import { module, test } from '../qunit'; import each from '../helpers/each'; import moment from '../../moment'; module('format'); test('format using constants', function (assert) { var m = moment('2017-09-01T23:40:40.678'); assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL), '2017-09-01T23:40', 'datetime local format constant'); assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS), '2017-09-01T23:40:40', 'datetime local format constant'); assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_MS), '2017-09-01T23:40:40.678', 'datetime local format constant with seconds and millis'); assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATE), '2017-09-01', 'date format constant'); assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.TIME), '23:40', 'time format constant'); assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.TIME_SECONDS), '23:40:40', 'time format constant with seconds'); assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.TIME_MS), '23:40:40.678', 'time format constant with seconds and millis'); assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.WEEK), '2017-W35', 'week format constant'); assert.equal(m.format(moment.HTML5_FMT.MONTH), '2017-09', 'month format constant'); }); test('format YY', function (assert) { var b = moment(new Date(2009, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125)); assert.equal(b.format('YY'), '09', 'YY ---> 09'); }); test('format escape brackets', function (assert) { moment.locale('en'); var b = moment(new Date(2009, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125)); assert.equal(b.format('[day]'), 'day', 'Single bracket'); assert.equal(b.format('[day] YY [YY]'), 'day 09 YY', 'Double bracket'); assert.equal(b.format('[YY'), '[09', 'Un-ended bracket'); assert.equal(b.format('[[YY]]'), '[YY]', 'Double nested brackets'); assert.equal(b.format('[[]'), '[', 'Escape open bracket'); assert.equal(b.format('[Last]'), 'Last', 'localized tokens'); assert.equal(b.format('[L] L'), 'L 02/14/2009', 'localized tokens with escaped localized tokens'); assert.equal(b.format('[L LL LLL LLLL aLa]'), 'L LL LLL LLLL aLa', 'localized tokens with escaped localized tokens'); assert.equal(b.format('[LLL] LLL'), 'LLL February 14, 2009 3:25 PM', 'localized tokens with escaped localized tokens (recursion)'); assert.equal(b.format('YYYY[\n]DD[\n]'), '2009\n14\n', 'Newlines'); }); test('handle negative years', function (assert) { moment.locale('en'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-1).format('YY'), '-01', 'YY with negative year'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-1).format('YYYY'), '-0001', 'YYYY with negative year'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-12).format('YY'), '-12', 'YY with negative year'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-12).format('YYYY'), '-0012', 'YYYY with negative year'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-123).format('YY'), '-23', 'YY with negative year'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-123).format('YYYY'), '-0123', 'YYYY with negative year'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-1234).format('YY'), '-34', 'YY with negative year'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-1234).format('YYYY'), '-1234', 'YYYY with negative year'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-12345).format('YY'), '-45', 'YY with negative year'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-12345).format('YYYY'), '-12345', 'YYYY with negative year'); }); test('format milliseconds', function (assert) { var b = moment(new Date(2009, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 123)); assert.equal(b.format('S'), '1', 'Deciseconds'); assert.equal(b.format('SS'), '12', 'Centiseconds'); assert.equal(b.format('SSS'), '123', 'Milliseconds'); b.milliseconds(789); assert.equal(b.format('S'), '7', 'Deciseconds'); assert.equal(b.format('SS'), '78', 'Centiseconds'); assert.equal(b.format('SSS'), '789', 'Milliseconds'); }); test('format timezone', function (assert) { var b = moment(new Date(2010, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125)); assert.ok(b.format('Z').match(/^[\+\-]\d\d:\d\d$/), b.format('Z') + ' should be something like \'+07:30\''); assert.ok(b.format('ZZ').match(/^[\+\-]\d{4}$/), b.format('ZZ') + ' should be something like \'+0700\''); }); test('format multiple with utc offset', function (assert) { var b = moment('2012-10-08 -1200', ['YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm ZZ', 'YYYY-MM-DD ZZ', 'YYYY-MM-DD']); assert.equal(b.format('YYYY-MM'), '2012-10', 'Parsing multiple formats should not crash with different sized formats'); }); test('isDST', function (assert) { var janOffset = new Date(2011, 0, 1).getTimezoneOffset(), julOffset = new Date(2011, 6, 1).getTimezoneOffset(), janIsDst = janOffset < julOffset, julIsDst = julOffset < janOffset, jan1 = moment([2011]), jul1 = moment([2011, 6]); if (janIsDst && julIsDst) { assert.ok(0, 'January and July cannot both be in DST'); assert.ok(0, 'January and July cannot both be in DST'); } else if (janIsDst) { assert.ok(jan1.isDST(), 'January 1 is DST'); assert.ok(!jul1.isDST(), 'July 1 is not DST'); } else if (julIsDst) { assert.ok(!jan1.isDST(), 'January 1 is not DST'); assert.ok(jul1.isDST(), 'July 1 is DST'); } else { assert.ok(!jan1.isDST(), 'January 1 is not DST'); assert.ok(!jul1.isDST(), 'July 1 is not DST'); } }); test('unix timestamp', function (assert) { var m = moment('1234567890.123', 'X'); assert.equal(m.format('X'), '1234567890', 'unix timestamp without milliseconds'); assert.equal(m.format('X.S'), '1234567890.1', 'unix timestamp with deciseconds'); assert.equal(m.format('X.SS'), '1234567890.12', 'unix timestamp with centiseconds'); assert.equal(m.format('X.SSS'), '1234567890.123', 'unix timestamp with milliseconds'); m = moment(1234567890.123, 'X'); assert.equal(m.format('X'), '1234567890', 'unix timestamp as integer'); }); test('unix offset milliseconds', function (assert) { var m = moment('1234567890123', 'x'); assert.equal(m.format('x'), '1234567890123', 'unix offset in milliseconds'); m = moment(1234567890123, 'x'); assert.equal(m.format('x'), '1234567890123', 'unix offset in milliseconds as integer'); }); test('utcOffset sanity checks', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment().utcOffset() % 15, 0, 'utc offset should be a multiple of 15 (was ' + moment().utcOffset() + ')'); assert.equal(moment().utcOffset(), -(new Date()).getTimezoneOffset(), 'utcOffset should return the opposite of getTimezoneOffset'); }); test('default format', function (assert) { var isoRegex = /\d{4}.\d\d.\d\dT\d\d.\d\d.\d\d[\+\-]\d\d:\d\d/; assert.ok(isoRegex.exec(moment().format()), 'default format (' + moment().format() + ') should match ISO'); }); test('default UTC format', function (assert) { var isoRegex = /\d{4}.\d\d.\d\dT\d\d.\d\d.\d\dZ/; assert.ok(isoRegex.exec(moment.utc().format()), 'default UTC format (' + moment.utc().format() + ') should match ISO'); }); test('toJSON', function (assert) { var supportsJson = typeof JSON !== 'undefined' && JSON.stringify &&, date = moment('2012-10-09T21:30:40.678+0100'); assert.equal(date.toJSON(), '2012-10-09T20:30:40.678Z', 'should output ISO8601 on moment.fn.toJSON'); if (supportsJson) { assert.equal(JSON.stringify({ date : date }), '{"date":"2012-10-09T20:30:40.678Z"}', 'should output ISO8601 on JSON.stringify'); } }); test('toISOString', function (assert) { var date = moment.utc('2012-10-09T20:30:40.678'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(), '2012-10-09T20:30:40.678Z', 'should output ISO8601 on moment.fn.toISOString'); // big years date = moment.utc('+020123-10-09T20:30:40.678'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(), '+020123-10-09T20:30:40.678Z', 'ISO8601 format on big positive year'); // negative years date = moment.utc('-000001-10-09T20:30:40.678'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(), '-000001-10-09T20:30:40.678Z', 'ISO8601 format on negative year'); // big negative years date = moment.utc('-020123-10-09T20:30:40.678'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(), '-020123-10-09T20:30:40.678Z', 