# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'etc' ### # Given ### #Given /^we have an empty file named '(.+)'$/ do |filename| # filename = File.new(File.join(tmpdir, filename), 'w') # filename.close #end #Given /^we have an empty file named '(.+)' in the client cache$/ do |filename| # cache_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "data", "tmp", "cache")) # filename = File.new(File.join(cache_dir, filename), 'w') # filename.close #end #Given /^we have the atime\/mtime of '(.+)'$/ do |filename| # @mtime = File.mtime(File.join(tmpdir, filename)) # @atime = File.atime(File.join(tmpdir, filename)) #end #### # Then #### #Then /^the file'(.+)' should exist$/ do |filename| # File.exists?(File.join(tmpdir, filename)).should be(true) #end #Then /^the file'(.+)' should not exist$/ do |filename| # File.exists?(File.join(tmpdir, filename)).should be(false) #end #currently using absolute path (specified in recipe execute_commands/recipes/umask.rb) #Then /^'(.+)' should exist and raise error when copying$/ do |filename| # File.exists?(filename).should be(true) # lambda{copy(filename, filename + "_copy", false)}.should raise_error() # File.delete(filename) #end #Then /^the (.)time of '(.+)' should be different$/ do |time_type, filename| # case time_type # when "m" # current_mtime = File.mtime(File.join(tmpdir, filename)) # current_mtime.should_not == @mtime # when "a" # current_atime = File.atime(File.join(tmpdir, filename)) # current_atime.should_not == @atime # end #end #Then /^the file'(.+)' contains '(.+)'$/ do |filename, contents| # file = IO.read(File.join(tmpdir, filename)) # file.should =~ /#{contents}/m #end #Then /^the file'(.+)' should be from the '(.+)' specific directory$/ do |filename, specificity| # file = IO.read(File.join(tmpdir, filename)) # file.should == "#{specificity}\n" #end #Then /^the file'(.+)' contains '(.+)' only '(.+)' time$/ do |filename, string, count| # seen_count = 0 # IO.foreach(File.join(tmpdir, filename)) do |line| # if line =~ /#{string}/ # seen_count += 1 # end # end # seen_count.should == count.to_i #end # #Then /^the file named '(.+)' should be owned by '(.+)'$/ do |filename, owner| # uid = Etc.getpwnam(owner).uid # cstats = File.stat(File.join(tmpdir, filename)) # cstats.uid.should == uid #end # #Then /^the file named '(.+)' should have octal mode '(.+)'$/ do |filename, expected_mode| # cstats = File.stat(File.join(tmpdir, filename)) # (cstats.mode & 007777).should == expected_mode.oct #end # #Then /^the file named '(.+)' should have decimal mode '(.+)'$/ do |filename, expected_mode| # cstats = File.stat(File.join(tmpdir, filename)) # (cstats.mode & 007777).should == expected_mode.to_i #end #