require "ex_cite/engine" require 'digest/sha1' require 'open-uri' module ExCite # Logic behind the webservice. First it gathers all the resource keys and creates Citation objects out of them and then # it gathers any and all from formats and data variables that were sent via post and creates an array out of them. If the # array is still empty it uses the URL as an OpenURL. It then loops through the array and translates and caches (or fetches) # each one using acts_as_citable. It then either downloads the data or redirects to another webservice. class ExportCitationsController < ActionController::Base # There must be a destination format, or else this whole thing doesnt make sense before_filter :valid_to_format? layout "ex_cite/application" # Sends bad request if there is no destination format def valid_to_format? head :bad_request unless to_format end # Checks to see if destination format is valid and stores it in a class variable def to_format @to_format ||= whitelist_formats :to, params[:to_format] end private :to_format # Constructs an array containing all the citations def citations unless defined? @citations @citations = record_citation + resource_citation + format_citation if @citations.empty? @citations << open_url_citation end end @citations.compact end def record_citation (params[:id].nil?) ? [] : params[:id].collect do |id| record = ExCite.acts_as_citable_class.find_by_id id if ExCite.acts_as_citable_class.respond_to? :find_by_id end end # Constructs new citation objects with only the citation key set, returns an array def resource_citation (params[:resource_key].nil?) ? [] : params[:resource_key].collect do |key| citation = citation.resource_key = key citation end end # Constructs new citation objects with data and source format set (the citation key is constructed automatically), returns an array def format_citation (params[:from_format].nil? || params[:data].nil?) ? [] : params[:from_format].collect.with_index do |format, index| # p ActsAsCitableClass.format_field ExCite.acts_as_citable_class.data_field.to_sym => params[:data].to_a[index], ExCite.acts_as_citable_class.format_field.to_sym => (whitelist_formats :from, format) end end # Returns a single citation object with data and format set as the url and openurl respectively def open_url_citation ExCite.acts_as_citable_class.data_field.to_sym => CGI::unescape(request.protocol+request.host_with_port+request.fullpath), ExCite.acts_as_citable_class.format_field.to_sym => (whitelist_formats :from, 'openurl') end # Maps the output and caches it, alternatively it fetches the already cached result. Seperates each output with two new lines. # Raises an argument error if any error is caught in mapping (usually the formats are messed up) def map @output ||= citations.collect { |citation| Rails.cache.fetch(citation.resource_key+to_format) { citation.send(to_format) } }.join "\n\n" rescue Exception => exc raise ArgumentError, "#{exc}\n Data or source format not provided and/or mismatched. [citations => #{citations}, to_format => #{@to_format}]" end # Maps then decides wether its a push request or a download, catches all bad argument errors def index map serve rescue ArgumentError => exc handle_invalid_arguments exc end # Pushes to a web service if that is what was requested else it downloads def serve @push_to ? push : download end # Cleans the user input and finds the associated method for that format def whitelist_formats direction, format # if the params are nil then it returns nil if direction.nil? || format.nil? return end # if the to format is found, it returns the method name for that to format if (direction == :to && Citero.to_formats.include?(format.downcase)) return "#{:to.to_s}_#{format.downcase}" # if the from format is found, it returns just that because the object already knows what method to call elsif (direction == :from && Citero.from_formats.include?(format.downcase)) return format.downcase end # if the format is still not found, it might be a push request, check if that is the case if ExCite.push_formats.include? format.to_sym @push_to = ExCite.push_formats[format.to_sym] @to_format = @push_to.to_format.downcase return "#{direction.to_s}_#{@to_format}" end end # For debugging purposes prints out the error. Also sends bad request header def handle_invalid_arguments exc p exc logger.debug exc head :bad_request end # Redirects or calls a predefined method depending on the webservice selected def push # for redirects if @push_to.action.eql? :redirect # Openurl is data @data = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath}" # and redirect to the url supplied by the webservice and the callback url redirect_to @push_to.url+callback, :status => 303 elsif @push_to.action.eql? :render # call the method this service needs render_push @push_to end end # sends the data with utf-8 encoding def download send_data @output.force_encoding('UTF-8'), :filename => filename, :type => @to_format.formatize.to_sym end # The callback url is defined here def callback # Starts with current url minus the querystring.. callback = "#{export_citations_url}?" citations.collect do |citation| # then adds a resource key for each cached resource callback += (!citation.respond_to? :new_record || citation.new_record?) ? "resource_key[]=#{citation.resource_key}&" : "id[]=#{}&" end # and finally the to format callback += "to_format=#{@to_format.formatize}" # url encode and return ERB::Util.url_encode(callback) end # Creates the filename and extension. Few are application specific def filename name = "export" case @to_format when "to_bibtex" name += ".bib" when "to_easybib" name += ".json" else name += "." + @to_format.formatize end name end def render_push push push.vars.each do |key, value| instance_variable_set "@#{key}", value.outputize(@output) end render :template => push.template end end end