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string: '{"id":"tyfqw20","title":"iPhylo","description":"Rants, raves (and occasionally
considered opinions) on phyloinformatics, taxonomy, and biodiversity informatics. For
more ranty and less considered opinions, see my Twitter
ISSN 2051-8188. Written content on this site is licensed under
a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International license.","language":"en","favicon":null,"feed_url":"https://iphylo.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default","current_feed_url":null,"feed_format":"application/atom+xml","home_page_url":"https://iphylo.blogspot.com/","indexed_at":"2023-02-06","modified_at":"2023-06-17T15:38:20+00:00","license":"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode","generator":"Blogger
7.00","category":"Natural Sciences","backlog":true,"prefix":"10.59350","expired":null,"items":[{"id":"37538c38-66e6-4ac4-ab5c-679684622ade","doi":"https://doi.org/10.59350/2b1j9-qmw12","url":"https://iphylo.blogspot.com/2022/05/round-trip-from-identifiers-to.html","title":"Round
trip from identifiers to citations and back again","summary":"Note to self
(basically rewriting last year''s Finding citations of specimens). Bibliographic
data supports going from identifier to citation string and back again, so
we can do a \"round trip.\" 1. Given a DOI we can get structured data with
a simple HTTP fetch, then use a tool such as citation.js to convert that data
into a human-readable string in a variety of formats. Identifier ⟶ Structured
data ⟶ Human readable string 10.7717/peerj-cs.214 HTTP with...","published_at":1653669240,"updated_at":1653669259,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
Page"}],"image":null,"tags":["citation","GBIF","material examined","specimen
on \"The Macroscope\" - a tool for the 21st Century?","summary":"This is a
guest post by Tony Rees. It would be difficult to encounter a scientist, or
anyone interested in science, who is not familiar with the microscope, a tool
for making objects visible that are otherwise too small to be properly seen
by the unaided eye, or to reveal otherwise invisible fine detail in larger
objects. A select few with a particular interest in microscopy may also have
encountered the Wild-Leica \"Macroscope\", a specialised type of benchtop
microscope optimised for...","published_at":1633610280,"updated_at":1633688782,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
Page"}],"image":null,"tags":["guest post","macroscope"],"language":"en","reference":[]},{"id":"f3629c86-06e0-42c0-844a-266b03a91ef1","doi":"https://doi.org/10.59350/37y2z-gre70","url":"https://iphylo.blogspot.com/2023/05/ten-years-and-million-links.html","title":"Ten
years and a million links","summary":"As trailed on a Twitter thread last
week I’ve been working on a manuscript describing the efforts to map taxonomic
names to their original descriptions in the taxonomic literature. Putting
together a manuscript on linking taxonomic names to the primary literature,
basically “um, what, exactly, have you been doing all these years?”. TL;DR
Across fungi, plants, and animals approx 1.3 million names have been linked
to a persistent identifier for a publication.— Roderic Page (@rdmpage) May
of course","summary":"I haven’t blogged for a while, work and other reasons
have meant I’ve not had much time to think, and mostly I blog to help me think.
ChatGPT is obviously a big thing at the moment, and once we get past the moral
panic (“students can pass exams using AI!”) there are a lot of interesting
possibilities to explore. Inspired by essays such as How Q&A systems based
on large language models (eg GPT4) will change things if they become the dominant
search paradigm — 9 implications for libraries...","published_at":1680526320,"updated_at":1680526621,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
DOIs (again)","summary":"This blog post provides some background to a recent
tweet where I expressed my frustration about the duplication of DOIs for the
same article. I''m going to document the details here. The DOI that alerted
me to this problem is https://doi.org/10.2307/2436688 which is for the article
Snyder, W. C., & Hansen, H. N. (1940). THE SPECIES CONCEPT IN FUSARIUM. American
Journal of Botany, 27(2), 64–67. This article is hosted by JSTOR at https://www.jstor.org/stable/2436688
which displays the DOI...","published_at":1644332760,"updated_at":1644332778,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
in the wild: examples of how structured data is represented on the web","summary":"I''ve
created a GitHub repository so that I can keep track of the examples of JSON-LD
that I''ve seen being actively used, for example embedded in web sites, or
accessed using an API. The repository is https://github.com/rdmpage/wild-json-ld.