'ISO8601 format on big negative year'); //invalid dates date = moment.utc('2017-12-32'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(), null, 'An invalid date to iso string is null'); }); test('toISOString without UTC conversion', function (assert) { var date = moment.utc('2016-12-31T19:53:45.678').utcOffset('+05:30'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(true), '2017-01-01T01:23:45.678+05:30', 'should output ISO8601 on moment.fn.toISOString'); // big years date = moment.utc('+020122-12-31T19:53:45.678').utcOffset('+05:30'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(true), '+020123-01-01T01:23:45.678+05:30', 'ISO8601 format on big positive year'); // negative years date = moment.utc('-000002-12-31T19:53:45.678').utcOffset('+05:30'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(true), '-000001-01-01T01:23:45.678+05:30', 'ISO8601 format on negative year'); // big negative years date = moment.utc('-020124-12-31T19:53:45.678').utcOffset('+05:30'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(true), '-020123-01-01T01:23:45.678+05:30', 'ISO8601 format on big negative year'); //invalid dates date = moment.utc('2017-12-32').utcOffset('+05:30'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(true), null, 'An invalid date to iso string is null'); }); // See test('inspect', function (assert) { function roundtrip(m) { /*jshint evil:true */ return (new Function('moment', 'return ' + m.inspect()))(moment); } function testInspect(date, string) { var inspected = date.inspect(); assert.equal(inspected, string); assert.ok(date.isSame(roundtrip(date)), 'Tried to parse ' + inspected); } testInspect( moment('2012-10-09T20:30:40.678'), 'moment("2012-10-09T20:30:40.678")' ); testInspect( moment('+020123-10-09T20:30:40.678'), 'moment("+020123-10-09T20:30:40.678")' ); testInspect( moment.utc('2012-10-09T20:30:40.678'), 'moment.utc("2012-10-09T20:30:40.678+00:00")' ); testInspect( moment.utc('+020123-10-09T20:30:40.678'), 'moment.utc("+020123-10-09T20:30:40.678+00:00")' ); testInspect( moment.utc('+020123-10-09T20:30:40.678+01:00'), 'moment.utc("+020123-10-09T19:30:40.678+00:00")' ); testInspect( moment.parseZone('2016-06-11T17:30:40.678+0430'), 'moment.parseZone("2016-06-11T17:30:40.678+04:30")' ); testInspect( moment.parseZone('+112016-06-11T17:30:40.678+0430'), 'moment.parseZone("+112016-06-11T17:30:40.678+04:30")' ); assert.equal( moment(new Date('nope')).inspect(), 'moment.invalid(/* Invalid Date */)' ); assert.equal( moment('blah', 'YYYY').inspect(), 'moment.invalid(/* blah */)' ); }); test('long years', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment.utc().year(2).format('YYYYYY'), '+000002', 'small year with YYYYYY'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(2012).format('YYYYYY'), '+002012', 'regular year with YYYYYY'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(20123).format('YYYYYY'), '+020123', 'big year with YYYYYY'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-1).format('YYYYYY'), '-000001', 'small negative year with YYYYYY'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-2012).format('YYYYYY'), '-002012', 'negative year with YYYYYY'); assert.equal(moment.utc().year(-20123).format('YYYYYY'), '-020123', 'big negative year with YYYYYY'); }); test('toISOString() when 0 year', function (assert) { // var date = moment('0000-01-01T21:00:00.000Z'); assert.equal(date.toISOString(), '0000-01-01T21:00:00.000Z'); assert.equal(date.toDate().toISOString(), '0000-01-01T21:00:00.000Z'); }); test('iso week formats', function (assert) { // var cases = { '2005-01-02': '2004-53', '2005-12-31': '2005-52', '2007-01-01': '2007-01', '2007-12-30': '2007-52', '2007-12-31': '2008-01', '2008-01-01': '2008-01', '2008-12-28': '2008-52', '2008-12-29': '2009-01', '2008-12-30': '2009-01', '2008-12-31': '2009-01', '2009-01-01': '2009-01', '2009-12-31': '2009-53', '2010-01-01': '2009-53', '2010-01-02': '2009-53', '2010-01-03': '2009-53', '404-12-31': '0404-53', '405-12-31': '0405-52' }, i, isoWeek, formatted2, formatted1; for (i in cases) { isoWeek = cases[i].split('-').pop(); formatted2 = moment(i, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('WW'); assert.equal(isoWeek, formatted2, i + ': WW should be ' + isoWeek + ', but ' + formatted2); isoWeek = isoWeek.replace(/^0+/, ''); formatted1 = moment(i, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('W'); assert.equal(isoWeek, formatted1, i + ': W should be ' + isoWeek + ', but ' + formatted1); } }); test('iso week year formats', function (assert) { // var cases = { '2005-01-02': '2004-53', '2005-12-31': '2005-52', '2007-01-01': '2007-01', '2007-12-30': '2007-52', '2007-12-31': '2008-01', '2008-01-01': '2008-01', '2008-12-28': '2008-52', '2008-12-29': '2009-01', '2008-12-30': '2009-01', '2008-12-31': '2009-01', '2009-01-01': '2009-01', '2009-12-31': '2009-53', '2010-01-01': '2009-53', '2010-01-02': '2009-53', '2010-01-03': '2009-53', '404-12-31': '0404-53', '405-12-31': '0405-52' }, i, isoWeekYear, formatted5, formatted4, formatted2; for (i in cases) { isoWeekYear = cases[i].split('-')[0]; formatted5 = moment(i, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('GGGGG'); assert.equal('0' + isoWeekYear, formatted5, i + ': GGGGG should be ' + isoWeekYear + ', but ' + formatted5); formatted4 = moment(i, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('GGGG'); assert.equal(isoWeekYear, formatted4, i + ': GGGG should be ' + isoWeekYear + ', but ' + formatted4); formatted2 = moment(i, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('GG'); assert.equal(isoWeekYear.slice(2, 4), formatted2, i + ': GG should be ' + isoWeekYear + ', but ' + formatted2); } }); test('week year formats', function (assert) { // var cases = { '2005-01-02': '2004-53', '2005-12-31': '2005-52', '2007-01-01': '2007-01', '2007-12-30': '2007-52', '2007-12-31': '2008-01', '2008-01-01': '2008-01', '2008-12-28': '2008-52', '2008-12-29': '2009-01', '2008-12-30': '2009-01', '2008-12-31': '2009-01', '2009-01-01': '2009-01', '2009-12-31': '2009-53', '2010-01-01': '2009-53', '2010-01-02': '2009-53', '2010-01-03': '2009-53', '404-12-31': '0404-53', '405-12-31': '0405-52' }, i, isoWeekYear, formatted5, formatted4, formatted2; moment.defineLocale('dow:1,doy:4', {week: {dow: 1, doy: 4}}); for (i in cases) { isoWeekYear = cases[i].split('-')[0]; formatted5 = moment(i, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('ggggg'); assert.equal('0' + isoWeekYear, formatted5, i + ': ggggg should be ' + isoWeekYear + ', but ' + formatted5); formatted4 = moment(i, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('gggg'); assert.equal(isoWeekYear, formatted4, i + ': gggg should be ' + isoWeekYear + ', but ' + formatted4); formatted2 = moment(i, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('gg'); assert.equal(isoWeekYear.slice(2, 4), formatted2, i + ': gg should be ' + isoWeekYear + ', but ' + formatted2); } moment.defineLocale('dow:1,doy:4', null); }); test('iso weekday formats', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment([1985, 1, 4]).format('E'), '1', 'Feb 4 1985 is Monday -- 1st day'); assert.equal(moment([2029, 8, 18]).format('E'), '2', 'Sep 18 2029 is Tuesday -- 2nd day'); assert.equal(moment([2013, 3, 24]).format('E'), '3', 'Apr 24 2013 is Wednesday -- 3rd day'); assert.equal(moment([2015, 2, 5]).format('E'), '4', 'Mar 5 2015 is Thursday -- 4th day'); assert.equal(moment([1970, 0, 2]).format('E'), '5', 'Jan 2 1970 is Friday -- 5th day'); assert.equal(moment([2001, 4, 12]).format('E'), '6', 'May 12 2001 is Saturday -- 6th day'); assert.equal(moment([2000, 0, 2]).format('E'), '7', 'Jan 2 2000 is Sunday -- 7th day'); }); test('weekday formats', function (assert) { moment.defineLocale('dow: 3,doy: 5', {week: {dow: 3, doy: 5}}); assert.equal(moment([1985, 1, 6]).format('e'), '0', 'Feb 6 1985 is Wednesday -- 0th day'); assert.equal(moment([2029, 8, 20]).format('e'), '1', 'Sep 20 2029 is Thursday -- 1st day'); assert.equal(moment([2013, 3, 26]).format('e'), '2', 'Apr 26 2013 is Friday -- 2nd day'); assert.equal(moment([2015, 