require_relative '../spec_helper' require 'fileutils' Bitcoin::NETWORKS[:fake] = { :project => :bitcoin, :no_difficulty => true, :magic_head => "fake", :address_version => "00", :p2sh_version => "05", :privkey_version => "80", :default_port => 78333, :coinbase_maturity => 0, :protocol_version => 70001, :max_money => 21_000_000 * 100_000_000, :dns_seeds => [], :genesis_hash => "000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943", :proof_of_work_limit => 553713663, :alert_pubkeys => [], :known_nodes => [], :checkpoints => {}, :min_tx_fee => 10_000, :min_relay_tx_fee => 10_000, } # Small utility to generate fake blocks mostly to be able to test performance # They are full from the start, so that we don't have to import 100K blocks to check # how performance looks when storing or validating 1K transactions class FakeBlockchain # Initialize fake blockchain and generate +num_blocks+ starting blocks with given # +opts+ (see #generate). def initialize(num = 50, opts = {}) = :fake if File.exist? block_path(0) genesis = block_path 0[:genesis_hash] = genesis.hash else STDERR.puts "\nFake blockchain not present, generating (go take a nap)..." depth = 0 FileUtils.mkdir_p fixtures_path "fake_chain" generate(num, opts) do |blk|,'w') {|f| f.write blk.to_payload } depth += 1 end end end # Generate fake blockchain with +num+ number of blocks # Blocks are provided as an argument to the block given to the method # fake_chain.generate(5) {|b| save_block(b) } def generate(num = 50, opts = {}) srand 1337 default_opts = { block_size: 950_000, # minimum block size num_keys: 1000, # number of different keys being used genesis_timestamp:, verbose: true, # print out debug information } opts = default_opts.merge(opts) to_spend = [] # table of outputs that we can spend lost_count = 0 # keeping track of lost coins keys =[:num_keys]) { Bitcoin::Key.generate } timestamp = opts[:genesis_timestamp] genesis = Bitcoin::Builder.build_block do |blk| blk.time timestamp blk.prev_block "00"*32 blk.tx do |t| t.input {|i| i.coinbase } t.output {|o| o.value 50*Bitcoin::COIN; o.script {|s| s.recipient keys[0].addr } } end end[:genesis_hash] = genesis.hash yield(genesis) to_spend << {tx: genesis.tx[0], tx_idx: 0, key: keys[0], value: 50e8} prev_block = genesis num.times do |blk_i| timestamp += 600 t0 = block = Bitcoin::Builder.build_block do |blk| blk.time timestamp blk.prev_block prev_block.hash key0 = keys.sample tx0 = blk.tx do |t| t.input {|i| i.coinbase } t.output {|o| o.value 50e8; o.script {|s| s.recipient key0.addr } } end # We "lose" some coins, that is we decide never to spend some outputs # It's to keep utxo growing without making block generation time growing lost_count += to_spend.size to_spend = to_spend.reject.with_index {|x,i| i==0 ? false : (((to_spend.size - i) / to_spend.size.to_f)**2 * rand > rand*0.2) } lost_count -= to_spend.size # many txs vs many tx outputs in given block many_outputs_prob = 0.5 * (rand ** 3) total_tx_size = 0 # generate tranasctions loop do # we want utxo to keep growing so we use many inputs only with some small probability ins = to_spend[(rand(to_spend.size)).to_i..-1].sample(rand < 0.01 ? (rand(50) + 1) : 1) total ={|i| i[:value]}.inject(:+) next if total < 20_000 new_outs = [] tx = blk.tx do |t| # generate inputs do |input| t.input do |i| i.prev_out input[:tx] i.prev_out_index input[:tx_idx] i.signature_key input[:key] end end # remove outputs that we just used ins.each {|i| to_spend.delete i} fee = 10_000 # helper to split value randomly in a half half_split = ->(v) { split = [rand, 0.1].max; [v*split, v*(1-split)] } # helper to split value randomly to many pieces value_split = ->(v, depth=0) {(depth < 10 && rand > 0.2) ? half_split[v].map{|x| value_split[x, depth+1]} : [v] } if rand < many_outputs_prob # every now and then there are many outptus out_values = value_split[total-fee] {|x| x.round(8)} out_values.each.with_index do |v,i| key = keys.sample t.output {|o| o.value v; o.script {|s| s.recipient key.addr }} new_outs << {tx_idx: i, key: key, value: v} end else # most txs seem to have 2 outputs k1 = keys.sample k2 = keys.sample v1, v2 = half_split[total-fee] t.output {|o| o.value v1; o.script {|s| s.recipient k1.addr }} t.output {|o| o.value v2; o.script {|s| s.recipient k2.addr }} new_outs << {tx_idx: 0, key: k1, value: v2} new_outs << {tx_idx: 1, key: k2, value: v2} end end new_outs.each {|o| to_spend << {tx: tx}.merge(o) } # fun fact: the opposite merge is way slower total_tx_size += tx.to_payload.size break if total_tx_size > opts[:block_size] end # coinbase to_spend << {tx: tx0, tx_idx: 0, key: key0, value: 50e8} end puts "depth #{blk_i+1}/#{num} \t txcount: #{block.tx.size} \t size: #{block.to_payload.size} \t utxo count: #{to_spend.size + lost_count} (#{to_spend.size}) \t ttg: #{'%.2f' % ( - t0)}s" if opts[:verbose] yield(block) prev_block = block end true end def block(depth) block_path depth end def block_path(depth) fixtures_path "fake_chain/#{depth}.blk" end end