require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::Reimbursement, type: :model do describe ".before_create" do describe "#generate_number" do context "number is assigned" do let(:number) { '123' } let(:reimbursement) { number) } it "should return the assigned number" do expect(reimbursement.number).to eq number end end context "number is not assigned" do let(:reimbursement) { nil) } before do allow(reimbursement).to receive_messages(valid?: true) end it "should assign number with random RI number" do expect(reimbursement.number).to be =~ /RI\d{9}/ end end end end describe "#display_total" do let(:total) { 100.50 } let(:currency) { "USD" } let(:order) { currency) } let(:reimbursement) { total, order: order) } subject { reimbursement.display_total } it "returns the value as a Spree::Money instance" do expect(subject).to eq end it "uses the order's currency" do expect( eq currency end end describe "#perform!" do let!(:adjustments) { [] } # placeholder to ensure it gets run prior the "before" at this level let!(:tax_rate) { nil } let!(:tax_zone) { create(:zone, default_tax: true) } let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items, state: 'payment', line_items_count: 1, line_items_price: line_items_price, shipment_cost: 0) } let(:line_items_price) { } let(:line_item) { order.line_items.first } let(:inventory_unit) { line_item.inventory_units.first } let(:payment) { build(:payment, amount: payment_amount, order: order, state: 'completed') } let(:payment_amount) { } let(:customer_return) { build(:customer_return, return_items: [return_item]) } let(:return_item) { build(:return_item, inventory_unit: inventory_unit) } let!(:default_refund_reason) { Spree::RefundReason.find_or_create_by!(name: Spree::RefundReason::RETURN_PROCESSING_REASON, mutable: false) } let(:reimbursement) { create(:reimbursement, customer_return: customer_return, order: order, return_items: [return_item]) } subject { reimbursement.perform! } before do order.shipments.each do |shipment| shipment.inventory_units.update_all state: 'shipped' shipment.update_column('state', 'shipped') end order.reload order.update! if payment!! # confirm end! # completed! return_item.accept! end it "refunds the total amount" do subject expect(reimbursement.unpaid_amount).to eq 0 end it "creates a refund" do expect { subject }.to change{ Spree::Refund.count }.by(1) expect(Spree::Refund.last.amount).to eq end context 'with additional tax' do let!(:tax_rate) { create(:tax_rate, name: "Sales Tax", amount: 0.10, included_in_price: false, zone: tax_zone) } it 'saves the additional tax and refunds the total' do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::Refund.count }.by(1) return_item.reload expect(return_item.additional_tax_total).to be > 0 expect(return_item.additional_tax_total).to eq line_item.additional_tax_total expect( eq line_item.pre_tax_amount + line_item.additional_tax_total expect(Spree::Refund.last.amount).to eq line_item.pre_tax_amount + line_item.additional_tax_total end end context 'with included tax' do let!(:tax_rate) { create(:tax_rate, name: "VAT Tax", amount: 0.1, included_in_price: true, zone: tax_zone) } it 'saves the included tax and refunds the total' do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::Refund.count }.by(1) return_item.reload expect(return_item.included_tax_total).to be < 0 expect(return_item.included_tax_total).to eq line_item.included_tax_total expect( eq (line_item.pre_tax_amount + line_item.included_tax_total).round(2) expect(Spree::Refund.last.amount).to eq (line_item.pre_tax_amount + line_item.included_tax_total).round(2) end end context 'when reimbursement cannot be fully performed' do let!(:non_return_refund) { create(:refund, amount: 1, payment: payment) } it 'raises IncompleteReimbursement error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(Spree::Reimbursement::IncompleteReimbursementError) end end context "when exchange is required" do let(:exchange_variant) { build(:variant) } before { return_item.exchange_variant = exchange_variant } it "generates an exchange shipment for the order for the exchange items" do expect { subject }.to change { order.reload.shipments.count }.by 1 expect(order.shipments.last.inventory_units.first.variant).to eq exchange_variant end end it "triggers the reimbursement mailer to be sent" do expect(Spree::ReimbursementMailer).to receive(:reimbursement_email).with( { double(deliver_later: true) } subject end end describe "#return_items_requiring_exchange" do it "returns only the return items that require an exchange" do return_items = [double(exchange_required?: true), double(exchange_required?: true),double(exchange_required?: false)] allow(subject).to receive(:return_items) { return_items } expect(subject.return_items_requiring_exchange).to eq return_items.take(2) end end describe "#calculated_total" do context 'with return item amounts that would round up if added' do let(:reimbursement) { } subject { reimbursement.calculated_total } before do reimbursement.return_items << 10.003) reimbursement.return_items << 10.003) end it 'rounds down' do expect(subject).to eq 20 end end context 'with a return item amount that should round up' do let(:reimbursement) { } subject { reimbursement.calculated_total } before do reimbursement.return_items << 19.998) end it 'rounds up' do expect(subject).to eq 20 end end end describe '.build_from_customer_return' do let(:customer_return) { create(:customer_return, line_items_count: 5) } let!(:pending_return_item) { customer_return.return_items.first.tap { |ri| ri.update!(acceptance_status: 'pending') } } let!(:accepted_return_item) { customer_return.return_items.second.tap(&:accept!) } let!(:rejected_return_item) { customer_return.return_items.third.tap(&:reject!) } let!(:manual_intervention_return_item) { customer_return.return_items.fourth.tap(&:require_manual_intervention!) } let!(:already_reimbursed_return_item) { customer_return.return_items.fifth } let!(:previous_reimbursement) { create(:reimbursement, order: customer_return.order, return_items: [already_reimbursed_return_item]) } subject { Spree::Reimbursement.build_from_customer_return(customer_return) } it 'connects to the accepted return items' do expect(subject.return_items.to_a).to eq [accepted_return_item] end it 'connects to the order' do expect(subject.order).to eq customer_return.order end it 'connects to the customer_return' do expect(subject.customer_return).to eq customer_return end end end