2, 7]).format('e'), '3', 'Mar 7 2015 is Saturday -- 3nd day'); assert.equal(moment([1970, 0, 4]).format('e'), '4', 'Jan 4 1970 is Sunday -- 4th day'); assert.equal(moment([2001, 4, 14]).format('e'), '5', 'May 14 2001 is Monday -- 5th day'); assert.equal(moment([2000, 0, 4]).format('e'), '6', 'Jan 4 2000 is Tuesday -- 6th day'); moment.defineLocale('dow: 3,doy: 5', null); }); test('toString is just human readable format', function (assert) { var b = moment(new Date(2009, 1, 5, 15, 25, 50, 125)); assert.equal(b.toString(), b.format('ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ')); }); test('toJSON skips postformat', function (assert) { moment.defineLocale('postformat', { postformat: function (s) { s.replace(/./g, 'X'); } }); assert.equal(moment.utc([2000, 0, 1]).toJSON(), '2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', 'toJSON doesn\'t postformat'); moment.defineLocale('postformat', null); }); test('calendar day timezone', function (assert) { moment.locale('en'); var zones = [60, -60, 90, -90, 360, -360, 720, -720], b = moment().utc().startOf('day').subtract({m : 1}), c = moment().local().startOf('day').subtract({m : 1}), d = moment().local().startOf('day').subtract({d : 2}), i, z, a; for (i = 0; i < zones.length; ++i) { z = zones[i]; a = moment().utcOffset(z).startOf('day').subtract({m: 1}); assert.equal(moment(a).utcOffset(z).calendar(), 'Yesterday at 11:59 PM', 'Yesterday at 11:59 PM, not Today, or the wrong time, tz = ' + z); } assert.equal(moment(b).utc().calendar(), 'Yesterday at 11:59 PM', 'Yesterday at 11:59 PM, not Today, or the wrong time'); assert.equal(moment(c).local().calendar(), 'Yesterday at 11:59 PM', 'Yesterday at 11:59 PM, not Today, or the wrong time'); assert.equal(moment(c).local().calendar(d), 'Tomorrow at 11:59 PM', 'Tomorrow at 11:59 PM, not Yesterday, or the wrong time'); }); test('calendar with custom formats', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment().calendar(null, {sameDay: '[Today]'}), 'Today', 'Today'); assert.equal(moment().add(1, 'days').calendar(null, {nextDay: '[Tomorrow]'}), 'Tomorrow', 'Tomorrow'); assert.equal(moment([1985, 1, 4]).calendar(null, {sameElse: 'YYYY-MM-DD'}), '1985-02-04', 'Else'); }); test('invalid', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment.invalid().format(), 'Invalid date'); assert.equal(moment.invalid().format('YYYY-MM-DD'), 'Invalid date'); }); test('quarter formats', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment([1985, 1, 4]).format('Q'), '1', 'Feb 4 1985 is Q1'); assert.equal(moment([2029, 8, 18]).format('Q'), '3', 'Sep 18 2029 is Q3'); assert.equal(moment([2013, 3, 24]).format('Q'), '2', 'Apr 24 2013 is Q2'); assert.equal(moment([2015, 2, 5]).format('Q'), '1', 'Mar 5 2015 is Q1'); assert.equal(moment([1970, 0, 2]).format('Q'), '1', 'Jan 2 1970 is Q1'); assert.equal(moment([2001, 11, 12]).format('Q'), '4', 'Dec 12 2001 is Q4'); assert.equal(moment([2000, 0, 2]).format('[Q]Q-YYYY'), 'Q1-2000', 'Jan 2 2000 is Q1'); }); test('quarter ordinal formats', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment([1985, 1, 4]).format('Qo'), '1st', 'Feb 4 1985 is 1st quarter'); assert.equal(moment([2029, 8, 18]).format('Qo'), '3rd', 'Sep 18 2029 is 3rd quarter'); assert.equal(moment([2013, 3, 24]).format('Qo'), '2nd', 'Apr 24 2013 is 2nd quarter'); assert.equal(moment([2015, 2, 5]).format('Qo'), '1st', 'Mar 5 2015 is 1st quarter'); assert.equal(moment([1970, 0, 2]).format('Qo'), '1st', 'Jan 2 1970 is 1st quarter'); assert.equal(moment([2001, 11, 12]).format('Qo'), '4th', 'Dec 12 2001 is 4th quarter'); assert.equal(moment([2000, 0, 2]).format('Qo [quarter] YYYY'), '1st quarter 2000', 'Jan 2 2000 is 1st quarter'); }); // test('full expanded format is returned from abbreviated formats', function (assert) { // function objectKeys(obj) { // if (Object.keys) { // return Object.keys(obj); // } else { // // IE8 // var res = [], i; // for (i in obj) { // if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // res.push(i); // } // } // return res; // } // } // var locales = // 