The list is by no means exhaustive, I hope to add more examples as I come
across them. One reason for doing this is to learn what others are doing.
For example, after looking at SciGraph''s JSON-LD I now see how an ordered
list can be modelled in RDF in...","published_at":1630070400,"updated_at":1630070987,"indexed_at":1688982503,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
with Plazi parsing: how reliable are automated methods for extracting specimens
from the literature?","summary":"The Plazi project has become one of the major
contributors to GBIF with some 36,000 datasets yielding some 500,000 occurrences
(see Plazi''s GBIF page for details). These occurrences are extracted from
taxonomic publication using automated methods. New data is published almost
daily (see latest treatments). The map below shows the geographic distribution
of material citations provided to GBIF by Plazi, which gives you a sense of
the size of the dataset. By any metric Plazi represents a...","published_at":1635160200,"updated_at":1635437298,"indexed_at":1688982503,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
Page"}],"image":null,"tags":["data quality","parsing","Plazi","specimen","text
for WikiData (WikiCite)","summary":"I''ve released a very crude GraphQL endpoint
for WikiData. More precisely, the endpoint is for a subset of the entities
that are of interest to WikiCite, such as scholarly articles, people, and
journals. There is a crude demo at https://wikicite-graphql.herokuapp.com.
The endpoint itself is at https://wikicite-graphql.herokuapp.com/gql.php.
There are various ways to interact with the endpoint, personally I like the
Altair GraphQL Client by Samuel Imolorhe. As I''ve mentioned earlier it''s
bibliographic data","summary":"There are several instances where I have a
collection of references that I want to deduplicate and merge. For example,
in Zootaxa has no impact factor I describe a dataset of the literature cited
by articles in the journal Zootaxa. This data is available on Figshare (https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5054372.v4),
as is the equivalent dataset for Phytotaxa (https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5525901.v1).
Given that the same articles may be cited many times, these datasets have
lots of...","published_at":1643900940,"updated_at":1643901089,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
Page"}],"image":null,"tags":["data cleaning","deduplication","Phytotaxa","Wikispecies","Zootaxa"],"language":"en","reference":[]},{"id":"d33d4f49-b281-4997-9eb9-dbad1e52d9bd","doi":"https://doi.org/10.59350/92rdb-5fe58","url":"https://iphylo.blogspot.com/2022/09/local-global-identifiers-for.html","title":"Local
global identifiers for decentralised wikis","summary":"I''ve been thinking
a bit about how one could use a Markdown wiki-like tool such as Obsidian to
work with taxonomic data (see earlier posts Obsidian, markdown, and taxonomic
trees and Personal knowledge graphs: Obsidian, Roam, Wikidata, and Xanadu).
One \"gotcha\" would be how to name pages. If we treat the database as entirely
local, then the page names don''t matter, but what if we envisage sharing
the database, or merging it with others (for example, if we divided a taxon
up into chunks, and...","published_at":1662653340,"updated_at":1662657862,"indexed_at":1688982864,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
on TreeBASE dying(?)","summary":"@rvosa is Naturalis no longer hosting Treebase?
https://t.co/MBRgcxaBmR— Hilmar Lapp (@hlapp) May 10, 2022 So it looks like
TreeBASE is in trouble, it''s legacy Java code a victim of security issues.
