# Copyright 2017 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

require "google-cloud-firestore"
require "google/cloud/firestore/client"
require "google/cloud/config"
require "google/cloud/env"

module Google
  module Cloud
    # # Cloud Firestore
    # Cloud Firestore is a NoSQL document database built for automatic scaling,
    # high performance, and ease of application development. While the Cloud
    # Firestore interface has many of the same features as traditional
    # databases, as a NoSQL database it differs from them in the way it
    # describes relationships between data objects.
    # See {file:OVERVIEW.md Firestore Overview}.
    module Firestore
      # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
      # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength

      # Creates a new object for connecting to the Firestore service.
      # Each call creates a new connection.
      # For more information on connecting to Google Cloud see the
      # {file:AUTHENTICATION.md Authentication Guide}.
      # @param [String] project_id Identifier for a Firestore project. If not
      #   present, the default project for the credentials is used.
      # @param [String, Hash, Google::Auth::Credentials] credentials The path to
      #   the keyfile as a String, the contents of the keyfile as a Hash, or a
      #   Google::Auth::Credentials object. (See {Firestore::Credentials})
      # @param [String, Array<String>] scope The OAuth 2.0 scopes controlling
      #   the set of resources and operations that the connection can access.
      #   See [Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google
      #   APIs](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2).
      #   The default scope is:
      #   * `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/datastore`
      # @param [Integer] timeout Default timeout to use in requests. Optional.
      # @param [Hash] client_config A hash of values to override the default
      #   behavior of the API client. Optional.
      # @param [String] endpoint Override of the endpoint host name. Optional.
      #   If the param is nil, uses the default endpoint.
      # @param [String] emulator_host Firestore emulator host. Optional.
      #   If the param is nil, uses the value of the `emulator_host` config.
      # @param [String] project Alias for the `project_id` argument. Deprecated.
      # @param [String] keyfile Alias for the `credentials` argument.
      #   Deprecated.
      # @return [Google::Cloud::Firestore::Client]
      # @example
      #   require "google/cloud/firestore"
      #   firestore = Google::Cloud::Firestore.new
      def self.new project_id: nil, credentials: nil, scope: nil, timeout: nil,
                   client_config: nil, endpoint: nil, emulator_host: nil,
                   project: nil, keyfile: nil
        project_id    ||= (project || default_project_id)
        scope         ||= configure.scope
        timeout       ||= configure.timeout
        client_config ||= configure.client_config
        endpoint      ||= configure.endpoint
        emulator_host ||= configure.emulator_host

        if emulator_host
          project_id = project_id.to_s
          raise ArgumentError, "project_id is missing" if project_id.empty?

          return Firestore::Client.new(
              project_id, :this_channel_is_insecure,
              host: emulator_host, timeout: timeout,
              client_config: client_config

        credentials ||= (keyfile || default_credentials(scope: scope))
        unless credentials.is_a? Google::Auth::Credentials
          credentials = Firestore::Credentials.new credentials, scope: scope

        if credentials.respond_to? :project_id
          project_id ||= credentials.project_id
        project_id = project_id.to_s
        raise ArgumentError, "project_id is missing" if project_id.empty?

            project_id, credentials,
            host: endpoint, timeout: timeout, client_config: client_config

      # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize
      # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength

      # Configure the Google Cloud Firestore library.
      # The following Firestore configuration parameters are supported:
      # * `project_id` - (String) Identifier for a Firestore project. (The
      #   parameter `project` is considered deprecated, but may also be used.)
      # * `credentials` - (String, Hash, Google::Auth::Credentials) The path to
      #   the keyfile as a String, the contents of the keyfile as a Hash, or a
      #   Google::Auth::Credentials object. (See {Firestore::Credentials}) (The
      #   parameter `keyfile` is considered deprecated, but may also be used.)
      # * `scope` - (String, Array<String>) The OAuth 2.0 scopes controlling
      #   the set of resources and operations that the connection can access.
      # * `timeout` - (Integer) Default timeout to use in requests.
      # * `client_config` - (Hash) A hash of values to override the default
      #   behavior of the API client.
      # * `endpoint` - (String) Override of the endpoint host name, or `nil`
      #   to use the default endpoint.
      # * `emulator_host` - (String) Host name of the emulator. Defaults to
      # @return [Google::Cloud::Config] The configuration object the
      #   Google::Cloud::Firestore library uses.
      def self.configure
        yield Google::Cloud.configure.firestore if block_given?


      # @private Default project.
      def self.default_project_id
        Google::Cloud.configure.firestore.project_id ||
          Google::Cloud.configure.project_id ||

      # @private Default credentials.
      def self.default_credentials scope: nil
        Google::Cloud.configure.firestore.credentials ||
          Google::Cloud.configure.credentials ||
          Firestore::Credentials.default(scope: scope)