'ar-sa ar-tn ar az be bg bn bo br bs ca cs cv cy da de-at de dv el ' + // 'en-au en-ca en-gb en-ie en-nz eo es et eu fa fi fo fr-ca fr-ch fr fy ' + // 'gd gl he hi hr hu hy-am id is it ja jv ka kk km ko lb lo lt lv me mk ml ' + // 'mr ms-my ms my nb ne nl nn pl pt-br pt ro ru se si sk sl sq sr-cyrl ' + // 'sr sv sw ta te th tl-ph tlh tr tzl tzm-latn tzm uk uz vi zh-cn zh-tw'; // each(locales.split(' '), function (locale) { // var data, tokens; // data = moment().locale(locale).localeData()._longDateFormat; // tokens = objectKeys(data); // each(tokens, function (token) { // // Check each format string to make sure it does not contain any // // tokens that need to be expanded. // each(tokens, function (i) { // // strip escaped sequences // var format = data[i].replace(/(\[[^\]]*\])/g, ''); // assert.equal(false, !!~format.indexOf(token), 'locale ' + locale + ' contains ' + token + ' in ' + i); // }); // }); // }); // }); test('milliseconds', function (assert) { var m = moment('123', 'SSS'); assert.equal(m.format('S'), '1'); assert.equal(m.format('SS'), '12'); assert.equal(m.format('SSS'), '123'); assert.equal(m.format('SSSS'), '1230'); assert.equal(m.format('SSSSS'), '12300'); assert.equal(m.format('SSSSSS'), '123000'); assert.equal(m.format('SSSSSSS'), '1230000'); assert.equal(m.format('SSSSSSSS'), '12300000'); assert.equal(m.format('SSSSSSSSS'), '123000000'); }); test('hmm and hmmss', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment('12:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('hmm'), '1234'); assert.equal(moment('01:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('hmm'), '134'); assert.equal(moment('13:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('hmm'), '134'); assert.equal(moment('12:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('hmmss'), '123456'); assert.equal(moment('01:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('hmmss'), '13456'); assert.equal(moment('13:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('hmmss'), '13456'); }); test('Hmm and Hmmss', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment('12:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('Hmm'), '1234'); assert.equal(moment('01:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('Hmm'), '134'); assert.equal(moment('13:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('Hmm'), '1334'); assert.equal(moment('12:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('Hmmss'), '123456'); assert.equal(moment('01:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('Hmmss'), '13456'); assert.equal(moment('08:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('Hmmss'), '83456'); assert.equal(moment('18:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('Hmmss'), '183456'); }); test('k and kk', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment('01:23:45', 'HH:mm:ss').format('k'), '1'); assert.equal(moment('12:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('k'), '12'); assert.equal(moment('01:23:45', 'HH:mm:ss').format('kk'), '01'); assert.equal(moment('12:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('kk'), '12'); assert.equal(moment('00:34:56', 'HH:mm:ss').format('kk'), '24'); assert.equal(moment('00:00:00', 'HH:mm:ss').format('kk'), '24'); }); test('Y token', function (assert) { assert.equal(moment('2010-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '2010', 'format 2010 with Y'); assert.equal(moment('-123-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '-123', 'format -123 with Y'); assert.equal(moment('12345-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '+12345', 'format 12345 with Y'); assert.equal(moment('0-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '0', 'format 0 with Y'); assert.equal(moment('1-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '1', 'format 1 with Y'); assert.equal(moment('9999-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '9999', 'format 9999 with Y'); assert.equal(moment('10000-01-01', 'Y-MM-DD', true).format('Y'), '+10000', 'format 10000 with Y'); });