SolusVM [![SolusVM Build Status][Build Icon]][Build Status] =========================================================== SolusVM allows for easy interaction with the [SolusVM Admin::API][]. This library was first created for internal use at [Site5 LLC][]. SolusVM has been tested on MRI 1.8.7, MRI 1.9.2, MRI 1.9.3 Preview 1, Rubinius 2.0, and JRuby 1.6.2. [Site5 LLC]: [SolusVM Admin::API]: [Build Status]: [Build Icon]: Basic Examples -------------- Solusvm.config('api_id', 'api_password', :url => '') server = # 200 is the id of the virtual server server.shutdown(200) # => true server.boot(200) # => true server.reboot(200) # => true server.suspend(200) # => true server.resume(200) # => true Server creation --------------- options = {:type => 'xen', :username => 'bob', :node => 'node1', :plan => 'plan1', :template => 'mytpl', :ips => 1} result = sever.create('', 'password', options} p server.successful? => true p result => {"mainipaddress"=>"", "consoleuser"=>"console-user", "vserverid"=>"10", "statusmsg"=>"Virtual server created", "virtid"=>"vm10", "consolepassword"=>"myPassisL33t", "extraipaddress"=>{}, "hostname"=>"server.hostname", "rootpassword"=>"password", "status"=>"success"} Command Line Usage ------------------ USAGE: solusvm <command> [options] -I, --api-login [id] API ID -K, --api-key [key] API KEY -N, --node [node] Node to provision on -U, --api-url [URL] URL to the API -u, --username [username] The client to put the VPS under -k, --kind [kind] Type of VPS (openvz,xen,xen hvm) -t, --template [template] VPS template to boot from -p, --plan [plan] Plan to use -i, --ips [number] Number of ips to add to the VPS -h, --help Show help documentation Commands: node-available-ips <nodeid> server-check-exists <vserverid> server-shutdown <vserverid> server-terminate <vserverid> server-changeplan <vserverid> <newplan> server-resume <vserverid> server-reboot <vserverid> server-rebuild <vserverid> -t myimage server-status <vserverid> server-boot <vserverid> server-create <hostname> <password> -t myimage -k xen -p myplan -i 1 server-suspend <vserverid> server-addip <vserverid> Default Config for Command Line -------------------------------- The command line utility, solusvm, will look for a .solusvm.yml file in ~/. You can specify some defaults. ~/.solusvm.yml id: api_id key: api_key # URL to the API endpoint url: # Default client to put servers under username: bob Requirements ------------ * xml-simple Documentation ------------- * Installation ------------ gem install solusvm Contributors ------------ * [Justin Mazzi]( * [Maran H.]( * [Joshua Priddle]( * [Vince Stratful]( Note on Patches/Pull Requests ----------------------------- * Fork the project. * Add yourself to the Contributors list * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. Copyright --------- Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Site5. See LICENSE for details.