Usage: haplo-plugin [OPTION] [COMMAND] Options: --help, -h Display this message --plugin, -p Specify one or more plugin names, separated by commas, or ALL to specify all plugins in the current directory. If not specified, and there's a single plugin in the current directory, it will be selected automatically. If running the develop command against a server, any plugins this plugin depends on will be installed to the application as well. --server, -s [SUBSTRING] For this run of the plugin tool, use the server containing the given substring. --minimise When uploading templates and client side JavaScript to the server, minimise the files to match the pre-deployment pre-processing. Use this for final testing before submitting the plugin for review. --no-console, -n In development mode, don't connect to the server for notifications. This prevents the output of console.log() being displayed in your local terminal window. --no-dependency Explicitly exclude any plugins this plugin depends on from being used in this command. Commands each have a sensible default for whether they include or exclude dependencies - this command allows you to override that default. --with-dependency Explicitly include any plugins this plugin depends on. Commands each have a sensible default for whether they include or exclude dependencies - this command allows you to override that default. --output [DIR] For use with the `pack` command. Specify a directory to output the packed plugins to. --turbo Run the platform in turbo mode. Results in faster reloading of JS runtimes, for rapid reload of development files after changes. --show-system-audit Show system audit trail entries in the developer console. --exclude-with-prefix [PREFIX] Exclude all plugins that start with PREFIX from the command. --force Override platform safety checks to force-apply the command. --pack-restrict-to-app-id [APPID] For use with the `pack` command. Restrict this version of the packed plugins to only be used by the application with id APPID Commands: develop (default command) Developer mode. Push plugin to the specified server. devtools [disable] Enable or disable devtools on the server for development with the standard plugins. template-debugging [disable] Enable or disable template debugging, including adding comments in generated HTML to indicate which templates were used. i18n-debugging [disable] Enable or disable internationalisation debugging, including indicating which text in the user interface is translated. auth [SERVER] Authorise with server. SERVER can optionally include a non-default port number. server [SUBSTRING] Change the default server to the one containing the given substring. test [NAME] Run the tests on the server, then report on the results. This command does *not* upload changes to the plugin or tests to the server. If the optional NAME argument is supplied, then only tests which have filenames which include this string will be run. new Create a new plugin, with all the required directories and an example plugin.json file. reset-db Remove all the relational database tables on the server, then recreate them with the current tables defined in the plugin. uninstall Uninstall the plugin from the server. check Perform checks on the plugin as a quick test before it's submitted for review. extract-text Extract translatable text from templates, and attempt to extract text from JavaScript files, and output a JSON data structure suitable for translation. license-key <application-id> Generate a license key to allow plugin installation by a client. The numeric application ID is displayed during plugin installation. pack Produce a packed version of the plugins suitable for deployment to a production zone. list Output to the terminal a list of all selected plugins and the plugins they depend on. Running haplo-plugin without any arguments will find the plugin in the current directory and run the 'develop' command. To initialise a new plugin, run a command like haplo-plugin -p example_plugin new and then edit the generated files. If the server certificate does not use a known public CA, a alternative certificate can be provided using a server.crt file in the current working directory. This may optionally contain elements of the hostname, eg would select the first file from: server.crt For more information, see