# Use this to configure graph attribues for mounting, searchs and suggestions SocialFramework.setup do |config| # Define the quantity of levels on mount graph to search # config.depth_to_build = 3 # Define the attributes to build vertex in network graph, # That attributes must exist in User or Event classes, # Are used to search elements in graph # config.attributes_to_build_graph = [:username, :email, :title] # Define the quantity of users to search returns # config.elements_number_to_search = 5 # Type relationships to suggest a new relationships, # can be an string or array with multiple relationships # value default is "friend", the value "all" represent all reslationships type # config.relationship_type_to_suggest = "friend" # Quantity of relationships to suggest a new relationship # config.amount_relationship_to_suggest = 5 # Type relationships to consider to invite to events, # can be an string or array with multiple relationships # value default is "all" thats represent all relationships type # config.relationship_type_to_invite = "all" # Define Roles to Events and permissions to each role # config.event_permissions = { creator: [:remove_event, :remove_admin, :remove_inviter, :remove_participant, # :invite, :make_admin, :make_inviter, :make_creator, # :add_route, :remove_route], # admin: [:remove_inviter, :remove_admin, :remove_participant, # :invite, :make_admin, :make_inviter, # :add_route, :remove_route], # inviter: [:remove_participant, :invite], # participant: [] # } # Used to define slots duration to mount schuedule graph, default is 1.hour # config.slots_size = 1.hour # Max size to duration to mount schedule graph # config.max_duration_to_schedule_graph = 1.month # Max weight to consider in schedule build # config.max_weight_schedule = 10 # Represent the principal mode of travel and maximum deviation accepted # config.principal_deviation = {mode: "driving", deviation: 5000} # Represent the secondary mode of travel and maximum deviation accepted # config.secondary_deviation = {mode: "walking", deviation: 500} # User class name # Use this when extends the default User to use other classes # config.user_class = 'SocialFramework::User' # Schedule class name # Use this when extends the default Schedule to use other classes # config.schedule_class = 'SocialFramework::Schedule' # Event class name # Use this when extends the default Event to use other classes # config.event_class = 'SocialFramework::Event' # Route class name # Use this when extends the default Route to use other classes # config.route_class = 'SocialFramework::Route' # Edge class name # Use this when extends the default Edge to use other classes # config.edge_class = 'SocialFramework::Edge' # Location class name # Use this when extends the default Location to use other classes # config.location_class = 'SocialFramework::Location' # ParticipantEvent class name # Use this when extends the default ParticipantEvent to use other classes # config.participant_event_class = 'SocialFramework::ParticipantEvent' # Google key to use Google Maps API, you can define a environment variable # config.google_key = 'GOOGLE KEY VALUE' end