module AttributeExt module SafeAttributes # Returns default role used by SafeAttributes. # See SafeAttributes#default_role= for how to specify a default role. def SafeAttributes.default_role @default_role || :default end # Sets SafeAttributes default role that will be used when given role # is a nil value or the :default role. The SafeAttributes default role will # only affect this extension and will not be given to Rails 3.1 mass # assignment authorizer. def SafeAttributes.default_role=(role) @default_role = role end # Returns current role mapper block or sets role mapper if an block is # given. By default no role mapper is active. # # AttributeExt::SafeAttributes.role_mapper do |role| # [:guest, :user, :admin].include?(role) ? role : :guest # end # def SafeAttributes.role_mapper(&block) self.role_mapper = block if block @role_mapper end # Sets current role mapper to given Proc or removes role mapper if # a nil value is given. Any other value will do nothing. # # AttributeExt::SafeAttributes.role_mapper = do |role| # [:guest, :user, :admin].include?(role) ? role : :guest # end # # See SafeAttributes#role_mapper for an short way to set a role mapper. def SafeAttributes.role_mapper=(role_mapper) @role_mapper = role_mapper if role_mapper.is_a?(Proc) @role_mapper = nil if role_mapper.nil? end def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend(ClassMethods) base.alias_method_chain :mass_assignment_authorizer, :safe_attrs end module ClassMethods # Adds a whitelist rule that allows mass assignment for given attributes # based on given optional conditions. # # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # # always mass assignable # safe_attributes :name, :email # # only when new record # safe_attributes :login, :if => { |user| user.new_record? } # # only own password or as admin # safe_attributes :password, :if => { |user,role| user == role } # safe_attributes :password, :as => :admin # end # # All given conditions for one rule must be true to allow mass # assignment for given attributes. Attributes can be added in more than # one rule to allow alternatives (like password above). # # Available Options: # [:+as+] # Attributes will be assignable if mass assignment role is equal (==) given object. # # [:+if+] # Makes attributes assignable if given Proc block returns true. # # [:+unless+] # Attributes cannot be mass assigned if Proc block evaluates to true. # # The :if and :unless options must be Proc block that will be executed each time the # mass assignment authorizer is called and they are called with current # model and role as parameters. def safe_attributes(*attrs) @safe_attributes ||= [] if attrs.empty? @safe_attributes else options = attrs.last.is_a?(Hash) ? attrs.pop : {} @safe_attributes << [attrs, safe_attributes_opts(options)] end end private def safe_attributes_opts(options) opts = { :as => [] } opts[:as] += options[:as].is_a?(Array) ? options[:as] : [options[:as]] if options[:as] opts[:if] = options[:if] if options[:if].is_a?(Proc) or options[:if].is_a?(Symbol) opts[:unless] = options[:unless] if options[:unless].is_a?(Proc) or options[:unless].is_a?(Symbol) opts end end def mass_assignment_authorizer_with_safe_attrs(role = nil) # :nodoc: safe_attributes_authorizer role end def safe_attributes_authorizer(role = nil) if AttributeExt.activemodel_3_0? attrs = safe_attribute_names authorizer = mass_assignment_authorizer_without_safe_attrs else attrs = safe_attribute_names(role) authorizer = mass_assignment_authorizer_without_safe_attrs(role) end if authorizer.kind_of?(::ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::WhiteList) return authorizer + attrs else return attrs end end # Returns new mapped role for given role used by SafeAttributes. # This method should only be used to test own role mapper implementations without need for a # full application. See AttributeExt specs for details. # # See +role_mapper+ method in SafeAttributes module for how to set a role mapper. def safe_attributes_role(role = nil) return unless AttributeExt::SafeAttributes.role_mapper.nil? return AttributeExt::SafeAttributes.default_role if role.nil? or role == :default role end # Returns an array with attributes allowed to be mass assigned by given role. Role will be # mapped before given to rules. # This method should only be used to test own rules without need to create lots of records # to test different situations. See AttributeExt specs for details. def safe_attribute_names(role = nil) role = safe_attributes_role(role) names = [] self.class.safe_attributes.collect do |attrs, options| next unless options[:as].empty? or options[:as].include?(role) next unless options[:if].nil? or safe_attrs_call(options[:if], role) next unless options[:unless].nil? or !safe_attrs_call(options[:unless], role) names += attrs.collect(&:to_s) end names.uniq end private def safe_attrs_call(block_or_sym, role) return safe_attrs_call_block(block_or_sym, role) if block_or_sym.is_a?(Proc) return self.send block_or_sym end def safe_attrs_call_block(block, role) case block.arity when 0 return when 1 return else return, role) end end end end