Perhaps this is a chance to rethink TreeBASE, assuming that a repository of
published phylogenies is still considered a worthwhile thing to have (and
I think that question is open). Here''s what I think could be done. The data
(individual studies with trees and data) are packaged into...","published_at":1652287980,"updated_at":1652350205,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
ideal taxonomic journal","summary":"This is just some random notes on an “ideal”
taxonomic journal, inspired in part by some recent discussions on “turbo-taxonomy”
(e.g., https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1087.76720 and https://doi.org/10.1186/1742-9994-10-15),
and also examples such as the Australian Journal of Taxonomy https://doi.org/10.54102/ajt.qxi3r
which seems well-intentioned but limited. XML One approach is to have highly
structured text that embeds detailed markup, and ideally a tool that generates
markup in XML. This is...","published_at":1664460000,"updated_at":1664460001,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
interfaces, knowledge graphs, and Miller columns","summary":"Some quick notes
on interface ideas for digital libraries and/or knowledge graphs. Recently
there’s been something of an explosion in bibliographic tools to explore the
literature. Examples include: Elicit which uses AI to search for and summarise
papers _scite which uses AI to do sentiment analysis on citations (does paper
A cite paper B favourably or not?) ResearchRabbit which uses lists, networks,
and timelines to discover related research Scispace which navigates connections
Page"}],"image":null,"tags":["cards","flow","Knowledge Graph","Miller column","RabbitResearch"],"language":"en","reference":[]},{"id":"dc829ab3-f0f1-40a4-b16d-a36dc0e34166","doi":"https://doi.org/10.59350/463yw-pbj26","url":"https://iphylo.blogspot.com/2022/12/david-remsen.html","title":"David
Remsen","summary":"I heard yesterday from Martin Kalfatovic (BHL) that David
Remsen has died. Very sad news. It''s starting to feel like iPhylo might end
up being a list of obituaries of people working on biodiversity informatics
(e.g., Scott Federhen). I spent several happy visits at MBL at Woods Hole
talking to Dave at the height of the uBio project, which really kickstarted
large scale indexing of taxonomic names, and the use of taxonomic name finding
tools to index the literature. His work on uBio with David...","published_at":1671213240,"updated_at":1671264743,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
Page"}],"image":null,"tags":["David Remsen","obituary","uBio"],"language":"en","reference":[]},{"id":"30c78d9d-2e50-49db-9f4f-b3baa060387b","doi":"https://doi.org/10.59350/zc4qc-77616","url":"https://iphylo.blogspot.com/2022/09/does-anyone-cite-taxonomic-treatments.html","title":"Does
anyone cite taxonomic treatments?","summary":"Taxonomic treatments have come
up in various discussions I''m involved in, and I''m curious as to whether
they are actually being used, in particular, whether they are actually being
cited. Consider the following quote: The taxa are described in taxonomic treatments,
well defined sections of scientific publications (Catapano 2019). They include
a nomenclatural section and one or more sections including descriptions, material
citations referring to studied specimens, or notes ecology and...","published_at":1662050940,"updated_at":1662050991,"indexed_at":1688982503,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
taxonomic names to the literature","summary":"Just some thoughts as I work
through some datasets linking taxonomic names to the literature. In the diagram
above I''ve tried to capture the different situatios I encounter. Much of
the work I''ve done on this has focussed on case 1 in the diagram: I want
to link a taxonomic name to an identifier for the work in which that name
was published. In practise this means linking names to DOIs. This has the
advantage of linking to a citable indentifier, raising questions such as whether
RSS to monitor the latest taxonomic research","summary":"Over a decade ago
RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) was attracting a lot of
interest as a way to integrate data across various websites. Many science
publishers would provide a list of their latest articles in XML in one of
three flavours of RSS (RDF, RSS, Atom). This led to tools such as uBioRSS
[1] and my own e-Biosphere Challenge: visualising biodiversity digitisation
in real time. It was a time of enthusiasm for aggregating lots of data, such
as the ill-fated PLoS...","published_at":1637700780,"updated_at":1637701172,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
markdown, and taxonomic trees","summary":"Returning to the subject of personal
knowledge graphs Kyle Scheer has an interesting repository of Markdown files
that describe academic disciplines at https://github.com/kyletscheer/academic-disciplines
(see his blog post for more background). If you add these files to Obsidian
you get a nice visualisation of a taxonomy of academic disciplines. The applications
of this to biological taxonomy seem obvious, especially as a tool like Obsidian
enables all sorts of interesting links to be added...","published_at":1649365620,"updated_at":1649366134,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
citing data that cite papers: CrossRef, DataCite, and the Catalogue of Life","summary":"Quick
notes to self following on from a conversation about linking taxonomic names
to the literature. Is there a way to turn those links into countable citations
