@jastkand][]) See more [PR#18](https://github.com/palkan/anyway_config/pull/18). - Use underscored config name as an env prefix. ([@palkan][]) For a config class: ```ruby class MyApp < Anyway::Config end ``` Before this change we use `MYAPP_` prefix, now it's `MY_APP_`. You can specify the prefix explicitly: ```ruby class MyApp < Anyway::Config env_prefix "MYAPP_" end ``` ## 1.3.0 (2018-06-15) - Ruby 2.2 is no longer supported. - `Anyway::Config.env_prefix` method is introduced. ([@charlie-wasp][]) ## 1.2.0 (2018-02-19) Now works on JRuby 9.1+. ## 1.1.3 (2017-12-20) - Allow to pass raw hash with explicit values to `Config.new`. ([@dsalahutdinov][]) Example: ```ruby Sniffer::Config.new( overrides: { enabled: true, storage: {capacity: 500} } ) ``` See more [PR#10](https://github.com/palkan/anyway_config/pull/10). ## 1.1.2 (2017-11-19) - Enable aliases for YAML. ([@onemanstartup][]) ## 1.1.1 (2017-10-21) - Return deep duplicate of a Hash in `Env#fetch`. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.1.0 (2017-10-06) - Add `#to_h` method. ([@palkan][]) See [#4](https://github.com/palkan/anyway_config/issues/4). - Make it possible to extend configuration parameters. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.0.0 (2017-06-20) - Lazy load and parse ENV configuration. ([@palkan][]) - Add support for ERB in YML configuration. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.5.0 (2017-01-20) - Drop `active_support` dependency. ([@palkan][]) Use custom refinements instead of requiring `active_support`. No we're dependency-free! ## 0.1.0 (2015-01-20) - Initial version. [@palkan]: https://github.com/palkan [@onemanstartup]: https://github.com/onemanstartup [@dsalahutdinov]: https://github.com/dsalahutdinov [@charlie-wasp]: https://github.com/charlie-wasp [@jastkand]: https://github.com/jastkand [@envek]: https://github.com/Envek [@progapandist]: https://github.com/progapandist [@skryukov]: https://github.com/skryukov [@fargelus]: https://github.com/fargelus