(even if just one per database) for Google Scholar?— Wayne Maddison (@WayneMaddison)
August 3, 2022 There are different sorts of citation: Paper cites another
paper Paper cites a dataset Dataset cites a paper Citation type (1) is largely
a solved problem (although there are issues of the ownership and use of this...","published_at":1659526380,"updated_at":1659526393,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
Page"}],"image":null,"tags":["Catalogue of Life","citation","CrossRef","DataCite","DOI"],"language":"en","reference":[]},{"id":"a41163e0-9c9a-41e0-a141-f772663f2f32","doi":"https://doi.org/10.59350/gf1dw-n1v47","url":"https://iphylo.blogspot.com/2023/03/dugald-stuart-page-1936-2022.html","title":"Dugald
Stuart Page 1936-2022","summary":"My dad died last weekend. Below is a notice
in today''s New Zealand Herald. I''m in New Zealand for his funeral. Don''t
really have the words for this right now.","published_at":1678762800,"updated_at":1679469956,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
Business of Extracting Knowledge from Academic Publications","summary":"Markus
Strasser (@mkstra write a fascinating article entitled \"The Business of Extracting
Knowledge from Academic Publications\". I spent months working on domain-specific
search engines and knowledge discovery apps for biomedicine and eventually
figured that synthesizing \"insights\" or building knowledge graphs by machine-reading
the academic literature (papers) is *barely useful* :https://t.co/eciOg30Odc—
Markus Strasser (@mkstra) December 7, 2021 His TL;DR: TL;DR: I...","published_at":1639180860,"updated_at":1639180881,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
Page"}],"image":null,"tags":["ai","business model","text mining"],"language":"en","reference":[]},{"id":"96fa91d5-459c-482f-aa38-dda6e0a30e20","doi":"https://doi.org/10.59350/7esgr-61v1","url":"https://iphylo.blogspot.com/2022/01/large-graph-viewer-experiments.html","title":"Large
graph viewer experiments","summary":"I keep returning to the problem of viewing
large graphs and trees, which means my hard drive has accumulated lots of
failed prototypes. Inspired by some recent discussions on comparing taxonomic
classifications I decided to package one of these (wildly incomplete) prototypes
up so that I can document the idea and put the code somewhere safe. Very cool,
thanks for sharing this-- the tree diff is similar to what J Rees has been
cooking up lately with his ''cl diff'' tool. I''ll tag...","published_at":1641122700,"updated_at":1641122959,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
Page"}],"image":null,"tags":["Google Maps","graph","Mammal Species of the
we use the citation graph to measure the quality of a taxonomic database?","summary":"More
arm-waving notes on taxonomic databases. I''ve started to add data to ChecklistBank
and this has got me thinking about the issue of data quality. When you add
data to ChecklistBank you are asked to give a measure of confidence based
on the Catalogue of Life Checklist Confidence system of one - five stars:
★ - ★★★★★. I''m scepetical about the notion of confidence or \"trust\" when
it is reduced to a star system (see also Can you trust EOL?). I could literally
pick any number of stars, there''s...","published_at":1661351580,"updated_at":1661351908,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
Page"}],"image":null,"tags":["Bibliography of Life","citation","synonymy","taxonomic
barcoding as intergenerational transfer of taxonomic knowledge","summary":"I
tweeted about this but want to bookmark it for later as well. The paper “A
molecular-based identification resource for the arthropods of Finland” doi:10.1111/1755-0998.13510
contains the following: …the annotated barcode records assembled by FinBOL
participants represent a tremendous intergenerational transfer of taxonomic
knowledge … the time contributed by current taxonomists in identifying and
contributing voucher specimens represents a great gift to future generations
who will benefit...","published_at":1663150320,"updated_at":1664459850,"indexed_at":1689006804,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
semantic search, and knowledge graphs","summary":"One thing about ChatGPT
is it has opened my eyes to some concepts I was dimly aware of but am only
now beginning to fully appreciate. ChatGPT enables you ask it questions, but
the answers depend on what ChatGPT “knows”. As several people have noted,
what would be even better is to be able to run ChatGPT on your own content.
Indeed, ChatGPT itself now supports this using plugins. Paul Graham GPT However,
it’s still useful to see how to add ChatGPT functionality to your own content
taxonomic search engine","summary":"Tony Rees commented on my recent post
Ten years and a million links. I’ve responded to some of his comments, but
I think the bigger question deserves more space, hence this blog post. Tony’s
comment Hi Rod, I like what you’re doing. Still struggling (a little) to find
the exact point where it answers the questions that are my “entry points”
so to speak, which (paraphrasing a post of yours from some years back) start
with: Is this a name that “we” (the human race I suppose) recognise as...","published_at":1687016280,"updated_at":1687016300,"indexed_at":1688982864,"authors":[{"url":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7101-9767","name":"Roderic
recorded_at: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 20:41:57 GMT
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